Chereads / The Underrated Boss 《Long Hiatus》 / Chapter 21 - (21) Hijacked

Chapter 21 - (21) Hijacked

Kraton made it back to his dungeon without being discovered, his disguise really was an excellent quality stealth equipment. In fact, due to his mentality that no-one could see him, Kraton somehow learnt the Skills: 'Conceal' and 'Hide'.

'Conceal' hid his health, name and stats from being seen, even if the opponent had 'Analysis', furthermore, if he killed someone in the concealed state, his name would not appear in the kill feed.

'Hide' on the otherhand, was the pre-skill for 'Camouflage'. 'Hide' could help Kraton blend in with the shadows, or help hide behind rocks, as long as others weren't actively looking for him, there was a huge chance that they wouldn't see him.

Using his disguise, and new skills he even snuck round the town center to get back without being seen by the morning commuters. He also heard a bit of gossip, but nothing that caught his attention too much, most talk was revolved around the appearance of a new Boss, this wasn't that suprising as many new dungeons popped up every day, either in caves, forests or taking over other dungeons through territorial war.

Approaching his dungeon entrance, Kraton felt good to be back, yet something felt off. The usual sounds of the loud goblins couldn't be heard, that was fine as he never really liked those dumb goblins anyway. But what made Kraton uncomfortable was a different, more sharp and skin-tingling sound that reverberated from the depths of the dungeon.

Concealing himself in his metal cloak completely, Kraton tiptoed in, alert for any hostile intruders. The first floor was devoid of any of the usual lazing hob-goblins, instead large cobwebs covered the rooms from ceiling to floor. Large eyes and hairy bodies lay clamped on the ceiling wall, waiting for any unsuspecting prey to fall into their obvious webs. These common Giant Spiders were the pests of dungeons, as soon as a room or dungon floor was left ungoverned, these spiders would swarm in and take this territory as their own. If the goblins really left, then these spiders would be the temporary residents until another common species took over.

Kraton merely stepped right through the webs, ripping a path through the mess. His figure was way too heavy for the webs to constrain, so the Giant Spiders stayed hidden and let him pass without trouble. Only after his hairy figure descended to the second floor did these also hairy arachnids come out and fix their grey nets, ready for their next prey.

Kraton quietly descended down a floor, the screeching noises became louder, it was as if there was someone down there who was constantly scraping their sword on the ground. The second floor was hardly illuminated, only two torches were lit and were placed in the driest corners of the room. The ceiling had a few stalactites hanging down, with a slow dripping of water running down every now and then.

This room was also devoid of the goblins, but in place were a few ornamental statues. If the statues were smaller and had bigger heads, Kraton would have thought that the goblins had petrified into rock statuettes.

Kraton shuffled through the first room rather warily, there was no sign of life in that first room, yet the spiders had not nested in the area. Kraton was halfway through the second room when a crackily, stone-cold voice rang out.

"Unus, stop creeping around like that, we all know it's you so there's no need to hide."

"I'm right behind you Duis, that rock isn't me this time" A second voice rang out, it sounded rather pissed and wronged when it complained.

"Tribus! is that you then?" The first voice called out again, rather angrily at being tricked.

"Whuuut, I was sleeping." *Yaaaawn* A third voice also sounded, and it's yawn was rather disturbing, similar to a large rock landside, the scraping sound hurt Kraton's ears and was tempted to yell 'Shut up' at them.

"Not you? GUUUUARDS! INTRUDER" Duis suddenly yelled out, and two armored statues appeared by the back doorway of the room, blocking Kraton from proceeding to the the next room.

Two figures also jumped down from the ceiling, and a third one fell down rather lazily. Their skin was grey and cracked and was indistinguishable from the stone that made up the room. Upon their heads were awkwardly bent horns, each of the five figures had uniwue horns, some had one, others had two or three and they came in all different shapes and sizes. Another thing these creatures had in common was a pair of wings that had several bone-like features running down them, and each wing ended with a spike, or claw.

The two armoured statues by the door stood motionless, with their clawed hands stretched outwards in an agressive stance. The three statues that fell down had began to approach the the metallic rock that Kraton had disguised as.

Sensing that he had undoubtedly been discovered, Kraton stood up, high and almighty and glared down at the three winged statues.

"Who the hell are you, and where are the idiotic goblins?!" Kraton lowered his voice, trying to sound domineering and powerful.

The three stone-skinned creatures looked at each with questioning gazes.

"HAHAHA!!" The three bellowed loudly, but they sounded like a disharmony of broken violins.

"I'm Buttman" One of the three roared out in a deep voice, quite clearly mocking Kraton's voice. This led to another chorus of disturbing laughter.

After a while, the three of them stopped laughing and sized Kraton up. They hadn't attacked yet, partluy because they were laughing, and partly because they didn't know how strong this hairy giant was.

"Goblins? We killed them all and sent them out, the Boss of this dungeon is backing us and helped us secure our territory, what ye gonna do about it sasquatch? We Gargoyles are under the Queen's protection Mr Silver McHairyy---!"

The apparent leader of the three spoke with a cracked smirk on his face. However, the smirk quickly vanished and his face was replaced with and expression of shock, his eyes popped out and if stone could piss, this creature would have pissed buckets in a second.

Kraton had clenched his fists in anger during the Gargoyle's mocking, and when it mocked him again, his fist pummeled into the speaking figures head, sending him flying into the wall. A second later, another Gargoyle was sent soaring, right onto the first guy, causing him to caugh up pebbles in pain.

"S-Stay back!" The third Gargoyle stuttered, his claws were raised and wings were spread wide to make him look intimidating. Kraton merely stretched forward and grabbed the pitiful guy before ripping his horns of and impaling the two who were stuck to the wall with it. Kraton then casually threw the Gargoyle to join his buddies with tremendous force, causing the wall to tremble a little.

The two armoured guards hadn't moved more than three steps from the doorway and were frozen in fear mid-step.

*CRASH* *Faceplant*

The two guards fell face down onto the floor, but didn't stand up afterwards. Instead, they kept their heads down, daring not to look up at Kraton.

"P-Please spare us, we'll take you to the Queen."