Chereads / Moonbeam Academy / Chapter 2 - Off to a bad start

Chapter 2 - Off to a bad start

I'm met at the airport by an guild from the school. He quietly held a sign Moonbeam. I walked up and introduced myself but he said nothing. He just lowered the sign and started walking away I followed him to a car. He opened the door and waited for me to get in once I was in he shut the door. He got in and drove quietly. We drove quickly through the night. After what seemed like a couple of hours, we arrive at a large gate. He watches me as he drove through. He smiled at last saying "Welcome to Moonbeam."

He passed me off to the head of the women's dorm. She walked me to my room.

"Miss. Knight this will be your room. You will meet your roommate tomorrow after class. She is staying in a temporary room for the night so you can settle in. Class starts 30 minutes after the first bell. This is your class schedule don't lose it. I am Miss. Star. If you need anything at all let me know."

"thank you so much."

"one last thing, no phones." she said holding out her hand.

"oh ok." I reluctantly pass over my phone.

"Our school has a strict dress code. You parents sent over your sizes and your clothes are on your bed."

"Yes, Mama."

"do you have any questions?"

" Not tonight, I'm to tired."

I enter the dorm room and see two beds. one side is all decorated, and organized. The other has a stack of clothes on the bed and my bags in the closet. How did they get here so fast? I put the boring uniform in the closet. I lay on my bed. I can't sleep. I put my headphones in and listen to music on my iPod. Lucky me I have one. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake to someone shacking my arm. I quickly open my eyes to a stunning young woman in front of me. She was tall and thin with rich brown eyes, long back hair and smooth milk chocolate skin. I ripped my headphones off.

"Class starts soon. Get up."

"oh no, no, no, no. I can't be late on my first day." I rush around getting dressed as quickly as possible. Not thinking about the other person in the room. Looking at my schedule

"I'm Tara by the way, looks like we have our first class together."

"I'm Maire. Are these uniforms supposed to be this tight?"

"you don't have time to change. besides it's cute on you like that." Cute? I look like a slut.

I quickly put on my makeup in the restroom, while brushing my hair. I adjusted my outfit as much as I could. As soon as I walked out the bathroom Tara grabbed my arm.

"Come on slow poke!" she said as she pulled me out of the room. "here is your schedule, fallow me"

we ran passed a lot of people I was in such a hurry I couldn't see anyone's uniforms. To compare. Mine was very tight on my chest, and to short for my liking. Tara didn't have that problem but she was also very flat. She did have some curves they are just little. She is still beautiful. It strange most of the school has no windows, and when we do pass them it doesn't look light out.

"Here we are, Lab101." Tara said smiling as she went to her seat.

I walked up to the teacher, he didn't look up from his desk he just held his hand out for the paper in my hand. I passed him my schedule. He looked at it then at me. "Welcome to Moonbeam, I'm professor Zee, please take any open seat."

"Thank you" I say taking my schedule back and seating myself in the back. Wow our teacher is hot, is he even old enough to teach? Most the class watched me as I made my way to my seat. There are some good looking people in this class.

The day was going good no one said anything about my outfit being inappropriate. It was lunch time, I couldn't find Tara to eat with. I looked for anyone I recognize. Oh, the boy in the back he looks like a kid from one of my classes. What did the teacher call him? Alex.

Alex is tall and skinny. He has dark hair and dark eyes, I can't tell what color it looks black it's sticking out of his hood. He has a baggie black hoodie and jeans. His skin is snow white. Even with the baggie hoodie I can tell he is really handsome. His face looks cold like someone who has lost hope.

I walk straight over there with my tiny lunch, I'm mostly just thirsty, my nurves are making it where I'm not hungry. So I grabbed just an apple, and some grape juice.

"Hello, Alex, um may I set with you?"

"I don't care, it's not like it's my table, I'm not the only one here." he said looking at the other people at the table, there way at the other end.

I sat right next to him. I spoke quietly to him.

"I don't know anyone else, do I need to ask everyone, I was only planning on talking to you." He smells good, I can't put my finger on the smell.

"why, do you want to talk to me you don't know me." he sounds guarded no one else at the table is talking to him.

"Well Alex that is why. I don't know you but I want to, .... so I'm Maire. I'm new to school. Can you tell me something about yourself?"

" I'm Alex and it's obvious that it's your first day here. or you would know better than to talk to me..." he stopped himself. I think he is being nice.

"aww that's nice but I'm not just new here I mean, I've never been to any school. My parents practically raised me under a rock. So I'm not good at this whole making friends thing. Well you be my friend?"

"you are so weird, and you talk to much. If it will get you to be quite yes I'll be your friend."

"great so now that we are friends let's talk about music, my favorite band is...." I'm nervously rambling.

I've been really bubbly today, everyone her is so attractive even the teachers. I've already made two friends Tara and Alex. The class work is way easier than I thought it would be. I have my mom to thank for that she always pushed me.

As soon as lunch ended I hugged Alex and went to look for my next class. Alex was awkward to hug. He just stood there. Maybe he's not use to hugs.

Do friends not hug here?

I'm really bad at socializing.

I was looking at the signs trying to find which way to go. I felt someone watching me, maybe they are new too and want to see the sign. The chance of that is pretty low. I mean it's November 2nd, how many people transfer this late. I move to the next sign. The person is getting closer as the halls empty now.

The person is right behind me.

"You should be careful who you make friends with"

"what are you talking about" I said turning to find a tall boy with jet black hair and silver eyes, he had a very trustworthy face. He seemed like he was trying to help. A pit to aggressively, but teen boys and there hormones right?

"Do you have any idea what kind of person Alex is?" I don't know if he was angery or concerned.

"Of course not, I don't know anyone. That kind of happens on your first day. I'm Maire by the way. What's your name?"

"Aaron" I think my answer confused him it took a second for him to say his name.

"So Aaron, I can see your trying to help, do you think you can help me find my class. We can talk more on the way." I smiled. He took the bait. He was looking at the paper trying to help me. As we walk.

"So, Aaron. Does everyone in your family have Silver eye's or just you? I'm the only one in my family with green eyes."

"um I don't know I have a big family, I've never looked at everyone's eyes."

"Alex had redish eyes, but he didn't want to talk about himself. Your much easier to talk to."

"Alex is dangerous he hurts defenseless people."

"I didn't know, I could use a friend like you someone who knows people and can help me out"

He didn't respond. With words just a smile. He pointed to the end of the hallway."That's your class"

"Thank you, so much" I say while hugging him. I'm a hugger I like hugging. He hugged me back.

"My pleasure." he responded. Oh I'm so late I take off running. He calls after me.

"Remember what I said."

"Don't worry Aaron I'm not defenseless." I say right before I get to the door.