"I need to order a new bra. Mine has gotten old and small. Hmm it takes two to three business days? Not bad." Hi, I'm Yuii Shin college transfer from Japan. I'm in school for a veterinary college. I live alone in an apartment near my school. Alone. All alone. My family is back in Japan, and I only have one friend. Her name is Soo Lin. Friends since primary school. We moved here together. Although we live in different places so she can be closer to her job and school. She is in school for modeling and fashion designing. Anyways back to the story. "Okay bra ordered." I have this annoying neighbor who just loves music and he plays as loud as he can." Ugh will he ever shut up?" An unknown voice said from out the window from the other apartment " Hey girl I heard that! Shut up go back to China why don't you?!" Yuii responded with " Boy! First of all it's Japan! Second of all you're the one screaming the damm lyrics. You sound like a screaming goat!" I think to myself " God I hate him."