Chereads / Paris Grimm | Vampire Prophecy / Chapter 31 - C29: Master of the Wolf

Chapter 31 - C29: Master of the Wolf

St. Cross's POV:

It's been hard wrapping my mind around what I've witnessed and helped. They were wolves in sheep's skin. They talked about killing whole towns. Now it's hard to imagine if it was a plague that wiped out those people or the devils themselves. I only helped them because they were covered in sin.... I blessed them... but they're still monsters. Monsters from the devil. They're unholy. They can make a cross turn upside down. They're the antichrist. No god could have made a monster like that that'll feed and kill thousands before its own death. That man Paris- no the monster Paris- told me things about his kind and told me there was other... species. He's a vampire. A blood sucker. He called himself a pureblood like most of his companions were. Apparently pureblood vampires have stones that are their core- or soul as you will. There was so much information he provided me, and he wished me good luck on my new journey. Of course, I want to help more of his species... If I can prevent them from blood binging, then I'll be saving lives... but if I kill one... I'm killing something equal and apparent to man. They're just wolves in sheep's clothes. If I kill one, I'll save dozens that it could prey on. I should've killed Paris and those other companions while I had the chance. Life of man is greater than that of wolves.

Within the last few years, I have come across a few vampire slayers with the same ideas as mine. A little different... Sometimes they think that there are good vampires and then there are bad... but they're all bad. I've traveled through a few countries on a mission... To seek out vampires and end them. That's when I happened to come across a new kind of- species. They called themselves... werewolves. They had this system called a pack and the alpha liked me enough to ask me to join his pack while they killed the vampires in their territory. Apparently, there was a castle slap full of them. The werewolves turned out to be more ideal than a vampire... They explained to me that they weren't man killers. They hunted like men and didn't hunt them. I felt a wolf cub stir in my lap before the little she-wolf licked my fingers and laid her ears back as her black fur shone in the sunlight as I sat under a tree. She looked up at me, her innocent blue eyes watching me as she wagged her tail and let out a low bark before she heard another wolf cub's howl nearby, making her perk her ears up and swivel in the direction of the noise before she glanced towards it. I eyed over where the sound came from and bit my bottom lip. She sat up in my lap slowly then looked up towards me quickly before she scratched at her ear then let out a howl.

"Hunt!" She told me excitedly and bounced around in my lap. "Hunt, hunt, hunt!" The Luna of the pack came through some nearby bushes and walked up to me before she looked down at the cub in my lap and licked her head to make her calm down then looked at me.

"The alpha has requested your presence. We're attacking soon." The little she-wolf let out another howl before she put her paws on my chest and wagged her tail, barking at me as she laid her ears back. "Cass, calm down," the Luna scolded lightly then wagged her tail at the little cub.

"Where can I find the alpha?" I asked her and looked down at the cub and rubbed her head.

"Follow me," the Luna said and picked her head up proudly before she started to walk back towards the bushes. The little cub gave a small growl and climbed up into my arms, turning into a ball as she gnawed lightly at my thumb but didn't hurt me. I got to my feet and kept the cub in my hands as I followed the Luna. She led me through a few more bushes then took me towards the pack that were standing nearby. I could see the mothers gathering their cubs and nudging them off as the males remained, watching their mates taking their children to safety. She walked straight up to the Alpha and licked his muzzle with a light growl before she leaned her head down and placed it under his head, nipping at his chest. I looked towards the cub and placed her down.

"There you go." I pushed her forward quickly. She looked up at me then raced off towards her waiting mother who scooped her up into her jaws and took her off after the others as the Luna looked towards them then at me before she growled lightly at the alpha and looked at him, sitting down. I eyed them over before I walked up and gave a respectful bow.

"Alpha, such an honor," I said politely and wrapped my hand around my rosary as it fell out of my shirt and hung around my neck. He looked up at me, his golden eyes lingering on me before he laid his ears back and held his head high.

"Saint Cross," he greeted then nodded towards me. "Are you prepared to chase them out? I've had my scouts report in. They say now is the best time if we want to do it all at this week. I must warn you that the leeches have a child. If you have problems with this, I advise you to leave now." He gave a sharp growl then and licked his Luna's head.

"Well then I can look at it as I'm saving lives early," I whispered as I stood up straight and placed the rosary back down my shirt. The alpha looked me over approvingly before he looked towards his pack and gave a snarl.

"Tonight, we will go out and we'll cleanse our lands of the evils we have witnessed! Let it be known that together we are mighty, and our bites are deadly. Let us strike fear in those who would oppress us and take our lands from us- those who would kill the humans that we protect and drive us out of our rightful homeland! Many of you have children. Don't disappoint them. We do this for their future happiness, for the safety and glory of our pack, and to honor our ancestors who lived bravely and protected us when we were cubs. Tonight, we are joined by St. Cross, our friend. He will help us in our battle for what's right! When we come home, we may be bloody, but we'll be victorious! Let's head out!" He let out a howl then started to run, laying his ears back as his paws thundered against the ground. His pack soon followed him, letting out vicious barks and snarls as their Luna watched them go with pride in her eyes. She looked towards me then slinked off after the other she-wolves, no doubt planning to guide and watch over them as their leader. I followed the werewolves quickly. There's no way they're leaving me behind. Why are they so fast? I heard a low growl by my feet as I managed to catch up just barely before one of the wolves tripped me up onto their back and started to carry me as he ran, rushing towards the middle of the pack to get off the back end.

It didn't take long for the pack to halt at the edge of the woods, the alpha looking out towards a beautiful castle with well-trimmed grounds and gardens. He lowered his head as he studied the castle then picked his head up again and sniffed the air before he let out a low bark and started to run towards it, sneaking up the back end. I slipped off the wolf I was on and rubbed his back before I started to sneak after the alpha. The pack slowly followed us, sniffing the air cautiously before we managed to get up the yard and the alpha transformed into his human form, giving a sharp growl before he kicked the door in and went in with a snarl. I heard a few shrieks as I saw him in his wolf form again, racing in towards some servants that were tidying up and took them down quickly, silencing them as he tore into their throats and picked his head up quickly, looking around as his pack followed him in obediently and dispersed to search the castle. Now... he didn't have to kill those maids... It's not their fault they're slaving under monsters. I slowly stepped into the castle and looked around cautiously. I heard a low hiss from behind me before I was snatched backwards as a knife came up to my throat.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I heard a woman's voice purr in my ear. "Heh~ how wonderful, you brought friends," she murmured in my ear before I felt fangs sink into my neck, pain shooting through me as I felt blood pour down my neck as she ripped a chunk out of me and laughed. I let out a sharp hiss and turned around quickly as I yanked out a knife from my pocket and stabbed her chest- aiming for where a stone should be at. I saw her gorgeous golden eyes go wide before she kicked me back from her, her heels hitting me sharply in the stomach as pieces of her black hair fell out of its pins, falling around her face. She showed off her fangs to me and narrowed her eyes, ripping the knife out of her chest before she started for me. "You're a priest, aren't you? Don't you belong with your sheep?"

"Well, I thought it would be fun to adventure out of the flock and hunt some wolves," I hissed up at her. I grabbed her foot on me and yanked it- bringing her down. I moved quickly so she wouldn't land on me and I moved on top of her- pinning her arms down. "Some wolves need to know they have a master," I whispered. She narrowed her eyes at me then spat up at me.

"Oh, they have a master," she hissed. "But it's not you." She exposed her fangs and kneed me between the legs before she wrapped a leg around mine and forced me down, throwing her weight against me as she flipped us and leaned in for my neck, biting in deep. I reached up towards her neck and wrapped a hand around it- gripping it hard and dug my nails in deep. I tried to keep in a scream that was wanting to come out as I tried to cut into her skin deeper. She laughed against my neck then gripped my hair before she yanked my head back and made me bang it on the ground before she got up and stomped down into my chest. "You're just a sad, pathetic little human~ What made you think that coming here was a good idea? Showing up with these little beasts of yours? Heh, you don't know anything, do you? You can't just come in here and expect to take out a royal family~ There's a reason why we're royals." She twisted her heel against my chest then kicked me before she started off towards a nearby wolf that was going after a maid and snatched it by its collar before she threw it towards a bookshelf, watching as it hit it wrong and gave a cry of pain. She appeared by it suddenly and grabbed it from behind, crushing it around its rib cage as she growled at him and then dropped him when he fell limp then disappeared from my sight. I grabbed my head as it stung but got up slowly- forcing myself up. I reached down quickly and grabbed my bleeding neck. They're not even my wolves~ They're the alpha's wolves. I just joined him in coming here.

"Hey, don't run off," I called after her. "I haven't finished killing you yet." I spotted her at the top of a grand staircase in the room, looking around with worry in her eyes before she ran towards a door on the right side of the staircase, searching for something as she opened it and disappeared through it. I heard snarls break through the wolves around me as the room suddenly became crowded by more vampires that had appeared from doors that went downstairs to a basement, clad with swords and daggers to fight off the attackers. Looks like they had a whole army buried down there. I started for the stairs quickly to get out of the room. A battle isn't a good place for me. I heard a small cry from where the woman had disappeared to, a small child's muffled voice coming from the closed door. She went off for her child... Looks like I'll get two in one. I could hear the woman's heels clicking on the floor as they hurried off further from the fray, probably taking the spawn of Satan to safety. I continued after them and smirked as I got past the door. "Where are you going so fast?" I asked. I saw the edge of her red skirt swish around a corner before there was the sound of a door shutting.

"What does it matter to you?" I heard her voice hiss from behind me before I was thrown towards a window and saw her coming after me with a murderous light in her eyes. "I hope you learn to fly quickly, priest," she growled out and went to kick me through the glass, anger shining in her eyes as they flickered to the window behind me then at me as her foot collided with my chest and knocked the wind out of me as I felt my footing trip up. Time seemed to slow down as the window behind me busted and I felt gravity pulling on me, the floor falling away from me, and I could see her smirk as she pulled her foot away quickly and watched me start to fall out. I eyed over the window with wide eyes. I'm not supposed to be on this side of it... I reached for it quickly and screamed as I managed to catch onto the bottom of it and held onto it.

"Give me a hand?" I asked as I reached for hers. She laughed and leaned over the windowsill to look down at me.

"Why should I?" She asked then giggled, looking amused. "If I let you up, you'll try to kill me. It's not like you'll learn your lesson~ Mommies always have to punish the bad ones." She smirked then started to peal my fingers off the windowsill slowly. "This little piggy went to the market.... This one went stayed home~ This little piggy had roast beef... and this one~ this one went whee, whee, whee all the way home!" She giggled as my hand lost its grip then smacked my other hand firmly to make me let go of the windowsill. I frowned and quickly climbed down the wall- getting just under the window.

"Fine, I'll come back up there the hard way," I told her as I continued climbing down. I felt something sharp pierce my shoulder before she laughed and eyed me over then waved.

"Toodle loo~!" She said and disappeared from my sight as I noticed a knife sticking out of my shoulder, almost embedded to the hilt. She must've thrown it at me as a parting gift. I frowned and felt my hand let go of the wall quickly as the pain impacted my body. I frowned and looked down. It's not thaaaat far from the ground.... I let go with my other hand and groaned as my whole body hit the ground hard. I screamed as the knife went in deeper from the ground. I saw the window rustle from above before I saw her standing over me, looking me over before she grabbed me by my throat and picked me up, pulling me towards her as she bit down into my shoulder and started to drain me quickly with a loud purr. I yanked out the knife quickly and stabbed her in her throat harshly.

"Do you like that?" I hissed to her. She yelped then winced before she glared at me then threw me down to the ground, yanking the knife out.

"Little devil," she muttered then came after me before she glared at me then kicked me hard and knelt beside me and leaned over me, ripping my throat out with her nails. "I hope you enjoy choking on your own blood." I grabbed at my throat quickly to try to get it to stop bleeding. Damn! Vampires are hard to fight. She laughed then got to her feet. "I think I'll just let you lay here. I have duties to go take care of~ It was wonderful meeting you," she hummed out then stepped over me to go back to the castle, taking the knife with her as she twirled it between her fingers calmly. I grabbed her leg quickly and leaned up- I pushed her dress up and bit down into her flesh quickly and yanked her down. She shrieked and kicked at me, looking back at me in panic as she tried to get her leg away from me and bit back a cry of pain. "Why don't you just die already?!" I smirked as I licked the blood off my lips and moaned from the delightful taste. I eyed her over and smirked as I grabbed the knife from her.

"Death isn't an option for me.... but for you~" I crawled over her quickly and stabbed her chest. Her eyes went wide as they shot to her chest and freaked out, trying to get it out of her before she glared at me and exposed her fangs, going to bite me quickly.

"Monster," she hissed as she gripped the front of my shirt, her hands shaking as she tightened her grip on me and bit down into my shoulder. I felt a tear slip down her cheek from the pain I was causing her, making her bite down harder as she sunk her fangs in deep to keep her grip on me.

"Maybe I am," I whispered to her and eyed over her skin before I yanked her dress aside and bit down into her. I'm not going to die if I keep drinking from her. She won't be able to drain the life from me. Maybe we're all monsters.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" I heard a man yell from a horse. "I WAS GONE FOR ONLY TWO HOURS!" He yelled. The woman tensed before she yanked her fangs out and looked towards the man. I felt her body under me disappear before she was by the horse quickly, gripping the reins as she looked up at him worriedly.

"We're under attack," she said then coughed, wincing as she spat up some of her blood. "I put her in a safe place. She shouldn't be found," she whispered then gripped the knife in her chest, trying to yank it out and bit back a cry of pain. He reached down to the knife quickly and yanked it out for her carefully.

"A wolf attack?" He asked her softly. "I don't want our daughter anywhere near this. We better leave- all of us. They'll kill us with one bite." She frowned but nodded.

"I'll go get her," she whispered then kissed his hand shakily before she pulled away from the horse and looked towards the castle then at me before she disappeared from by the horse, no doubt to go fetch that spawn of Satan I heard earlier. He glanced towards me- noticing her look before he eyed me over and smirked.

"What's a priest doing here? HONEY! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH A PRIEST!?"

"FEASTING! YOU CAN FINISH HIM OFF! HE HAD SOME OF MY BLOOD!" I heard her shout from a window in the castle, poking her head out to look at him.

"Oh, he did?" He asked softly and smirked as he eyed me over. "I can finish him off?" He asked and got off the horse gracefully and started for me. I frowned as I watched him. Is he literally walking up to me in slow motion on purpose to look good? This man has some high thoughts. Is he expecting me to scream and crawl away? I eyed over his disappointed expression. Yep. He wanted me to crawl away. He stopped just inches from me and reached down to my rosary and snatched it from me. "You won't be needing this," he told me in amusement.

"Give. That. Back," I hissed out. I saw her appear by the horse, slipping a small beautiful child onto it and kissed the little girl's head, brushing the girl's purple hair over her ear and purred.

"There we go sweetie~ Don't you love horsies?" She asked and smiled cheerfully at the little girl who giggled and grabbed her mother's hand, her golden eyes locking onto her mother's similar ones.

"Horsies! Mommy," she purred out then looked at the horse in delight, wrapping her small arms around the horse's neck and giggled. "Daddy, daddy!" I watched her father's eyes lingering off to the side like he was listening to what was going on behind him. His eyes flashed back to me as he threw the cross.

"No, I don't think so," he told me as he glanced me over like I was prey. He grabbed my neck suddenly and started to yank me close to him. He exposed his fangs and leaned in towards my neck. I tensed up and quickly grabbed one of his fangs and yanked it out. He growled and yanked away from me and slapped me hard across the face. "YOU LITTLE VILE HUMAN!" He yelled at me and snarled before he eyed me over. "I'm going to make you wish you didn't do that," he hissed. He pulled me close to him and turned around to face his wife and pushed me forward. "Sweetie, he took my fang," he whined out.

"You've got to be kidding me," she sighed out and shook her head. "Honey, just eat the little human." She started for me then and narrowed her eyes before she stomped down onto my hand then paused, a smirk growing on her face. "Do you hate vampires?" She asked me, leaning over to look at me as she seemed to be getting an idea.

"No not really," I told her. "I don't hate. I like to keep my options open," I told her as I eyed over my hand and frowned. Why'd she go for the hand! I started to get up quickly to get away from her.

"Oh, I love that look," I heard her- man say behind me. I heard her giggle before she snatched me by my shirt and yanked me to her, biting into her wrist then shoved it against my lips with a purr.

"I'll make you pay for my mate's fangs and for these wolves~" She whispered in my ear as she forced her blood into my mouth. I yanked back quickly and licked my lips. What the hell? Why is she shoving her blood down my throat?! I grabbed her wrist quickly and brought her to me before I reached for her chest and dug my nails in through the cloth. Her eyes widened before she smacked me across the cheek hard, racking her nails across my face then kicked at me as she exposed her fangs and snarled.

"Mommy!" I heard the little girl shriek, her eyes widening as she saw me hurting her, but her cry was soon drowned out by a wolf's snarl behind me as the alpha jumped over me and tackled the woman out of my grip, tearing into her shoulder with his sharp teeth. I heard the woman scream out in pain, kicking at the alpha as she tried to get him off her. I heard her mate gasp and run up to the wolf and kicked him off quickly- kicking alpha hard in the face as he done it. He snarled and exposed his fang.

"You better leave her alone!" He yelled. The alpha sneezed then looked towards the man before he showed off his teeth and lowered his head, giving a sharp snarl before his eyes shifted towards me and the blood on my lips from the woman. He narrowed his eyes then looked towards the man before he tackled him, biting into his leg then ripped out the vampire's throat, starting to devour him as the little girl fell off the horse when it threw it's front hooves in the air as the wolf neared it. She let out a sharp cry, making her mother look towards her worriedly as she spat up blood and tried to sit up but was too weak. I looked her mother over before I walked up to her and eyed her over.

"You look a little weak," I told her and leaned over her, starting for her chest. "Let me ease your pain." Her eyes widened and she bit my hand quickly to make me stop, holding her shoulder with one of her hands as she closed her eyes tightly. I groaned and gripped her jaw before I shoved my free hand into her chest quickly and dug for a rock- a stone. I felt something smooth inside her and crushed it as I got my fist around it. I saw her eyes widen before her body started to crumble with the stone, becoming nothing more than dust and blood- what was left of her blood anyways. The alpha pulled back from the man then looked towards me, licking his muzzle before he let out a snarl and started for me. I widened my eyes and backed away from him quickly.

"I didn't mean to kill your kill," I said quickly and yelped. Wow they get mad over the little things!

"I smell her all over you," he growled out then laid his ears back. "You're becoming one of them!" He went to pounce on me, but I heard a snap from a few feet away and the ground underneath the werewolf caught on fire, making him yelp and take off running from it as the fire chased him.

"Dogs are so nasty," I heard a voice hum out from behind me. I tensed up as I eyed over the fire. Please tell me there is a demon behind me... I slowly glanced over my shoulder. A dark-haired male looked me over then frowned before his eyes slowly shifted towards the little girl then at the scene around us. "Well... I won't be getting that treaty, will I?" He muttered then looked back towards me. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" I asked him back and frowned as I turned to face him. Two can play at his game.

"I asked you first. It's only polite that you answer me with your name before you ask the same question," he said calmly then walked towards me. "Now, what is your name? Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I grumbled and started stepping backwards. Where's that knife? He smirked as he watched me, and I felt heat on the back of my legs like the ground right behind me had caught on fire.

"Where are you going?"

"Not backwards, clearly," I told him as I stopped backing up. He closed the distance between us quickly then snatched me by my throat, yanking me to him as he smelled me then tossed me aside.

"Hmph, you're turning," he said simply, looking bored before he looked towards the little girl who was crying a few feet away. He started for her then paused as a small russet colored wolf came running out from some nearby bushes, going for her. The girl shrieked and tried to get to her tiny feet, letting out a cry of panic as she ran from it, going under the horse then whimpered as the wolf followed her under the horse, making it whinny and take off running. I frowned as I eyed the girl over. She's not dead yet? I started for her quickly. Well I might as well get my hands on her too. The girl tripped and grunted as she hit the ground then exposed her fangs as she sat up and looked at her skinned knee then yelped as the wolf barreled into her, knocking her back to the ground with a snarl. The dark-haired man widened his eyes then took off running towards the two with a hiss, exposing his own set of fangs as the wolf went to bite down into the girl. I frowned and stopped walking to watch them.

"Excuse me, stop that," I told him quickly. "Let her die." He paused then glared at me.

"You little-" I felt my shoes catch on fire before he was in front of me in seconds, smacking me hard against the face then knocked me into a nearby tree, kneeing me between the legs and grabbed my shoulder, digging his nails in as he gripped it hard and forced it to dislocate then stomped down on my foot, making the bones in it shatter. I heard the girl shriek as the wolf got her then heard the wolf yelp, the scent of blood in the air making me feel nauseous. I caught a glimpse of the little purple haired girl tearing into the wolf's neck with her tiny fangs, trying to defend herself as she gave a small snarl. I let out a small groan and looked down at my body. All this because I told him to stop? Who is this guy!? Besides a blood sucker! I eyed him over and sunk down the tree as I coughed up some blood and my vision started to blur. The man looked at me then narrowed his eyes before he leaned over and grabbed my head, making my head snap and my vision darken as the world started to fade away....

Dante's POV:

I looked down at the bloody priest then tsked, looking towards the blood on my hands. Gross... priest blood. I kicked his leg then turned my attention back to the wolf, finding that the little vampire was latched onto its neck firmly and was clawing at its fur as she stayed away from his jaws as it let out a sharp whimper. Didn't she get... bit? I frowned then teleported over to them before I pulled her off the nasty wolf and stomped down on its head then looked her over as she trembled and cried in my grip. "Let me go! Let me go!" She begged and thrashed in my arms as her eyes teared up, making my stone pulse. Isn't this... the little girl of the prince and princess here? I glanced behind me towards the dead couple then looked down at her with a frown, seeing the wolf bite on her shoulder. She'll die if I don't do something. Didn't Victor get bit? What did we do for him? Shiiiiiit. I looked her tiny body over then held her firmly as I went to take her stone, ripping it out of her chest then looked it over before I pocketed it. Isn't this a tragedy? I looked down at the wolf then stomped down into his head firmly, wrinkling up my nose as I got his brains on my shoe then started to wipe my shoe off on the ground before I teleported back to my castle in Germany and sat down in my study chair, taking my shoes off then tossed them in disgust before I pulled out the little girl's stone and looked it over.

It pulsed lightly in my hand, swirling with a beautiful healthy light as it warmed up in my hand. Not seeing any sign of it in danger, I sighed then sat it on the desk with a frown. So... her parents are dead... I don't have a treaty... and some little human was obviously with the wolves. What all happened there? Was it just a simple wolf attack, and the couple got careless and died, leaving their child behind... or did this have something to do with that human? Why was he there? I tsked and looked her stone over before I rubbed my chin. Wonderful... I'm stuck with a child.... Maybe I can give it to someone... like Laurence. Didn't he just lose dragons? He might take a child. I got to my feet then put her stone in an envelope and sealed it, slipping it into a desk drawer and looked around before I teleported back to the scene of the crime and looked down at the human before I snatched him up and smelled him, hissing as I caught the scent of his body changing to a vampire. Fuck. He's not dead... but then again... I could get answers. I smacked his cheek firmly then smirked as I shook him. "Wakey wakey," I purred out. His eyes slowly opened as he let out a tired groan.

"What?" He asked softly and pushed my hand away.

"Rise and shine~ So~ What are you doing here?" I asked him then shoved him towards the prince and princess's corpses- what was left of them anyways. "Why these two?" He stumbled into the dirt and face planted the ground and stayed that way for a few minutes before he brought his hand up to his neck and touched it before he glanced towards the corpses and smelled the air.

"They're vampires," he told me tiredly.

"Yes..." I hissed then came up behind him and stomped down on his leg, chuckling as I heard a bone snap. He let out a small cry of pain and curled up. I could hear his heart racing like it was dying. "Now... what were you doing here? Why were you with the wolves?" I growled out and snatched him up before I glared at him. He orphaned a little girl... ripped her away from her parents like it was nothing. I narrowed my eyes then threw him down into their blood and exposed my fangs at him. "You're a sinful priest, aren't you? Murdering innocents... orphaning a little girl.... What kind of a Christian are you?"

"I'm not very much of one, am I?" He asked and chuckled darkly. "I suppose we're all monsters..." He trailed off and scratched at his throat. "I met the alpha and we shared similar interests, so he decided to invite me on a hunt." I frowned at him then tsked. He's just as insane as the rest of us, isn't he?

"I bet your throat burns," I hissed at him then snarled. "You don't deserve what they gave you before you killed them. I hope your life is torture."

"No, you don't, they were small little dots compared to more greatness on your path. Stop acting so pissy about this." He rolled over and looked up at the sky in a daze. "Everyone loses their parents. Everyone dies." He looked towards me and smiled tiredly. "I bet you kill little girl's parents every day." I tsked at him then stalked up towards him. Screw him.... I'll give him a taste of hell. I snatched his shirt then bit into my wrist, forcing my blood down his throat before I tossed him back to the ground and licked my wrist with a smirk.

"You know... there's a reason why I'm the prince of Germany," I purred out and looked him over. "It's because I'm powerful enough to stay the prince and because I was born for it. You, on the other hand, were born to be a priest, wouldn't you say? That's your calling, isn't it? What you think you were supposed to do? How about a taste of hell?" I asked him and leaned over, watching him as I smelled my blood starting to circulate through his system. Heh... little do most know, but my blood is special~ He looked at me in anger as he gripped his throat.

"I don't care what or who you are," he hissed out and looked at me in annoyance. "Keep your bloody hands off me." He smacked them away from him quickly and looked up at the sky as he grabbed at his chest. "I'm busy."

"Oh, you're busy alright," I purred out and straightened up. "I order you to kill yourself repeatedly until my blood wears off you, but you won't kill yourself in a manner that will result in a true death.... You'll kill yourself in ways to where you'll live after an hour or two of healing. Now chop, chop~ better start early," I told him and winked as I sensed my blood respond to me, making his body start to bend to my will. His eyes glazed over slightly before they cleared up and he stood up as fast as he could and started towards a bloody knife nearby. He grabbed it and slit his throat in obedience and fell to the ground as blood poured out of him. I smirked as I watched him then whistled as I teleported back home and looked around then spotted a butler near me. "Come feed your master," I purred out and smirked, exposing my fangs. I could go for a victory treat. He looked at me quickly and blushed.

"Me?" He asked softly and eyed over the room. He made a 'fuck' look on his face as he started for me. "Yes sir." He said as he reached me and exposed his neck in obedience. I watched him then raised an eyebrow before I sat down and purred, patting the seat next to me on the couch I fell into. He eyed where my hand was before he sat down next to me and changed up his offering to his wrist. Hmm... I eyed his wrist over then looked at him.

"I don't want your wrist," I told him and smirked as I watched him. Heh, he didn't expect to feed me today, did he? He nodded and leaned in close to me and exposed his neck again.

"My neck then," he whispered. I wonder what he'd think if I told him that's not what I want either. I smirked at him then showed him my fangs.

"No~ try again," I teased him to see what he'd do. He looked at me hesitantly.

"Where?" He asked softly.

"How long have you been serving me?" I hummed out and purred as I started for him slowly.

"Since I was born, sir," he said quickly and tensed up. "I've been here all my life."

"Want to become a newborn?" I asked him and smirked.

"No sir. I want to serve you," he said quickly.

"You would serve me, just for eternity," I told him and knocked him onto his back as I started to climb over him.

"Is that what you wish?" He asked softly. "I only want to please you, sir." Only wants to please me? He sounds like he's trying not to die. I frowned and sat up, looking him over.

"Then please me," I told him and watched him.

"Yes sir... I'll become your newborn," he said gently.

"That doesn't please me if you don't beg for it," I grumbled then started to get off him. He blushed.

"Beg?" He asked to make sure. I looked at him as I got to my feet and frowned.

"What's your name?"

"Stefan, Sir," he told me as he sat up and got down on his knees in front of me and bowed his head. "It would be an honor to become your newborn and serve you for longer than my expected lifetime." He leaned down and kissed my shoes. "Please, Sir. Honor me." I frowned as I listened to him then slowly pulled my feet back from him. It's not the same as I was hoping for.... He doesn't want to be a newborn.

"Get back to work," I grumbled and looked away from him. He's no fun.

"No sir. I'm not leaving," he told me as he looked up at me. "Not until you make me a newborn. I beg you." I looked down at him and tsked.

"You can stop," I instructed him and frowned. "I know you don't want to be a vampire. You'd end up never dying and serving me forever."

"Serving you is an honor," he whispered as he eyed me over. "A servant that doesn't die can do more for his master and doesn't burden him with death." I frowned as I watched him then eyed him over.

"Aren't you a tame little pet?" I muttered as I reached down for his hands to make him stand up. They taught him how to be a servant, that's for sure.

"Yes sir. I was raised here, and I want nothing but to serve you," he told me. He eyed my hand over before he stood up on his own. "I'll go back to work," he whispered and eyed me over. "Should I get another servant to serve you instead? Someone who might taste better?" I watched him then smirked.

"No... but clean for me in here," I told him and sat down on the couch, my eyes lingering over him. "How badly do you want to serve me~?" I asked and purred as I propped my head up on my hand as I had my elbow against the arm of the couch.

"Enough to wake up extra early before dawn and enough to keep me up late thinking about how I could have done more for you in the time I had," he told me as he went back to polishing the glass windows.

"What will you be thinking about tonight then?" I asked and smirked. Some of my servants do that? Interesting~

"How I disappointed you," he whispered.

"Is this the first time I've paid you any attention?" I asked him calmly.

"Individually...." he nodded. "Yes, sir."

"In a group?" I asked and eyed him over, trying to remember him. Maybe he was a part of one of those groups my head butler brings in for me to select a donor from. He did seem slightly familiar. Stefan was almost my height. He had dirty blonde hair and it was cut improperly with a dull knife. He kept it pinned out of his eyes in a braid that was held together by a silver cloth. He had a few pieces in his eyes already from his eventful day. His eyes were a pretty hazel that went well with his hair color. His skin was almost flawless, and he had a tight jaw but his face held feminine features. He had on the butler's uniform that my head butler made them all wear, and he kept it well care of.

"Several times," he told me calmly when he finished up one of the windows. "You don't like noticing me though." Well... to be fair... some of the others take better care of their hair.... I eyed him over then smirked. He's a beauty though. I bet if you cleaned up his hair and took good care of him, he'd be one of the more handsome butlers I have.

"Would you like a promotion?" I asked him as I eyed his neck over then looked his hair over. I could easily fix it.

"No sir. I'm comfortable serving you where I'm needed," he told me.

"Hmm... I have plenty of maids and butlers that clean," I told him and tsked. I could make him my personal private donor. It'd get rid of having to select from a group of servants every time my head butler thinks I need to eat. "How would you like to be one of my favorite donors?" I asked and purred. He looked towards me and nodded slowly before he gave a smile.

"Am I needed as one?" He asked. "Did you kill your last," he hissed out. I widened my eyes then narrowed them at him. How dare he! I got to my feet and exposed my fangs.

"Would you like me to kill you?" I asked him.

"No," he told me and bowed his head. "I was out of line."

"Yes, you were," I muttered, eyeing him over. He blushed and turned away to do the next window.

"It won't happen again," he told me. I held my head up high and glared at him before I tapped my fingers against the end table next to me. Hmph I wonder if he acts that way to cover up a hatred for me.

"I'll notify the head butler to give you a proper punishment," I told him strictly. He lowered his head a little and I slightly heard him grumble about the head butler's punishments. "I didn't catch that. What was that?" I hissed and started for him. He tensed up as he heard me coming for him and pushed open the window quickly before he ran out of it as fast as he could- like he was racing to make sure I wouldn't get to him. I heard a splash like he had fell into water. Oh, that little devil! I hissed and walked up to the window, looking out to see if he had survived. When I get my hands on him.... I saw him surface and cough up some water as he swam for the shore and crawled out onto the ground. A maid stood next to him with wide eyes and screamed before she ran off- yelling bloody murder. He looked up at the window and blushed.

"Sorry!" He yelled. "I saw-" he looked around before his eyes landed on the garden. "A rose bush is miss trimmed!" He yelled and ran for the garden. I tsked and looked towards the garden before I eyed him over then shut the window. Oh, I'm telling him....

"FREDERICK!" I shouted, walking towards the door to find my head butler.

"Yes?" I heard him asking as he walked past me with a tray of tea. "I was wondering where you were," he hummed out and turned around to face me. "You want some tea?" He asked. "It's herbal." I felt my eyebrow twitch as I looked at him. Who the hell did he make tea for? He knew I was going to Austria today....

"Frederick," I said then frowned. "Do we have guests?" Or is that tea for servants? Why didn't he just ask me if he could serve tea to the servants? I wouldn't have cared, but I would have liked to have known.

"No... This is my tea," he told me and then took it off the tray and started to chug it.

"Frederick," I muttered, watching him before I sighed. I need a new staff. "You're supposed to tell me things."

"I do," he told me and handed the tray to me before he walked off. "You should go into the kitchen... We have cakes there." He chuckled lightly. "By the way... today is my day off. Remember I requested it a week ago?" He asked me and waved me off. I clenched my jaw and dropped the tray, watching as the cups on it broke and spilt before I looked towards him. Does he have no respect for me?

"Then I'll give someone else your task," I hissed and stepped over the broken teacups. "How about that rival of yours that seems to always be around trying to take your job?" He stopped walking and turned towards me slowly before he sat the tea down on the table and walked straight up to me slowly.

"What's the task?" He told me and straightened up his tie. I watched him then smirked. He didn't like that, did he?

"I want you to tell a maid to find Stefan and cut his hair correctly. Do you know Stefan?" I asked him then purred. "Let's go have tea together since it's your day off. We can discuss punishments over it."

"Stefan?" He asked and frowned. "You mean Stefan with the pretty hazel eyes?" He asked me. "Stefan that's about-" he placed his hand around my height. "This big?" He asked. "Stefan? Stefan Stefan?" He asked and frowned. "You can't do that to his hair.... He'll be upset."

"Good, he upset me," I said calmly.

"What'd you do?" He asked me and frowned.

"I wanted blood," I muttered and ran my fingers through my hair. He looked like he knew something then.

"Ohhhh that explains everything. He must've given you trouble so you're wanting to punish him." He nodded and rubbed his chin. "I'll have to shave his hair off personally."

"Maybe not that. It wasn't the blood that he gave me trouble about," I told him and frowned. "I asked him if he'd like a promotion to being one of my favorite donors since he said he loved serving me so much, and he asked me if I killed my last favorite in a rude way," I told him and tsked. "I said I'd have you punish him, and he muttered about you, so I went towards him and he jumped out the window."

"What'd he say about me?" He asked and frowned. He tightened his jaw and looked ready to jump him.

"I'm not sure. He wouldn't repeat it. That's why he jumped out the window then claimed he saw a rose bush that needed trimming," I told him and crossed my arms. "It was about your punishing methods I believe."

"He-" He cut himself off. "Garden?" He asked me. "Did he go there?"

"I believe so," I told him and raised an eyebrow as I watched him. Is he so angry that he'll come back on duty just to punish Stefan?

"I'll show him," he whispered. "I'll be back," he told me and started for the garden.

"Don't hurt him badly~!" I called out after him and smirked. "I might choose to drink from him later tonight and I don't like bruises!"

"Then he shouldn't be speaking out of line." He looked back at me in anger. "He'll be punished, and he won't do that anymore, sir." I followed after him curiously.

"How shall you punish him?" I asked, right on his tail.

"Are you wanting to watch? I'll give you a show~" He purred out.

"Hmm... how about you have him taken to the dungeon and give me a show there?" I asked and smirked. I can intervene better in my dungeon than I could outside anyways.

"I like the toys there anyways," he purred out. "I'll see you there. You don't need to witness me dragging him down there- and getting that hair cut on the way."

"I want it cut into a pretty way, not an ugly way," I warned him sharply. "I better not have a bald servant brought downstairs."

"Fine. I'll have to figure out a way to keep him perfectly still during it then.... I might have to make him bleed a little to get him to quit squirming."

"Knock him out," I suggested calmly.

"No~ Then it wouldn't be fun watching him cry over his hair."

"Very well, but don't scar him," I warned and watched him as I stopped walking. "If you have to, it better be his back."

"Neck?" He asked. "Okay~"

"Frederick," I hissed then. "If I find one scar on that boy before you bring him down to the dungeon, I'll put a scar on your neck." He sighed.

"You just don't want to let me have any fun... I'll tie him up," he decided. "If he gets scars it will be his own struggling." I nodded in approval before I purred.

"Frederick~ this might just be enough for me to fire your rival," I teased him.

"Give me half an hour," he sung out. He sounded like he was happy about that. Heh... if he pleases me with punishing Stefan the way I wish, then I'll reward Frederick and have his rival for dinner tonight. He disappeared through doors then, giving a maid a command to get the hairdresser. I smirked then headed downstairs to a cell and opened it, going in and sitting down on the bed before I relaxed and laid back to wait, purring at the thought of Stefan freaking out about his hair. It'll teach him to behave next time when he speaks to me. No one hisses at me like that- especially not a human.