Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 600 - LOG 49: The Escape

Chapter 600 - LOG 49: The Escape

Valery went up once more the giant Pikachu rock formation. She was hesitant a bit and constantly looked down on me who was watching her while resting on the bark of a tree. When she went to claim the fragment, I aided my self with a few bandage wraps and, with a brave soul, sprinkled some alcohol on my wounds to avoid infection.

At last, Valery could no longer be seen, which raised my hopes that this time, she'll be able to succeed and do something alone once in for all.

I decided to take a nap.

The lazy wind pushes against the unmown grass like a child sending a dandelion seeds on their way: four o'clock, five o'clock, six. Above the white wisps trail and the setting spring sun brings a welcoming warmth that coats me as good as caramel over a harvest apple. My watch said it was near evening and I lay down here, yet somehow my memory of the time is no more than ten minutes, twenty at the most. With a long exhale I can detect the tell tale signs that my brain is still waking from a nap, there are the vestiges of a dream, turning in nonsensical ways, grasping to remain. Then from nowhere comes the memory of where I'm supposed to be by this time and before the dream can reassert itself my feet are taking me down the knoll to the path below.

I was wakened by a constant tap on my shoulder.

"Guess what?"

"You got the fragment?" I beamed a smile.

"Indeed I did! Look," she said and exhibited to me the fragment inside one of those transparent balls she has.

"Good. I knew you would be able to do it. That leaves us with a few left."

"Yes, yes! Then we can return to Unova straight off!"

She helped me stand up and at that exact precise moment, we heard a chopper descending towards us. It was black with red stripes, signalling it could be the Looker Bureau again.

The sliding doors opened an armored guard extended out his net gun to us. He pulled the trigger and like fish we were, trying not get pulled from the net. However, it was a burden to me as I couldn't run. Another officer showed her face, a familiar one. It was Emma, the detective's assistant in catching criminals.

"You gotta be kidding me. These guys are back that quick," I said, barely dodging the net. Sadly, my Pokemon were victims of their weapon.

Valery shifted looks at the helicopter and at me perpetually.

Once the helicopter reached ground level, Dawn and Logan went out with Gallade and Empoleon. Logan's face was filled with uncertainty. It was as if he was constrained.

"What now?" Valery said as the trainers approached us with the detective's assistant and the one armored guard.

"Help me up," I extended my hand.

"No, no, you can't run fast and you don't have any Pokemon," she began sending out her Pokemon one by one to face the bureau except for Aerodactyl as she feared what happened years ago. However, despite her efforts, and me seeing her potentials as a battler, the bureau were indeed strong people, especially the armed guard who went mad with critical hits. Valery was left defeated and if she were to rescue me and my Pokemon, the mission would be disrupted as both of us would be incapacitated before the authorities.

She began stuttering. I knew where this was heading. "I'm sorry but a mission's a mission right?"

"You sound a whole lot like me. So, you're going to leave me aside in this tree to die?"

"No, it's not like that. I'll remember you. I promise." She then ran off to the wilderness.

I smiled.

I didn't want to fight as I was injured. Thus, I rose my hands and surrendered myself to the police.