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Rough World

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"I ruined it, for everyone". "I was the reason my family was destroyed. The hate you feel to me, I promise you, it is misplaced my dear friends" A noble, a warrior, a legend, a villain?... has fallen. Decron, (Deh-craugh-n), Lunar Durtch is a noble, born into the very hated and suppressed Durtch family. The head of this family, Corronor Pesmo Durtch, was given the noble title Viscount for his meritorious deed of providing a plan, (stolen credit), that stopped a portion of the Mid-eastern kingdom's cities from rebelling against the king after the war. The cause? During the war the Mid-eastern kingdom suffered many setbacks against it's enemies. Many cities were occupied by the Northern kingdom, who is located in a cold and desolate wasteland positioned in the north. the land it has at its disposal is so huge that three of the current Mid-eastern kingdoms could fit in within it. When the Northern kingdom had taken over those cities, the food, water, wood, and any merchandise that was a trademark good produced by that city was sneaked off into the Northern Kingdom. During their occupation the people were starved, dehydrated, and lacked many of their common goods and necessities. Understanding the implications this would have on their reputation, the Northern Kingdoms upper managment devised a scheme that would not only make the residents of these cities view them amiably, but also hate the king they belong to. They sent men to disguise as civilians to spreaded rumors, put propaganda posters in many viewable areas to hint at one thing. Their king abandoning them. Their supplies has been cut off, they have been forgotten, by the king. But we, from the Northern kingdom are willing to aid you. They promised to alleviate the problems the citizens of the occupied cities were facing and suffering through. Though they never planned to follow through this promise, as right after they promised this they retreated after sacrificing a few men to the invading royal army from the Mid-eastern kingdom...

Chapter 1 - Nobility, and Power Systems

(This chapter is optional)

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The nobles all have their duties in correspondence to their particular rank.

The king rules the entire kingdom naturally, but as one man it's hard to manage millions upon millions of citizens. To remedy this problem the nobility system was created.

Below the king are the Dukes, they are relegated a large portion of the King's kingdom to manage with marquises, counts, viscounts, and barons to aid them. They manage their part of the kingdom under the kings authority, and enforce his will.

Under the Duke's nobility rank is the Marquise. The status of Marquise is not directly involved with land and it's management, instead their power lies in politics, legistration, and influence within the royal courts. They are mostly held up in the capital city.

Next is the count. They are the major nobles with the most flexible roles. They can be appointed over land, towns, cities, be a political force under a marquise, the head of a wealthy family of merchants, or the head of a powerful family of aurna users, etc. One can only reach count status by having major contributions to the kingdom, or a long history of contributions to the kingdom.

Viscounts on the other hand are restricted to ruling over towns within a counts authority, their sway is usually decided upon the town they are placed over. If their town is positioned in a strategic location with resources it reflects the favor they have in their local count's eyes (or the counts' wealth). While if the town the count chooses for them to preside over is a barren land with little resources and nothing for actual growth, it could indicate the count's displeasure of the Viscount, (or lack of wealth of the count). Viscounts are appointed their status by counts or higher nobles, and meant solely for the purpose of helping those nobles manage their territory.

Placed below even the Viscount are barons, the starting place of many noble families. A place of status, with little to no responsibilities. A baron's position within the nobility system is likened to a rich families bastard child, privileged without duties. There is little difference between a Baron and the head of a very wealthy family in terms of responsibility, but the benefits provided to those of noble status are enough to make the non-nobles....VERY envious.


Every child that reaches the age of 7 awakens a trait that impacts their future. There are four types of traits, universal, combative, supportive, and survival traits. There are also four grades assigned to these traits, they are: common, rare, unique, and legendary grade.

The grading system does not completely mark the power of said trait. Instead it hints at the possible usefulness of a trait. There are useless rare traits, while some common traits can even compete with unique traits. But there has not ever been a legendary trait that performs at the same level or worse than a common trait. All in all, the grading system for traits only roughly estimates the potential power or effect your trait may, or, sadly, may not have.

Traits only provides an extra incentive to a particular craft, art, or profession it effects. Training in what ever path the individual chooses in the future, (partially influenced by their trait), is still needed.


But no matter which path they choose, learning to harness, manipulate, and utilize the power of aurna is an absolute must. Whether you are a lumberjack, a warrior, a ranger, or just thinking, aurna for those lucky enough to gain access to it, is a must have. Just having aurna gives you a minor boost to all bodily functions. It naturally increases ones strength, flexibility, speed, reaction speed, thinking speed, brain processing power, healing, stamina recovery and much, MUCH more.

Mysteriously, aurna only appears in a person after their awakening. Before that, the presence of aurna is non-existent within said person pre-awakening. The amount of aurna a person starts off with after their awakening is a good indicator of their potential.

So, what even is aurna? Well, aurna is a fabric like energy, like paper strips in shape, but incorporeal, (aka, untouchable and unseeable with the naked eye). Considering a high amount of aurna can be felt, and at an inhuman level can be solid, it's better classified as semi-incorporeal. This energy can cover your body and seep into it, slowly, (but surely), strengthening it. Any part of the body that it is applied to is enhanced. Whether that be the brain, heart, your muscles, bones, skin, and more, their functions are enhanced. But that is not all it is useful for, like any other fantasy energy it can be harnessed, manipulated, and utilized.


Those who can utilize aurna actively for a combat are called aurna users. They are measured in power by the power rank system. Power ranks are divided into 5 ranks: basic, intermediate, Advanced, Elite, and Royal. They are separated by their effective threat level they present. The deciding factor that indicates someone is at a certain level, is usually their ability to control aurna in conjunction to their capacity for aurna.


At the basic level, they only hold a somewhat decent amount of aurna. Their ability to use it is very crude and inefficient. They can use weak augmentations on their bodies to boost power, and speed. The augmentations they use come at the drawback of straining the limb it is applied to because of their crude control. Another name for those at the basic level is aurna warriors.

Intermediate aurna users have attained a decent level of mastery in aurna manipulation. Their augmentations are still somewhat basic, only enhancing their bodies functions, like strength, speed, senses, defence, and other aspects. At this level they have a decent control of their aurna augments and can perform a low level augmentations without straining their bodies. On the flip side, they can put far more aurna into their augmentations to perform extreme moves (high). The cost? Their ability to use the part of their body they augmented. A second name for those at the intermediate level is aurna knights.

At the advanced rank aurna users can do what the intermediate rank aurna users can do, but passively, and at a much higher level( intermediate). Their bodies are being augmented even while delivering a big one while sitting on the toilet!! At this level the aurna users start to gain access to a superior way of utilizing aurna. They learn about aurna's charateristic changability. Aurna is infact malleable, and can be shaped into different things. The problem is first the quantity available needs to be high enough then the ability to manipulate it in a precise enough manner. Charateristics in aurna can effect whether it is solid or not. You can also give it cutting power. You can turn it into fire, or electricity with special techniques. This is where advanced rank aurna users can have a divide in powers. One path is to focused on the simple changes in the aspect of aurna, creating sharpness, heaviness, or toughness, things like that. While a the other path would take things even further, creating the elements with aurna, or other special effects. Those who have the fortune to reach the advanced level are usually referred to as elite aurna knights.

Elite aurna users are a different breed of entities all together. The elite rank is a advance aurna user that has mastered aurna charateristic change. They can even develop it to a different level entirely. This level of aurna manipulation is called aurna domain. It is where the chosen aurna charateristic of the Elite aurna user is applied in a big sphere to their surroundings. If anything is caught in the area influenced by the domain, not only will the Elite aurna user be instantly alerted but the intruder will be greatly suppressed by the domain. As a Lord they dominate their opponents with their domains, this gives them their title, aurna lords.

Lastly, is the Royal rank. Not much is known about this rank, it is only speculated that certain legends found in this world's history have reached this rank before. This level of power though, is historically only found in times when humanity is at risk of being exterminated. The significance of someone with the potential of becoming a Royal aurna user user is not small. Instead they are a sign of future destruction, a beacon of hope for survival, and the last line of defence for humanity. In respect to these behemoths they are regarded as royals on a higher class compared to those at the Elite level. They are royals and as such are referred to as Royal aurna lords.