Chereads / Two Alpha mates / Chapter 1 - Ch 1- Moving Day

Two Alpha mates

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Chapter 1 - Ch 1- Moving Day

"Here we are, our new home" Mom says with excitement. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her obnoxious cheerfulness. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom and all, but I connect more with my Dad. My Mom has always been insanely optimistic, while my Dad was more quiet and observant like me. "Don't be like that, this place is amazing!" Mom exclaimed when she saw my frown as I laid eyes on the small white house. "Leave her be" Dad chuckled "She just left her friends and school behind." See? My Dad gets me. Mom didn't understand that I had to uproot and move across the country. My twin brother, Jason chuckles "Don't worry we'll take care of our little sis" The oldest brother, Eric, wraps us both up in a tight hug. "Me and Jason will stay by here side forever, cause she's so wittle!" Eric cooes. I shoved them away with a groan of annoyance. Eric is 17, and Me and Jason are 15. We used to live in New York, but now we live in Montana. Montana was apparently known for wolves and its vast forests. If I get attacked by a wolf, I'm blaming Mom. "Let's go see" Mom said while practically skipping towards the front door. My Dad unlocks it and the five of us shuffle in. "It looks…cozy" Eric says slowly. Me and Jason grumble in agreement and Mom tsked. "This is the perfect house!" She retorts. Dad looks at us with a disagreeing expression. Dust coated the wooden floors and white sheets were draped over two loveseat couches and a few chairs in the living room off to the left. To the right, a small table was up against the wall and three big windows were in almost every room. "You're rooms are upstairs" Dad says huskily while going back outside to get our bags. The three of us glance at each other before sprinting up the stairs while shoving each other with no mercy. Jason grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me down a few steps while Eric got to the top of the stairs. "I get first pick because i'm the oldest" Eric declared before walking down the hall. I glared at his retreating figure. "Because I'm the oldest" I muttered. Jason laughed and dragged me up the stairs by my arm. My Dad walked to the edge of the stairs "Asena gets her own room, your Mother decided that girls need their privacy, whatever that means" He muttered. I shot Eric a victorious glare and sauntered towards the room down the hall. "Such a pity" I dramatically sighed while patting them on the shoulders. Jason scoffed and stomped into a different bedroom with Eric following. I opened the door of my bedroom to reveal a medium room with dark grey walls and a pastel purple bed and dresser. I walked around the room and smiled to myself. "Guys! Remember that you have school tomorrow" Mom shouts up the stairs. ME, Jason and Eric's simultaneous groans echoed through the house in response. My parents laughed and turned the hallway light off after saying good night. After getting on black leggings and a grey t shirt, I slipped into my bed and drifted off to sleep.


My alarm clock screamed in my ear and I jerked out of my sleep. Jason opened my bedroom door with a grin. "Wake up sleepy head!" He said while ripping off my warm blankets. I groaned in protest as Jason grabbed my arms and dragged me out of bed. "Geez you're heavy" He huffs. I gasp and smack his arm while stomping out of my room. Jason follows me "I had to say something  to get you out of bed!" He said in exasperation. I ignored him and made myself toast. After ten minutes of Eric and Jason bickering over who was going to get a girlfriend first, I got on a black crop top and grey ripped jeans. I brushed my shoulder length dark brown hair before heading out to the car. Eric and Jason were already sitting in the front so I went to the back seat. It was a short 10 minute drive to Wolf Ridge High school. "Here we are" Eric mumbled. The three of us crawled out of the car and made our way towards the tall brick school. Once we opened the double doors, students swarmed around us, almost knocking me over. Eric steadied my with a strong arm and we went off to our first class. Our Mom showed us our schedules online before we came here. We all had science together first. When we walked in, a petite middle aged woman introduced herself as our science teacher. "Everyone, welcome our new students, Eric, Jason and Asena Donovan." The classroom mumbled a greeting halfheartedly. "Eric, Jason, you two can sit in the middle row. Asena you can sit with Kaden in the back." The teacher said while gesturing to a guy in the back. My brown eyes locked with his green eyes and my heart pounded in my chest as I slowly walked towards him. His eyes widened when he saw me. He had black messy hair, olive skin, and rippling muscles under a tight black t-shirt. I gave him a small smile before sitting down next to him at a double seat table. The teacher started the lesson and I felt Kaden's eyes burning the side of my head. "Hey" He whispered. I averted my gaze from the teacher to Kaden's intent gaze. "Uh HI" I whispered back. Kaden smiled almost like he loved the sound of my voice. "Where did you move here from?" He asked while scooting his chair dangerously close to me. "Um, New York" I said. "Do you like it here so far?" He asked. His green eyes searched mine intently. "Kinda" I murmured. Kaden chuckled. I listened to the teacher for a few minutes before Kaden nudged me with his shoulder. "Do you wanna sit with me and my friends in lunch?" He asked quietly. Well, here's my chance to make new friends. "Ok" I agree, Kaden's grin seemed to light up the whole room.


WHen lunch finally came around, I shyly walked into the lunchroom. Eric already was sitting with the jocks on the other side of the lunchroom. He seemed to be enjoying sitting with the football players and the cheerleaders. Jason decided to come with me and sit with Kaden's friends. Kaden smiled when he saw me walking towards him, but his gaze darkened with fury when He saw Jason. What's his problem? "Who's this?" Kaden said with his green eyes blazing. "Uh this is my brother, Jason. I hope you don't mind, he didn't have anywhere else to sit" I said quickly. Kaden's anger seemed to die down and he nodded. Kaden led me over to sit next to him, and Jason sat across from me. 4 guys and 2 girls were sitting down at the table already. "Guys, this is Asena and her brother Jason. They just moved here from New York" Kaden said while gesturing to me and Jason. I awkwardly waved "Hi." A girl with dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail jumped up with a squeal of delight. "Finally another girl!" She exclaimed. "My name is Amara, and this is my Ma- boyfriend, Jack." I looked to a guy sitting next to Amara. He had light brown hair that was slicked to the side and bright blue eyes. "Don't mind her. She gets excited easily" Another girl muttered. Amara playfully glared at her before sitting down. The other girl had black hair with caramel streaks. Her dark blue eyes were bright with a smile. "My name is Nesrin, not Nes. No nicknames." She said while glaring at Jack. Jack chuckled and Nesrin pointed to a guy next to her."This is my uh boyfriend Lukas." I glanced at a tan guy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes sitting next to her. Another guy plopped down next to Jason across from me. He had red hair and icy blue eyes. "The names Michael" He said while shoving food in his mouth. Jason blinked in surprise and started eating too. I stifled a giggle "My name is Asena" I said while taking a bite of an apple. Kaden slid in next to me insanely close. Michael looked back and forth between us with confusion. "Human?" He asked Kaden. Human? What did he mean by human? "Yes. And I don't care" Kaden said firmly. Jason stiffened and look at Kaden closely. "What do you mean?" I asked them. They all looked down at their plates while Kaden slipped an arm around my waist. "Nothing Love. I'll explain in time." He promised. Sparks erupted through me when he gripped my tightly. What does he mean in time? And why is He acting like we're dating and calling me love? My brain strained from the questions and I took a sip of water to cool me down. "Anyway… can I see your schedule Asena? I wanna see if we have any classes together" Amara said. I rummaged around in my bag and handed her my schedule. Amara looked it over while everyone else looked over her shoulder to see it. "You have almost every class with me and Kaden" Michael said happily. "You have math and art with me and Lukas" Nesrin added. "And you have gym with all of us at the end of the day" Jack said while handing me back my schedule. I shoved my schedule back in my bag and went back to eating my lunch. Suddenly a hand slammed down on the table in front of me. "Well well well, who's the new girl?" Someone asked. I looked up to see a guy that was sitting at the jocks table with Eric. He had gelled blonde hair and dark brown eyes. His face was twisted into a smug smirk as he stared at me. "What's your name sweetheart?" He asked. Immediately, everyone at my table started growling. "Hands off rogue" Kaden snarled. I stifled a scream when I saw Kaden's face. His once green were black, and glittering with rage. All of their lips were curled back into an animalistic snarl. They all look like animals! I thought with fear. The blonde guy's eyes narrowed before turning to me. "See you around beautiful" He murmured before walking away. Kaden growled threateningly before wrapped an arm around my waist and pulling me towards his chest. "Kaden! What are you doing?" I asked in surprise. I just met this guy and now he's hugging me from behind like we've been lovers for a while. Kaden didn't answer as he started breathing me in with his head in the crook of my neck. "Kaden" Nesrin warned. Kaden seemed to glare at her before slowly letting me go. I scrambled out of his grip and straightened my shirt. Kadens eyes flickered from black to green before his eyes finally settled back to his usual green. "What are you?" I gasped. Nesrin and Amara reached out for me but I backed away. Kaden is definitely not human. The rest of them can't be human either, they didn't seem scared of Kaden at all. The bell rang and echoed throughout the lunchroom. Students filed out but we didn't budge. Me and Kaden stared each other down. But then I saw jason standing off behind Kaden with the rest of them. Wasn't he scared or at least freaked out that these people were probably not human? No human growls when they get angry! "Jason?" I asked. Jason smiled sadly and didn't move either. Betrayal and confusion was written on my face. Why was Jason with them? Suddenly Kaden picked my up and threw me over his shoulder and started walking out of the lunchroom. "Jason!" I yelled. Jason and the rest of them didn't move, but guilt was plastered on their faces. "Kaden put me down!" I screamed. This is not how I imagined my first day of school. Kaden didn't let me go as he left the school and went into a dark forest behind the school. Fear rose in my chest I struggled harder. "Please don't hurt me" I pleaded as we entered the forest. Kaden growled softly "I'm not going to hurt you Asena." I snorted "Then why are you dragging me out here against my will?" Kaden didn't say anything as he gently set me down. I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for Kaden to answer me. Kaden stared at me a moment longer before taking off his shirt. I shrieked and backed away. "Oh god you're not gonna rape me are you?" I said with horror. Kaden chuckled "Of course not, I'm just going to tell you what's really going on here." Yeah while you take your clothes off, I thought with disbelief. I looked away as Kaden started taking off his jeans. "Can't you tell me the truth while keeping your clothes on?" I squeaked. Kaden simply growled and all I heard was bones cracking. I watched with terror as Kadens body morphed into a large wolf with black fur and yellow eyes. As the wolf stood up and stared at me, realization crept over me. Kaden's a werewolf.


After that, I started running as fast as I could. I knew that I couldn't outrun him. Especially since he's a bloody werewolf. I could hear pawsteps running after me. I forced my legs to run harder into the forest. Something hard slammed into my back and I was shoved to the ground. I gasped in pain as my body collided with the ground. I glanced up with fear to see Kaden's wolf looking down at me. His eyes were full of sadness as he lowered his head down and started licking my cheek. I couldn't help but giggle as his warm tongue licked my nose. "Stop!" I laughed. Kaden's wolf got off of me and watched me slowly sit up. "Can you turn back now? I guess I believe you" I said. Kaden's wolf tilted his head to the side and he turned to go behind a tree. When he came out, he had just basketball shorts on. A blush crept along my face as he walked towards me. "So, you're a werewolf?" I said with awe. Kaden nodded "There's a lot more to it than that" He explained while sitting down next to me. I tried not to focus on his abs or muscles. Kaden chuckled. "Werewolves usually live in packs, or they don't. Those wolves are called rogues." He said. I gasped "So that guy was a-" Kaden interrupted with a growl. "Rogue. Yes." Kaden sighed "Every pack has a leader, an Alpha. An Alpha also might have a Mate to be his Luna" He explained. "I'm actually Alpha" He blurted. I gasped "Really? That's so cool!" Kaden laughed. "Do you have a Luna?" I asked him. I tried to fight the jealousy that must've been written on my face. Why am I so jealous? "I do now" He said. "Oh. who is she?" I asked. Kaden reached out and brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "You" He whispered. The world turned black after that.

Sunlight streamed in through windows as I opened my eyes. My head was pounding and I felt sweaty. Suddenly I felt a strong arm hold me in place. I was being pressed up against a warm body. "Whos there?" I whispered with fear. The body shifted and I turned my body to see who it was that was sleeping in my bed. "Kaden?!" I gasped as I scrambled out of the bed. "What are you doing in my bed and in my room?!" I whispered frantically. Kaden chuckled and sat up. "We're not in your room Asena" He said sleepily. Horror gripped me and I stumbled back. "Seriously? You forced me to sleep with you last night!" I asked with fury. Kaden sighed on let his legs rest off of the bed. "You fainted when I told you that you're my Mate. I didn't know where you lived so I brought you here. Besides, Nesrin and Amara live here too" He said. "That isn't a good enough excuse" I snapped. Kaden snarled "Actually it is, I'm your Mate. You're supposed to sleep in the same room as me!" I backed away from his growling face. "I would never take advantage of you" Kaden said softly. "What even is a Mate Kaden?" I demanded. Kaden ran his hands through his really hot messy hair. Crap! Focus Asena. "A Mate is kind of like your soulmate. Once you find your Mate, you can live without them. The Moon Goddess chooses our Mates for us. Sometimes they're werewolves like us, or a human" He explained. "Moon goddess?" I echoed. "The Moon goddess is our creator, werewolves wouldn't exist without her" He responded. Ok… this guy is crazy. "I can see that you don't believe me" Kaden said while smirking "That's alright, even I question her existence." My stomach growled with no warning and I blushed. Kaden laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on let's get you breakfast" He said while dragging me out the door. "Wait! Where's Jason?" I asked. Kaden sighed and loosened his grip on my wrist. "Jason is downstairs" Kaden said. Without another word, I shoved past Kaden and ran down the stairs. I heard Kaden shuffling after me as I entered the kitchen. To my surprise, Jason was sitting comfortably in a chair next to the kitchen counter eating some toast. Nesrin and Lukas were sitting next to him. "Jason?" They turned to look at me when I spoke and Jason smiled softly when he saw me. "Hey Asena" Jason murmured. Anger surged through me. Jason let Kaden practically kidnap me. Jason obviously has connections with these people. "Don't you 'Hey Asena' me" I snapped "You let Kaden take me!" Kaden slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I shoved Kaden away and ignored the look of hurt on his face. "You definitely aren't telling me everything!" I yelled while advancing on him "You left me!" My angry voice trailed off to a strangled whisper. "You left me." Before Jason could reach out for me, I stumbled away from his arms and ran out of the kitchen. I ignored their calls as I ran to Kaden's bedroom. I have no idea why I was running there, I just know that I feel safe there. I threw open the door and locked it behind me. I was so frustrated and confused on what was going on. I have a werewolf mate, and my brother is somehow connected to it all. Just a few days ago, I was just a simple girl with my two brothers and parents that all loved me. Tears poured down my cheeks and I collapsed onto the bed. I jumped out of my skin when I heard pounding on the door and a few frustrated growls. "Asena open this door!" Kaden demanded. I shivered and pulled the blankets around me. "Go away" I croaked. "If you dont open this door, then I'm gonna have to break down the door" Kaden warned. Is he serious? I wasn't taking any chances. I leapt out of the bed and unlocked the door to a very angry Kaden. Kadens face softened when he saw my tear-stained face. I ignored him and walked back to the bed and curled up in a ball. I'm so sick of secrets and werewolves. I want my life to go back to the way it was before I moved here. The bed shifted as Kaden laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. He pulled my back up to his chest and breathed in my scent. "Are you ok?" I whispered. A tear slipped out "Yeah" I said. Kaden chuckled "You're a terrible liar." I turned to face him "Jason seems to be a great liar" I muttered. Kaden flinched "Look. Jason feels really bad, He said that he promises to tell you everything tomorrow" Kaden murmured. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. I yawned sleepily and closed my eyes. Kaden kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me before whispering "Good night love."