Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 398 - EPISODE 68: Nightmares!*

Chapter 398 - EPISODE 68: Nightmares!*

The aggressive Darkrai was very alarming. I couldn't move. In front of me was Logan, trying to protect me. His grip on my sweaty hands was so tensed, I couldn't shiver. Darkrai on the other hand was floating towards him in an aggressive manner. Behind him were swiveling shadows flying around as the Pokemon of nightmares showed its true colors which are basically itself with longer legs.

A Shadow Ball formed right on its hand. It headed towards the two of us and that was when Lucario joined the action, punching the shadow ball away from us as it directly went for Darkrai.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!"

Lucario threw its energy shaped as spheres towards the foe but Darkrai was able to attack in ease, running around as if it was my Gardevoir.

"Let me fight too, Logan." I convinced him until he let go of my hand. It was at that moment when I sent out Shelgon for action.

"Okay, Shelgon, Ember let's go!"

Shelgon spat fire towards the attacking Darkrai, though just like those spheres, the attack missed as well.

"I'm not risking my Pokemon to fall on that shadow pool of nightmares. Shelgon, go with Dragon Rage!"

Then came Lucario who was the second to hit with a powerful Cross Chop attack. Darkrai, facing two opponents was confused at first but was able to distinguish Lucario from Shelgon a few moments later. Its eyesight is quite poor for it relies on sound. Only the names of the Pokemon being shouted at can Darkrai find the difference between the two.

"Lucario, Cross Chop again!"

Lucario was continuous with its attack, it was powerful, I've gotta say but against Darkrai, not so much. It was blasted to the rocky wall with the dark pulse that succumbed to it. Meanwhile, Shelgon and I were still pumped up to defeat Darkrai. We stayed with the none contact moves which are Ember and Dragon Rage.

"Okay Shelgon, now use Dragon Rage once more!"

Two attacks went straight for each other. A beam of black light-filled with nothing but darkness against a spoonful of dragon power, of course, it was Darkrai who succeeded but then because of her high defense stat, she was able to withstand such power.

Then came the moment when Shelgon glowed in pure white. Wings were emerging from her back and I was filled with deep pride. From Bagon to a Shelgon and now she is a powerful Salamence. Her loud cry upon evolving was able to cause the stalactites from above to fall down and crush unto Darkrai's head.

Salamence is a quadruped, draconic Pokémon with a long, tapering tail. It is primarily blue with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. There are red markings on its throat, the underside of its tail, and stripes on the inner surface of its legs. Additionally, there are raised red ridges above its eyes. (It was used to generalize the species.)

"Congratulations, Luna!"

"Thanks, but this fight isn't over just yet. Salamence, you ready?"

Salemence looked at me and nodded her head.

Out of nowhere, I was lifted upwards. I can feel something pinching my neck as I felt drowsy all of a sudden. My eyes were shut as I screamed internally.

I may not show the pain but inside me, all my nightmares were playing. I was deep asleep, trapped in my own body as nightmares chased me. Some of them are my worse such as the time I dreamed about falling off an airplane or other things that I'm too embarrassed to reveal. My body fell from there but Salamence was able to catch me.

"What did you do to her?!" Logan yelled and returned his Lucario back to its Pokeball.

"Wake her up!"

Darkrai hinted as it swam back to the oozing black puddle which then turned into pristine glass again.

"Salamence, we have to head to that island immediately, mind taking me there?" implored, Logan.

Salamence nodded and gave the right for Logan to ride on her back. Upon saddling, Salamence lifted off, and like a bullet train, she bolted out of the cave and swiveled to the raining sky. Though, the ferry was still there waiting for us, Logan did not mind to greet them for now since he was starting to worry about me.

In the distance, Logan can see the neighboring island in which he commanded my Salamence to head to. As they proceeded to the Island of Full Moon, the rain slowly stopped as the clouds drifted away.

"Faster, Salamence!" instructed, Logan, holding my sleeping body.

Salamence nodded and hastened up to her speed.

Darkrai finished, who is coming next? If the harbinger of nightmares was from New Moon Island, who is the lunar Pokemon? For now, I couldn't do anything but to sleep, experiencing all the nightmares I've feared for more than sixteen years now. They all came like childhood memories.