Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 447 - LOG 7: She who could be air!

Chapter 447 - LOG 7: She who could be air!

Where am I? I couldn't see anything but darkness. I feel a weird sensation coming from my neck, traveling to my mind. It was as if electric impulses were aching inside of me. My eyes wouldn't open, they feel heavy, as if two stones were placed atop of it. My body felt stiff all of a sudden while my nose seems to be a little itchy.

I could hear though, someone was walking around the room. I could hear her playing with some kind of metallic object. Oh wait, never mind, that sound I was wearing, that was from a syringe. I heard her footsteps slowly coming closer. Her mouth was humming as I was injected with some sort of serum.

The serum made me jerk as I bounced up the bed. I was breathing, but it felt a deep, very deep than the usual deep breath. My eyes were widened vastly as I could just feel my whole body shivering. I turned to my left and saw a woman looking at me. She had violet hair, long and lustrous. She wears glasses too, the kind of glasses that I've seen from the Hoenn region.

She smiled back at me. "Good evening, or should I say morning? I am Professor Sophie."

"Where am I? I could talk?!"

"Yes. Your surgery was a success. Welcome to the Team Rocket branch of the Unova region." she replied.

"I thought I was heading to Johto?! Where's, where's my--"

"About that. I think you barely realize what happened. The ship was attacked by an anonymous organization. We're uncertain of who it was, but anyway, the executives have confirmed you as active again."

"Active? Was I deceased?"

"Well, they thought you are. Plus, you will be working with us now as we would like to be in accord of what the executives told us. Since going to Johto is far threatening that what we're currently witnessing, they think it would be best if you stay here for now."

"..." I was speechless. My eyes circumnavigated the room that seems to be those of a hospital. There was one wide one-sided window on my left, this makes we wonder if anyone's staring at me. The room was large than what I've seen before. There were trays, shelves of hospital equipment organized properly everywhere.

Professor Sophie leaned her head forward. "Someone's hunting you," she murmured.

"Haunting me? Who?"

"I don't know too. For now, I want you to rest. Your energy is near zero, without energy, you're gonna end up dying. Alice! Could you please bring a glass of water for her!" she shouted at... How should I put this? Well, she was staring at the wall so I guess she was talking to the air.

Minutes later, I saw a glass of water floating above me, slowly moving towards my hand. I was stupefied, I could barely breath after seeing that unexpected movement of the wind. It was as if the wind was truly alive or an apparition happening inside the room.

The wind revealed itself as it took form of a woman. Her hair was black but long, and she had an angsty female. She gave me a smile from ear to ear though. Hugging her leg was a little green Pokemon.

"Surprised? This is my daughter, Alice. She's a timid woman, and so I made her a device that could help her hide from the crowd by turning herself invisible. That's her Pokemon buddy, Kecleon." Sophie introduced.

"H-hi." she stammered like me if I were to be an agent with the microchip. I waved back at her while drinking the glass of water she gave me. I moved my leg a bit, all of a sudden, she became frightened and turned herself invisible. I noticed she was able to do so by command, meaning she's used to it. Not only that, even her Kecleon became invisible except for its red stripe.

"She's always like that." sighed the professor.

Seconds afterward, two individuals came inside the room. Both had glasses such as those of Hoenn. The first one was a slim and tall woman, slimmer than Cynthia herself. The other was a leonine man who could attract the attention of many women but I was not.

"Team Plasma has been driven away from the coast of Undella Town." reported the slim woman.

"We were unable to capture the sage however." sait the leonine man.

I couldn't understand what on Earth they were talking about. Team Plasma? Looks like trouble's ringing the bell.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to our top two leading master agents."

"Master-- ouch." I accidentally bent my body too much. "Master what now?" I asked. Here I thought Elite Operatives are the highest ranking, looks like there's one more? Heh, I could blame myself, I'm lazy to read the handbooks anyway.

"The master ranking of Team Rocket includes those agents whose skills are of the best. These includes prodigies such as Faith and Grace who were demoted to Elite Operatives because of Fortuna told us so.

Anyway, these two are Master Zola(female), and Master Xedric(Male). So far, they have failed zero missions. In order to be classified as a master agent, one must excel at all categories. May it be stealth, combat, or even neuro. In short, you must be responsive, intelligent, and a good fighter as well."

"Greetings." bowed the two before me. Their accent were as those of a serious agent. The type of agent you would see in spy movies.

I cleared my throat and greeted them back, "H-hi! I'm-"

Zola cut off my words, "We know you, Elite Operative Luna Evergreen. I've heard your demeanor is of us, not only a fighter, but a killer as well."

"Oh right, while you're awake, perhaps it would be best to introduce the whole region to you." A holographic map of the whole region showed up in front of my face. It looks like a wiggly wave with a Pokeball on the center. I could also see there's a desert nearby of where I'm at, much larger than the ones of Hoenn.

"This is the Unova Region. A metropolis of various cities, home to many Pokemon. Our facility lies hidden from sight, literally underground. So far, our only enemy is Team Plasma, a group of nitwits who claims to be the savior of our world." Sophie said.