Chereads / Irene Max / Chapter 10 - Jake Sylenter_10

Chapter 10 - Jake Sylenter_10

I woke up to rays of sunlight stretched across the surface of my bed and birds tweeting and humming sweet, melodious morning sounds. I could feel the warm sunlight upon my skin and I opened my eyes ready to bear the wrath of the blinding sunlight upon my fragile morning eyes, looking atound wincing from the blinding light I instead abruptly closed them shut in irritation.

I stretched my arms while yawning as I poked my leg out as the the cold chill of the room spiked my skin. I quickly threw on my robe and walked out of my room my hair in a scruffy mess. I felt the cold surface of the floor cool my feet as I looked at the door.

I thought to myself was all of that just a dream I walked to my brother's room to see a boy with impeccably, good looking features. My eyes traced along his sharp jawline to his pointy cheekbones and dreamy white cloudy eyes.

He had white hair ,like snow, and soft pink lips I stopped staring at him and realised yep this is real. looked down to see how he was wrapped in blanket like a cinnamon roll. So it wasn't a dream all of that stuff that happened yesterday was actually real, I couldn't believe it! (Well I could obviously I mean he was righttt there its oroof of his existence). I decided to make food and then wake him up it sounded like the smarter idea as I skipped down the stairs.

Lu Jinyu P.O.V

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes I saw the plain blue ceiling, then I looked around me as white strings of hair hung above my eyes and the cloudy white sky through the window white was mostly covered by the thick green curtains. I looked at my surroundings to see a big brown wardrobe and some random toys lying around, and poster of robots fighting each other, and a shelf full of toys and different object some that shone and some that were dull.

A lovely smell drifted into the room as I followed running the stairs with a pair of trousers shirtless. The smell of bacon and egg being placed on a plate I looked greedily at it. Irene turned around and nearly jumped seeing me she looked surprised saying "Oh jeez you really scared me, hhehh you here to eat you sure woke up quicker than I thought you would."

"Yeah, the smell of what you were making smells really good."

Irene P.O.V

Lu Jinyu was shirtless. I wasn't exactly staring but I was a little surprised. I handed him the plate of food as we sat down at the side table, as he gobbled up the egg and bacon savouring every bit. I cleared away as he intently stared at me I could feel chills from the back of my head.

I turned around to see he was off the chair and when I turned around again back to what I was doing he was infront of me. He looked bored as I wearily asked, "What do you want, bro if youe bored you can watch TV." Lu Jinyu nodded before rushing off it was the weekends and we could do anything.

I decided that we would go shopping.

"Lu boy! We are going to go out so come on!" As soon as he heard this he hurried wearing a baggy shirt and plain trousers but it just made him look even more attractive. As he muttered under his breath, "I'm not some dog don't call me that jeez."

I smiled at him replying, "Oh yes you are a dog to me if your living in my house I mean if you were a boy then of course I would never lwt you stay..DOG"

I continued smiling seeing his annoyance is what fillled me with pleasure I thought cackling inside my head.


We were now in the air bus as it carefully glided across the sky I looked down to see floating cities and several, small domes. Lu Jinyu looked ecstatic and bored at the same time about the amazing view of the city and also because it was quite high up as he kept on looking all the way eyes glued to the window.

We arrived at the mall the place filled with bleedingly loud noise as he whispered, "wow amazing so this is how it is in the hum..I mean the mall." I nodded as we walked within the thick crowd of chattering people his eyes scanned everywhere and everything, we walked inside a clothing store I already bought him a few shirts and nyself some roo but he had his eyes on a beautiful necklace encrusted with diamonds and pearls.

I dragged him away from the precious jewelry section as soon as I saw the price tag it was more than 5000+ pounds I mean yeah it was beautiful but I distance myslef away from things that cost probably more than me.. We continued on into the mall I was just checking until I realised Lu Jinyu was not at my side, I saw Lu Jinyu holding the previous necklace he wanted so much as some officers were looking around asking people on their hoverboards. I literally wanted to kill him so bad slice him f&#+#in destroy him as he ran to me and we literally licked eye with tye police officers as they started running to get to us I suddenly realised this and panicked.

I took his hand and suddenly started running this was like a friggin movie I thought cringing so hard if it wasn't for that dense idiots tha- tha-! I felt his hand pull me into a thin hallway barely enough for us to both fit in like a janitor room. His body warm against mine his eyes searched for any sign of officers his breath hot on my neck and me:frozen like ice, if you were thinking of how I ended up in this cringey very veryyy cliche likely-to-happen-in-romance-novels-situation... I don't know?

I realised the inappropriate situation I suddenly disparted but before that I stepped on his foot and kicked him in the stomach I knew that was a mean thing to do but yeah he totally deserved it.

I took a deep breath and said to myself. This never happened.

The next thing we did was that I made sure he put it back as we slyly looked for a way out.

We walked into the elevator as I pressed the button a pale peachy hand stopped the silver doors from closing, a green-eyed handsome dude entered in-between us as we awkwardly waited. I was a bit annoyed like who waltzes in-between people.

As soon as we made eye contact he smiled then that's when it finally hit me. I knew this guy! "Irene it's been a while hasn't it."

I swallowed nervously to myself remembering what he had to me in the past he bullied me a lot he did some things that still leaves a scar in my mind. I was furious I wished I would've never met a sick-in-the-head boy like him.

I snarled as I gritted under my teeth, "Wow it's been so long hasn't it I nearly even forgot who you were Jake Sylenter."