I stood gobsmacked. Before me was a two headed dark crimson Western dragon. From snout to tail tip it was about 14 Feet long, and it's shoulders stood just eye level. Its underbelly was a darker shade than the rest of its body, the same for it's wings. The membrane was almost black while the rest was the same shade of crimson as the rest of the body. It's eyes were mirrored on both heads. The right head had a Yellow right eye and a almost white left. White the left head was the opposite. It had two large jet black horns sticking out the back of its heads, and smaller ones on the brow.
"Oh yes! A fearsome dragon for a fearsome Dwarven King!" I grin maniacally. "Here that Rho? He said I'm fearsome!" said the right head. "No no no Shak he said I'M the fearsome one. You're too meek for that." The left head said vehemently. So do I have two familiars? Because this is gonna get confusing. "Hello I am Reinhardt Axeblade I can't wait to work with you. What is your name? ....Names?" I ask hesitantly not completely sure of the answer.
The left head jovially says, "He's Rho!" while gesturing with his head. "And he's Shak!" doing the same. "And together we are the mighty RHOSHAK!!" They puff out their chest with pride and flap their wings once to get a little height. I smile at their antics , " Well then what can you do? Any special abilities?" I ask curiously. "Oh yes I can send long distance telepathic messages, either on a mass scale or personal. I'm also the faster twin and most handsome. I'm the scout of the package." Rho explains with obvious pride.
"I have an enormous affinity with reinforcement magic. I can tank most things and my claws can render magisteel with ease. I am the front liner. Tho likes to do hit and run and what he calls "epic bombing runs" so we make a great team." Shak seems the more mature of the two but you can definitely tell he causes his own mischief. Something about what they said caught my attention. "You act like you are two separate bodies. How would you do any of that separately?" I question.
"Oh that's easy!" Rho yells...And then separates from Shak. As he does that he grows another wing and two more legs. but he shrinks somewhat and has a sleek body. Shak on the other hand bulks up like all his extra muscle was apart of Rho. My eyes are almost out of my head at this point but I quickly regain my composure just to bust out laughing. "Hahahaha. This is great! A tank to have my back and a scout for damage. I have to ask though how is your fire affinity? Because mine will most likely get out of control later on in the middle of battle. I've been told it will be a bit heated." I'm ecstatic about my familiar but I am worried I might harm them. "Do not fear partner we are dragons! We live in fire, We are completely immune to it in fact we both come with a great fire affinity as well. We shall be an unstoppable machine when together!" Shak also seems excited about our future teamwork. "Alright then I will summon you both out you might want to fuse back together I don't know how this will feel." I warn them before I close my eyes and concentrate. I gather a large amount of magic and then burst it all out at once.
Back outside Jade and the other gods and some of the dwarves are watching expectantly. Jade starts to feel my rising power level and immediately steps back a puts up a powerful barrier in between me and the rest. A tsunami of magic and fire burst forth and scorches the surrounding area. A soon as the fire recedes everyone can see me grinning madly at them with Rhoshak striking an impressive figure next to me. The left side of my chest and ribs are covered in a dark crimson and black dragon tattoo that's outlined in gold. the heads are spewing flame and it's tail circles my navel.
"Everyone this is Rhoshak my familiar!" I proudly present my mighty companion. The dwarves are shocked and staring in awe. While the gods are admiring him. Gaia in particular is grinning widely and clapping like mad showing how proud she is of her little king. Jade nods while grinning, "Yes I see you have gotten your perfect match. Especially with your flames there. let me get a good look at you two." She then starts to circle us and mumbles to herself and nod periodically. "Yes a fine match indeed. You two, or is it three? haha yes you three will a force to be reckoned with in the future. Work hard and watch each other's backs and you will go far. Now it is my time to go, Rein why don't you help your people find your companion as well? I'm sure Gaia and Freyja will gladly help." The goddess says before she smiles and waves then we all have to avert our eyes and she flashes into light then disappears.
It takes a a few hours to get everyone's familiar but we did get some really good ones. Baldur got a huge boar with 4 large tusks. Her name was Bessy which I had to try hard to not laugh at. Rivira got what looked like a mini angel, wings and all. She was about a foot and a half tall with glowing wings. A miner got a crystal golem name Geo. It was what and light green in color and 4 feet tall but very bulky easily hundreds of pounds. A farmer got a small fairy dryad mixture. It has a special ability to plant what looks like a redwood bonsai tree and it will help all crop growth and animal health in a 500 meter radius, but it is supposed to increase in range as they grow older and stronger. A healer got a small pink slime that eats bacteria and other illnesses. it produces small amounts of a healing potion also, it isn't very effective yet but it will be in the future. It would only cute a good headache for now. One of the hunter warriors got a Grey wolf, not big enough to ride on but definitely enough for hunting and fighting.
Once everyone got there companions we all got to work. The woodsmen had already started on getting lumber for housing and the miners stone for the same. When they were created they had basic clothing for there job and a set for casual wear, they also had basic sets of tools and weaponry. Short swords and hunting knives for the warriors. Axes for woodsmen along with bows. The miners had pickaxes and shovels along with helmets. The healers had stone mortar and pestle along with a small leather satchel for carrying supplies. I had my clothing and light leather armor and A two handed double sided battle axe along with a hunting knife. Rivira had her Wooden staff and a necklace that looks made of silver with a slightly shining white crystal in the shape of a hammer head.
It took us about a week to get enough housing for everyone and to start up small farms. I was currently in the "town hall" discussing future plans with my miners and builders. We decided a massive stone gate flush with the side of the Northern mountain will be our first line of defense and show of power. Our whole plan is to have a massive underground settlement in the entirety of the Northern mountain which we decided to call The Northern Star. It will be our capital city and main hub. It will be completely hollowed out in the center from a hundred meters from the peak to hundreds of meters below ground level. There will be multiple levels for separate areas and needs. the ground floor shall have the main Temple and Court yard. We will have foliage there for decoration and cleaner oxygen. That will all be against the north wall. The main floor will be 300 meters in a perfect circle with two large ramps going up and down the city. From there we will have a Merchant floor, A craft floor, our main medical floor but there will be small medical areas all around in case of emergencies, Halfway up the mountain will be an outcropping leading outside with a landing area for future flying mounts. We were gifted with knowledge of the animal life on the planet and there are griffins, drakes, pegasi, and funnily enough flying pigs. Above all of this will be where The royal family and main kingdom business will be. There will be a reinforced crystal floor to see everything below. The top floor will be for me and any future family and all floors below that will be for a council and military officials.
Underneath the ground floor courtyard will be the start of the military compound. Barracks, training yards, armories, and offices. Below that will be the biggest area of all. The Forges and mines. There will be massive Forges powered by magma and magic. It will be connected with walkways and railways to the mines. There will be a vault placed just underneath the Forges once it is all mined out. from the mines we will excavate giant underground passageways for travel between future cities and escape routes. The first tunnels we will dig are for the two surrounding mountains and a large one connecting the Star and the bay for fishing. We will have our farms and cattle area between the bay and the capital.
It took us many months to get the first floor excavated out and start on the gate. Thank the gods for magic, or else it would have taken us years. Once the first level was dug out we decided to move our people in there for protection from the winter. We get the main force of the weather on this world during the north. The farmers and mages came to a decision to make indoor greenhouses for future crops. We still hunted but now we are searching and deciding which animals to breed for cattle farming.
The healers have recently discovered what Jade meant by a boost in fertility. Almost every single woman is pregnant. Seven of them with more than one child. There is a healer with quadruplets on the way. Poor woman. I have yet to find me a bride but I'm not actively searching either. Most of my time has spent with planning, helping where I can and getting tort.. I mean learning from the gods. Mars kicks my ass daily and then let's Gaia take me to heal me up and teach me about my nature and earth magic. I have crafts training every other day with Hephaestus. It's an amazing experience to watch her work. It's an art form. No wasted movement or lack of precision. Every single strike of the hammer reverberates with power. Then there is Freyja. Ugghhhh. My brain physically hurts after every session. She is not only teaching me how to use my magic for my affinities but also how to use others. You see magic in this world isn't as black and white as you can't use something you don't have an affinity for. No with hard work and determination you can work and magic you want but it's like night and day with the difficulty. My flames feel like breathing. I don't even have to try, they just do want I want. It's gotten to the point where I can decide what not to burn but only on small scales. My reinforcement magic is coming along nicely I can now lift boulders thrice my weight. I'm much stronger than my speed though. I can't take a step and disappear, but I'm not slow either. I can probably keep up with a horse from my home world. I have monstrous endurance. I barely have to stop and take breaks when training only when I'm hurt do I actually have to. With my reinforcements I can catch a swing from a magisteel blade with ease.
There are infinite ways to use magic in this world it's all up to three things, imagination, your will, and magical power. Basically as long as you can imagine it and have enough power you can do anything, but there is a heavy cost when doing things not of the mortal plane. If you want to bring someone back to life you must sacrifice an equal amount of people. Not equal to the person but there magic, so the more powerful the more people need to die. But there's a catch, they will never be the same. infact most people go insane and can't tell ally from foe. So you want to steer clear from godly levels of magic.
Freyja has been teaching me magic manipulation and how to conjure different things. So far all I can conjure is basic knives and small cups or bowls. I can conjure water as well but it's more like collecting moisture in the air. Conjuring food doesn't really work because it will eventually revert to magic so you won't get anything out of it. Freyja can conjure giant elemental golems with semi sentience. It's really amazing what magic can do.
Rhoshak has been scouting the continent and training with me recently. We make an amazing team when sparing with Hilda and Mars. Boldur gets in there with us sometimes too. He has recently found some wandering herds of a beast that looks to be a mixture of a buffalo and an elephant. Massive beasts easily 5 meters tall covered in thick fur with horns and tusks. They have a trunk as well. We have decided they will be our source of food and other resources if they are edible. one of our farmers basically has a giant sheep dog for a familiar so he will be the main cattle driver.
We have two groups of miners working right now. the first group is excavating our home and the second is hard at work mining for resources. They have found multiple different veins of metals. they found to large finds yesterday that if worked properly will be a great boon so early on. Mithril is the first. Hephaestus has told us that it is one of the most sought-after metals in the world. It's not the strongest but it's capacity to hold magic is the best. The second vein though will be a great combination for the two. Adamantine is the strongest natural metal in existence. If you make an axe out of mithril with an adamantine billet forge welded as the cutting edge you will have a top tier tool of war. It's cutting potential and magic retention will make it priceless. If you include the runes you can add to it and you have a treasure fit for a king. and we have enough to kit out everyone here.
Hephaestus is already talking with Mars to figure out what type of weapon is best for me. She will be guiding me through to make my own personal weapon and said if it is perfect she will soul bind it to me. Soul binding it will let it grow with me. and if enough time and magic is put into it a sentience can be achieved, bit the time needed for that will be centuries. My immortality tells me I'll get it eventually though.
It will take time but we will eventually get my kingdom up and running. Only time is holding us back, but when we do finally finish this world won't know what hit it.
(AN: Hello my readers. I thank you all for joining me on this journey and for all your comments. all 4 of them lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and how I'm going about it. This chapter is the set up for building the main capital and fleshing out the magic. next chapter will see us exploring more of our continent and maybe some special. stay tuned for more Dwarven goodness.)