Chereads / I Want You Back, BUT / Chapter 2 - Lifesaver Jiang Ying Yue

Chapter 2 - Lifesaver Jiang Ying Yue

Zhang Meiling is in good spirits as she spreads jasmine-scented lotion all over her body. It is one of the few luxurious items she has left, a gift from a friend overseas. Her small studio apartment which is more like a dormitory room contains all her possessions - a week's worth of clothes, a set of winterwear, a bag, a luggage, her phone, and daily essentials.

She almost thought that she would sabotage her interview yesterday, with all the misfortune she had. True, most were her fault but... when Zhou Zhong Yi asked that question, she thought she was done for. She had to concentrate a lot to be able to answer.

She loved her degree, and she thought back then that she would be able to work in a tech career. She did in a way, for a short while, but she was so naive that she fell victim to circumstances. She was so ambitious and convinced that a much better future was in store for her that she readily left everything behind in pursuit of her dreams. It was good while it lasted, but the dreams soon turned into nightmare. Eventually her friend overseas convinced her to quit it all and start anew, and she packed her bags and returned home.

But things were not the same - her grandfather had quietly passed away while she was busy fending for herself in a foreign land, and only a heartfelt letter and her grandfather's rural property were left to her. His grandfather was already in an urn when she returned, and she regretted not coming home sooner.

Zhang Meiling tried to live in the rural area for a few months after that, trying to find a job that can sustain her, but it was a small town and most of the livelihood are businesses ran by families. Grandpa used to drive a tractor and farm in a friend's land, but she cannot to the same things he did.

In the end, she had to gamble returning to the city, where she could start a life better suited to her. But it wasn't the same as before - she only had herself and meagre savings. Rental was expensive and she had to spend a few days stealing naps in 24 hr fast food restaurants or internet cafes before she found this low-cost apartment. The hiring season also just passed - and most job openings have just been filled up. When she tried applying for part time jobs, she was always turned away due to overqualification.

She was at the last of her money and was starting to consider selling her grandpa's property just to survive when she ran into Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue was a close friend from high school, a petite woman with dimples and a bright smile that would always cheer someone up. She has straight, sleek black hair that would make anyone envious with how silky it looks and adorable round eyes similar to a teddy bear's.

Zhang Meiling was staring longily at the fried noodles being prepared, the garlic stir-fry aroma causing her to salivate. She knew however that she could not afford it - she has been eating only rice and seasoning once a day to stretch her money, and picking up cans, bottles, and newpaper for recycling. The rent is due next week and she has to save up if she does not want to sleep in the streets.

She was about to turn away on an empty stomach when someone called her.

"Meiling? Is that you?"

Even after years of not hearing that voice, Zhang Meiling could remember that soft melodic tone.

"Jiang Ying Yue?"

Jiang Ying Yue practically squeeled in delight as she all but scurried towards her.

"It really is you! You're so thin - I almost did not recognize you! I heard you went abroad after uni - since when were you back?"

It was almost as if they have just spoken yesterday, with the warmth Jiang Ying Yue is showing her. Embarassingly, Meiling's stomach chose to make its hunger known at that moment.

"Oh, forget that. Tell you what, I'll treat you to this yummy fried noodles and then we can keep up."

Sitting on a park bench trying to avoid devouring her noodles in her hunger, Zhang Meiling told Jiang Ying Yue what has happened since they last corresponded. Zhang Meiling could not help but pour out her heart - she truly missed having someone who would listen and emphatize with her. At the end of her story, she was almost sobbing against Ying Yue's shoulder.

"Oh Meiling, I'm so sorry... why didn't you contact me! We were practically besties - I'm always here for you."

"I just had a lot on my mind, Ying Yue..."

"Of course! I understand you! You know what - maybe you should try applying where I'm working. Here, take this card. I know the opening might not be ideal for you, but Golden Corp. does not discriminate."

That was a month ago, when fate favored her to run into Jiang Ying Yue. Now, Zhang Meiling has signed an employment contract already, and is on her way to meet Ying Yue for dinner to tell the good news. Hopefully, when she gets her salary, she can treat Ying Yue and repay her kindness.

"Meiling! How was your interview?"

Jiang Ying Yue bites her lip in nervousness, fingers crossed. Meiling has been through a lot, and she wishes the best for her friend.

Meiling pretends to sigh, only to grin when Ying Yue's face started to fall.

"I got in!"

The two friends hugged tightly, relieved and happy. Jiang Ying Yue was prepared to treat Meiling to chicken and beer, and maybe have her stay overnight at her place to watch TV and eat ice cream at the worst case. But now, scratch that - no matter what, Meiling deserved a night of relaxation after all that she's been through, so she immediately called the waiter and ordered chicken.

"So... who interviewed you? Who will you be working for?"

"Mr. Zhou."

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes widened, and she pressed her dainty fingers to her lips.

"Zhou as in Zhou Zhong Yi? You'll be in his office?"

"Yes, why Ying Yue? Is he terrible?"

"Oh my... Zhou Zhong Yi the handsome? No!" Jiang Ying Yue suddenly turned mischievous, wiggling her eyebrows at her, "He's the kindest and most eligible bachelor there is in the company, Meiling! I'll lend money - you should invest in nice officewear with him close by - you never know!"