Pinwheel Forest in the middle of the night is always a spooktacular place filled with abundant trees, bugs, and poisonous Pokemon. After the never ending lights of the city, Logan underestimated the utter blackness of nighttime in the woods. In his mind the trees would be black trunks against a bluish charcoal sky, the path would become deepest brown and the moonlight would bleach the stones within it. Hadn't every painting of woods at night been like that? Even if there was a moon tonight its silvery rays would not penetrate the dense canopy above. He was in too far in to turn back, the twilight he had mistaken for night had passed rapidly.
It could be no blacker in a coffin, six feet under and piled with dirt. He began to breathe the cool air more rapidly. The darkness pressed in on him from all sides and his body screamed for him to run. He sank to his bottom on the damp earth of late spring and settled in to wait for dawn. All the while he listened for the people he has been looking for.
"Eevee! Out now!" said Logan, tossing out the Eevee he caught moments ago.
By a mossy rock is where they looked at, Eevee, pondering it so earnestly. Slowly it moved forward, somewhat curious of such peculiar stone.
"Right! I believe it's time for you to evolve Eevee! This is your perfect chance. Didn't you want to evolve for a long time already? As your trainer, I grant you that wish!" teased Logan, playing with Eevee's fluffy neck.
He slowly walked forth, step by step, and once he paws touched the stone, he evolved into something new. While evolving, the glow shrouding him gave light to the forest, making it look like an enchanted place for wizards and witches to roam. It was a phenomenal view in Logan's eyes. As for Eevee, he became a somewhat grassy looking Pokemon.
Leafeon is a mammalian, quadruped Pokémon. Its body is tan with dark brown paws. It has a multitude of small green sprouts growing all over its legs, chest and back, with the longest one on its head, in front of four tan tufts of fur. Leafeon's ears and tail are stylized to resemble tattered leaves. It has brown eyes and a small, brown nose.
This Pokémon's cellular structure is similar to plants, which allows it to perform photosynthesis and purify the air around it by sleeping under the sunlight; it gets its energy in this way instead of eating. It is a pacifistic, quiet Pokémon, preferring not to fight, though sharpens its leafy tail for the occasions it needs to. Its aroma is similar to fresh grass in its youth; as it ages, this fragrance bears more of a resemblance to fallen leaves.
"Ahaha! Come here!" said Logan, the newly evolved Leafeon jumping into his grasps. Proud and somewhat filled with glee, Lefeaon hugged his trainer fondly. Here, their bond could be seen, as they watched the once dark forest illuminated by Pokemon who bore light.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rustle from the nearby bushes can be heard. It caught the attention of the two young fellows as they slowly approached the bush. Little by little, a face appeared, then came another, then came a third. Three faces, all looking at him, the started to run, clutching a somewhat fossil like structure on their grasps.
"Hey! I know you guys! You're Team Plasma and that fossil! Where have I seen that before? Argh! That was from the Nacrene Museum is it not? Return it right now!"
"Haha! What can a mere trainer do against a strong organization like us?" teased the first grunt.
"Forget them! Let's head out now! The sage is waiting for us!" shouted the second grunt as they dashed out of his sight.
"Hey come back here!" yelled Logan. "Ah! Plasma crooks! Come on, Leafeon! We can't let them get away!"
So on they went, to depths of the forest, chasing each other in hopes to reclaim the fossil. Bushes and twigs is where the two fellows passed, finding the grunts who were unexpectedly out of sight. At the middle of a grass field is where they halted to rest, contemplating their surroundings around them.
"God damn it! Where did those three went?" asked Logan.
And on they go, pounding hardly, jolting like lightning, stepping one foot at a time. At the edge of the forest is where they hid behind a tree, listening to the conversation of the three. They were talking to a shabby man who looked high and mighty.
"Fools! This is not what I wanted! Ah! Never mind! Just leave it there and return to the castle immediately!" shouted the sage and once he cloaked himself with his cape, he disappeared out of sight.
"Another blunder. Darn it! Come on, better return before Ghetsis scolds us." said the grunts, leaving the forest in a downcasted gaze.
Once gone, the two fellows took charge, grabbing the fossil immediately and wiping it with his handkerchief.
"Now we have to return to Nacrene City. Come on Leafeon, better give this back to Lenora before they find out its missing." said Logan, saddened all of a sudden.
"Don't feel down. The important thing is we got what we needed. Now, have a rest and return to your Pokeball!"