Chereads / just another ghost story / Chapter 1 - libby

just another ghost story

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Chapter 1 - libby

Let me introduce myself the name's libby, man do i have a story for you! Seventeen and having the time of my life. I have two amazing best friends justin and lindsey; a boyfriend who I love very much and he loves me...or so I thought until the fucker killed me. No i don't mean he broke up with me and broke my heart he literally killed me. thats right im a ghost and this is my story…

Homecoming night i can remember like it was yesterday. Justin and lindsey and i were at my locker talking about the dance. So libs did you pick where we are going to eat yet? I'm really carving chinese lindsey said with a little too much excitement. The girl love to eat and she's as skinny as a twig my god she can eat. You know jason doesn't like chinese linds. One of the reasons i want it lindsey says with a smirk. Too bad justin breaks in and says I don't know why the piece of shit always has to do everything we do. Jus he's my boyfriend he just wants to be included in our lives too. Um he wants to control you and take justin and i outta the picture so he can have you all to himself. My friends really hate jason; but they put up with him for me. Beep beep i got a text on my phone. "Hey beautiful"; a big smile comes across my face. Let me guess the ass hat; oh most definitely not she only gets that big of a smile when my cousin alex talks to her lindsey said matter-of-factly. Justin and lindsey started singing the kissing in a tree song. "Shut up guys" I have a boyfriend , yeah but we both at least approve alex. Lindsey, justin do we need to have another talk about being nice. "No"... they said in union and with that I sent a quick "hey :)" to alex; with a smile still on my face just as jason comes up. What are you so smiley about your other boyfriend send you a sweet text again. For the last time jason he's not my boyfriend you are and if you dont stop im not going to the dance and you can go by yourself. "Libby I'm only kidding calm down". Okay so anyway we were just talking about where we were going to eat before the dance. Justin said an italian place, lindsey once again chimed in chinse with that i gave her daggers. I said I didn't care and of course jason suggested pizza. In the end we decided to go to papa tonys. it was the place we all went to hang out. It was a cute little dinner with a little arcade you could win tickets and cash them out for prizes when you were ready to leave. It wasn't a big place but definitely a cozy little place. Our true home away from home. So after talking about a few more details the bell rings and kids swarm the hallways like a school of fish. Well baby love i gotta get to class love you jason said kissing my cheek. I love you too as soon as jason left my smile went away. I hated when he called me that; but I never had the heart to tell him that. Lindsey always made fun of me for it. Well, I better get to class later baby lave… I hate you! I said; no you don't she said smiling and turning away. We both broke into laughter leaving justin and i being the only two. Seriously though libs you should leave gollum and go out with alex. I replied with take your own advice and leave steph for lindsey. I told you it's complicated when it comes to those two; well it's the same with alex and jason. Now i'm seriously done with everyone one more fight and i'm not going to the dance. Okay okay fine i'll drop it for you. "Thank you justin"; "you're welcome libby". The late bell rang we look at each other and run to our final classes. Ms. gibbson nice of you to join us; detention ugh i groan. no ones fault but your own mrs. valenstin said with a sarcastic tone. The one teacher who doesnt like me no idea why but the feeling is mutual. I take my seat and look at the board and start working on the math problem we start each day before class starts. I'm an A student for some reason school comes really easy to me. I have a ton of friends. At least three in each class any way i'm getting off topic. I was working on the problem and having trouble concentrating on my work mainly because zoe and I were talking about the dance, dresses, hair styles, and shoes. Ms. gibbson you already have one detention do you want to make it another? You can join her if you want ms. Blake "nooo" we said together. Finally ``after what seemed like an eternity the bell rang and we were dismissed. Well everyone but me. Libby id like to talk to you for a minute. Okay mrs. valenstin what's up? Not really enthused about having to stay. Since its home coming night and we won the big game and I'm feeling generous I'll let you skip on detention this one time. Don't be late to my class and one more thing before you go. The reason i'm hard on you is because I see potential in you and i want you to do great; but at the same time i want you to know not everything gets handed to you just because youre pretty. With that i went off the handle. Nothing gets handed to me! I'm a straight A student i do extra curricular activities I even have a job. I'm sorry if you didn't have everything i do in high school that's not my fault. Yeah i heard how big of a loser you were back when you went here. Only you were mean and looked down on everyone because you thought you were better than everyone else 'cause your dad was the mayor. Well guess what i'm not like you. I know I'm popular but I don't treat people like crap. I have real friends because my parents taught me how to treat people with kindness; and that drives you crazy. I'll take that detention and do it on monday just like that I stormed out of the classroom and found lindsey and justin outside the door snickering. Wow you go libbs. I've never heard you talk to anyone like that before! Yeah well i'm tired of her thinking she's the queen of the freaking school. Just because i'm actually doing something with my life and she got stuck being a shitty teacher. Because she ruined her life because of her big ego. Anyway, I'll see you tonight if I don't get a being banned from the dance. Love you i said as we go our separate ways. I climb into my car and start the engine. Bzzz before i back up check my phone another text from alex. We should hang out after ur dance. Totally sounds great! I live only a few blocks from the school. My phone went off five times from the time I left the school to my house. I turn off the car check my phone one from alex two from jason and each from justin and lindsey. I go inside and call out im home. Hey baby girl was your day mom greeted me as she did everyday. Well mom im not going to lie i freaked out on a teacher. Yes i know your principal called. You finally told mrs. valenbitch off. You see my parents and I are very close. Well im their only child and we have an amazing relationship but they are strict when they need to be. Now because you disrespected a teacher you're grounded for two weeks we both burst into laughter. No but seriously libby boo im making you write an apology letter. As ridiculous as it may seem to some people that was my punishment. I've never been grounded before in my life. I'm not the type to get in to trouble. People think my life is easy but they are dead wrong. I just don't let people see me fall apart. My bedroom is my sanctuary the one place im left entirely alone and I can relax. I head upstairs so i can start on some home work since its only 4:30. An hour later my phone goes off beep beep a message from lindsey. Grl u betta snd me pics in ur dress wen ur done gettin ready! I responded with linds ull see in the limo. Fine. was all i got in response. I toss my phone on the bed and start getting ready. I put my long brown hair up in a bun and put in a rhinestone headband in. I put on my dress next and have mom help me lace up the back. I start on my make- up. When all is said and done I take a look at my full body mirror. For once in my life I felt pretty in my lime green ball gown dress and black high heels. Once again my phone rings its alex. We talked about the dance I sent him a pic. He responded with ur just 2 beautiful :) I feel myself blush awe thanks! Im 100% faithful and i love jason ; but there's times were i think about leaving him no matter how hard i try to convince everyone jason is a sweet person nobody can stand him. There's times where he's jealous and insecure but no one can see that he does have a sweet side and personally i think he acts that way just for show. Alex on the other hand is all around sweet and amazing. He never pressures me into anything. When we hang out i don't let jason know because he'd freak out and get insecure. I put on a movie until the bell rings and dad answers the door as cliche' as it sounds i come down the stairs feeling like I'm in a movie. Snap! I went blind for a second what the h… libby watch your mouth! Mom you had the flash right in my eyes! You'll be fine now hurry up and get down here. After about 100 pictures later we finally were able to walk out the door. Before I leave I kiss my parents and tell them I love em and hurry to the limo. We picked up everyone lindsey is freaking out she was so excited. She was sitting between mark her date, me and jason, justin and steph, and jason's brother zach and his flavor of the week nacy. Linds and I took a bunch of selfies and of course we made everyone else take em too. After papa tony's we finally make it to the dance. The gym is really hot and loud but i love dancing and jason looked so handsome. He made my heart pound. After hours of pictures , dancing, hanging out and laughing with friends the dance was over. Jay and I decided to walk home so we can have some alone time. We stop at the park it's actually on the way home.