Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 489 - Log 49: Infestation!

Chapter 489 - Log 49: Infestation!

"Should I?" asked Virgo.

"I'll ask, Madam Boss." responded Zola.

Atop the Medal Institute of Castelia city, two agents of our organization are up to something in preparation for step two of our goal. On the penthouse, Virgo's laptop had wires attached to one of our satellite dishes which in return are connected to Munna. The plan is simple. To detect the largest part of the Meteonite, we ought to let Munna's aura (which has the same type of waves) to spread in order to find it. Once the aura hits the Meteonite, it would create a loud, maybe irritating, and if close, sound. It's like two metal bars banged together and the vibration bounces back and forth.

As the waves have a limited range, meaning if it's too far, then it wouldn't be heard, and Munna's aura can only reach a certain diameter, this is where the satellite dish does its job. Its role is simple, it transmits Munna's aura, widening the range, and also receives waves from at least a hundred kilometer. Another cool device of Team Rocket.

Agent Zola booted up his laptop and contacted headquarters.

"Madam Boss, everything is set and prepared," reported Zola.

"Fantissimo, proceed with operations."

"Professor, you heard the instructions."

"Gotcha," Virgo winked. "Munna, you know what to do!"

Munna nodded. She closed her eyes and sent out her auras. It passed through the wires and into the Satellite dish which is then transmitted throughout the whole region. Munna's auras are silent and are incapable of causing any power interference.


Desert Resort

Two archaeologists are off to research more about the relic castle. They walked side by side until one of them spotted an odd looking stone. She ran towards it, and picked up, observing it completely. The stone appeared to be brown, dusty, filled with weird hard-like elongated bones.

"Papa, it's the fossil we're looking for," she said, with an expression of glee.

"Why, Juniper, isn't that a Tirtuga?"

"Yes. I've been searching for one for so--"

A large shrieking sound interrupted. It was powerful and deafening to the point it made everything around them shake. Rocks fell, and walls started to collapse.

"Where is that coming from?" asked Cedric, running with her daughter outside the ruins.

"I'm not sure," said Juniper, trying to chase for the fossil despite the earthquake beneath their feet. She held her ears tightly with both her hands, but her lust for archaeology would put the fossil ahead of her safety.

"Forget the fossil, Juniper. We have to get out quick."

"It'll only be quick," said Juniper, removing her hands from her ears and grabbing the fossil. She tried to bear the pain coming from the irritating noise.


"Any details yet, professor?"

"Yes!" said Virgo, tapping on the keyboard of her gps. "It appears that the Meteonite comes from the Desert Resort."

"Desert resort? That's a piece of cake to acquire. No sight of anyone, we'll be able to grab it."

"And it's in! I've got the map ready. It's at the far west, Agent Zola."

"Excellent. Our job here is finished. Proceed with turning off the device. It's time to report this to Madam Boss."


The rattling noise stopped out of the blue. The earthquake disappeared, and both archaeologists were safe once more.

"Juniper! What did I tell you about putting your life at risk?"

Juniper smirked. "Sorry, papa. At least we've got the fossil."

[Cedric's Xtransceiver rang]

"Why? I didn't know there's signal here."

"Who's calling, papa?"

"Burgh, from Castelia City."

"That's strange. He barely calls."

"Something must be wrong." Cedric answered the call.

"Professor Cedric, Professor Juniper, where are the two of you?"

"Desert Resort." said Cedric.

"Have you noticed anything strange?" asked Burgh.

"You running in what appears to be the sewers of Castelia is quite strange. Is anything wrong?"

"Castelia's in panic. Venipede are rising around every corner of Castelia City! The International Police and I are investigating."

"A Venipede infestation?"

Juniper grabbed her laptop. "Of course, the noise from earlier."

"What noise?"

"Me and papa heard a strange noise earlier. It almost made the whole area collapse. The Pokedex states that Venipede have the capacity to hear waves no matter how silent."

"But isn't it over?"

"I'm afraid not, Burgh. Though we may not hear it, the Venipede still can. Its frequency travels from high to low, and in this rate, the human ear cannot be able to hear it anymore but certain species can. That might be the reason why it's affecting them." explained Cedric.

"And who is responsible for this sound?"

"That's what we have to investigate. Me and papa will meet you there shortly."


"Miyamoto, Domino, prepare the squadrons. Every single citizen is distracted by the conflict we've created. As long there is an infestation, no one will know about our plans, especially the police. This is our opportunity. The Meteonite will be mine, and soon, I'll be able to control the weather," said Madam Boss.

"Yes, boss!" the two saluted.

"It's time to convert my plan into action."