Maran wakes up in the woods. He sees his parents eating there meal. They were hunting a bear and eating its flesh. He concluded that he was a tiger. He was very happy that now he can kill anyone with his paws and teeths. He also went to hunt and eat . He was Happy as he was a king of the forest.
He enjoyed a lot roaming in the forest. suddenly some people came hunt the the forest. Everyone went to hide in the bushes fearing the guns. But his brother by mistake went outside the bushes who was fired by the hunters. His mother was also killed as she went to save her baby. Maran and his family were taken to zoo and circuses. They were badly treated to entertain the humans. Maran lost many of his family members.
Soon he realised that he has lost his freedom. He has lost everything. He misses his days of forest. In depression he dies. He wakes up from his dream and realised that it wasn't reality but a dream for boasting tomorrow. But he was sad to know the ill treatments of tigers happening in the world. so he decided to raise voice for this.