Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 519 - LOG 78: The Flames Continue!

Chapter 519 - LOG 78: The Flames Continue!

They watched the deep flames of the enraged fire through blurry eyes. They can't breathe, nor could they hear even the simplicity of their heart racing in their chest. What was once beautiful wilted and cracked under the ferocity of the flames, turning to ash and dust. They continued to choke and splutter under the thick trees, struggling to cease. The smoke smelt of kerosene, and had a strange scent of perfume through it. The smoke was a deep, dark grey color. Intoxicating. Choking. They could feel it pull their very life away.

"We are reporting this live from the Entralink! A wilfire seizes the garden as an unknown, measuring about four feet deep and six feet wide, crater was found in the scene! Cities surrounding the once heavily abode would be experiencing Mars-like clouds. Meanwhile, the Pokemon International Police are on their way as so as the Pokemon International Fire Department!" said the news reporter whose chopper flew above the garden.

"Look! Team Plasma." pointed the camera man.

"Bring me back live. Unova's got to see this!"


"Dawn, are you alright?" Logan approached the fallen tree beside him.

"Seismitoad, Hydro Pump!"

Water bashed the log apart.

Dawn's face was scarred with ash as Logan careened towards her.

A gale shot out of Reshiram's mouth.

The grunts who survived rose to their feet, charging for the Masked Marauder.

Jenny swiveled her eyes around, seeing the result of her destruction. "This was too much," she whispered, slowly stepping back. "Andrea, Gustav, Vincent!" She called, but all three were devastated.

Andrea's body was torn by a branch, Gustav was but dirt. Reshiram released another round of its signature move. Jenny flinched. She didn't move as if she had accepted her defeat. Then came Vincent, the last of the three, pushing her away towards the back of the helicopter.

Her machine was broken. Even if it appeared to have not a single scratch, Victini drowning in wounds, the wires short circuited, the fuse melted.

"It is over," mumbled N. "Without any member, you cannot be deemed a leader. Your goals with Victini, what was it?" he asked, coming closer to her.

Jenny threw her mask with rage, but was not a sign of regret but rather a, Hey, I've got no weapons, gotta work with what I have situation. Her true identity was revealed although she failed to realize the Pokemon International Police was only above them.

"No," gasped Emma. "So, it is her."

Detective Looker didn't know how to react.

"I encountered her many times, Mr. Looker. So, she's the head of the organization. The Masked Marauder."

Looker gazed at Emma in confusion.

"She... She... Did a lot of stuff. That includes Yamask abuse. I'm certain we must do what's right, right Mr. Looker?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so," he hissed.

"Dawn," Logan shook her body. Sirens were heard from afar. "Seismitoad, go help the firefighters!"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"Heatmor! Lucario!"

"Release Victini from that machine. Go!"

Jenny turned to the orange skies. She was up for trouble with only two ways out. Either she drives the chopper by herself, or gives herself in.

"Team Plasma! This is the Pokemon International Police, all of you are under arrest!" resonated the speakers of their helicopters.

"Is that so?" N twisted his cap back. "I have no time to play boys. My castle awaits. Lieutenant Colress,"

"Yes, my king?"

"Lead your men to the valleys, there you'll meet my father and wait for the signal. The world must watch what's in store. A global sensation!"

Reshiram bolted to the red skies.

"You heard the king, go!"

"Yes, Lieutenant!"

Team Plasma fixed their battle positions. The first row pulled out their shields and aimed it at the helicopters. Their rapid bullets were useless against them.


"Right, lieutenant!"

Machamps went ahead of the first row and threw large boulders at the fleet. The officers who finally landed and charged towards Team Plasma with their bats and strong sturdy shields and Pokemon were up against their Pokemon infantry, Bisharps, Excaveliers, and Axelgors.

"I was right after all."

Jenny convulsed to a jolt after hearing Emma's voice behind her. Holding her wounded abdomen, she stared back at her and the detective. Jenny's glare was immense.

"What happened to you? You were supposed to--" asked Looker.

"Go to Hoenn." Her lips were inflexible flat lines beneath her nose. She rose her hands bit by bit.


"Nothing, inspector. It's nice to see you, but with all your men here? No one to side with me? I'm done. You can have me."

"Lieutenant, they're distracted!"

"Retreat now, leave the rest. The police can bait on them!"

"As you wish, lieutenant! You there, round up the East Wing!"


"Leave them!"


Jenny and Detective Looker were a few inches apart. She pointed her fists towards him.

"You were supposed to be your mother. An excellent officer."

"That was yesterday, as so will today," Jenny untied her tongue. "I guess it was foolish of me to cause havoc. I thought by using Victini... I could, I could have the victory I wanted so that I could defeat someone who is a lot stronger than me."

"Who?"Emma wondered.

"Don't play dumb with your interrogation tricks. You know who I'm talking about."

"But you were keen on her. You refute--"

"Like I said," she laughed. "That was yesterday. Handcuff and bring me to prison. I'm finished," she yawned.

Emma took out the handcuffs from her pocket and began chaining Jenny, ending her two year villainy once in for all.