Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 378 - EPISODE 48: The Bombing!*

Chapter 378 - EPISODE 48: The Bombing!*

In a terrible flash, the heart was torn from the lakefront, and from the rest of everyone too. For moments earlier a child had walked in the shores, a sacred gift that a mother and father could ever have, innocence and beauty, then there was only blood, drought, and a sense that all that was good in the universe had cried out in pain.

A helicopter flew above, a reporter went online in a live television news report. The cities of Sinnoh all watched her report and her eyes spoke of melancholy, "They were unpredictable. No one saw the missile coming, a hydraulic bomb from an unknown aircraft was launched minutes ago. Everyone in the lakefront is safe, but those who were in the shores, their whereabouts are nowhere to be found.

As we can see below, the water from the lake was completely drained by the bomb, revealing a crater deeper than eighteen feet. Below, I see men wearing blue wigs and there stood a woman in front who somehow has dark pink hair. According to the Pokemon International Police, they are of Team Galactic, and are known to be responsible for this bombardment.

Three minutes upon the attack, the police arrived at the scene but they were apprehended by Team Galactic's grunts. Surprisingly, all their Pokemon lost, and the police had no choice but to surrender to them. We've come in contact with Detective Looker just a minute ago and according to him, he's stuck with traffic with his assistant so they might take longer.

We urge everyone to stay indoors until this conflict is solved, Team Galactic is classified as a dangerous organization and we ask no one to retaliate against them. Let the authorities handle the work and stay safe, especially the citizens of the connecting cities, Veilstone and Pastoria. That is all." the news lady ended her report as the camera booted off, signifying the end of the live premiere.

Everyone in Sinnoh heard the report, and are dumbfounded by it. Their eyes expressed deep sorrows for the loss of their lake as Team Galactic's cruelty went infamous. They did what the reporter bade. Everyone traveled back to their houses, locked their doors, and hoped for the authorities to stop whatever conflict is happening outside. If grief was a human, then that would be the population of Sinnoh. The impact was nothing compared to Team Rocket's bombardment in the Hoenn Region.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the lake, Team Rocket came except for me. They haven't been spotted by grunts so far as they walked on a puddle of mud as vast as eight hectares of land that was once filled with water and Pokemon. So many, so many flapping Magikarps here and there.

"Where's that Luna?! I'm trying to contact her since our arrival here but she's not answering!" Charlotte was enraged, tapping the buttons of her Rotom-Phone vigorously.

"Sigh, of course, you won't contact her, she's in a cave! Use the radar." Copper facepalmed himself.

"R-right, I forgot," Charlotte uttered, switching from her phone to the Rocket Radar.

"Still nothing! She's not answering!" Charlotte tried to contact me again, yet again, I did not reply.

"Well, we can deal with this, hopefully." Zeal was not confident with her words.

"Capture them!" all seven of them were shocked when grunts appeared out of nowhere. They were hiding behind the corals and stone boulders all along, and now they only revealed themselves. Leading a squadron who also gave the commandment was Elite Operative Pluto.

The grunts came from all directions and startled all seven, they didn't even have the opportunity to defend themselves with their Pokemon. Even Minun and Plusle who remained outside of their Pokeball were unable to attack in time. The grunts came with their bats, these bats sting them with electricity was spanked upon the skin.

All seven were captured and held captive. They walked like prisoners with the grunts making sure they have no opportunity of escaping by pointing their bats at their back. Charlotte was also mad at me I haven't showed up yet. Well, it's not my fault my radar broke after that rumbling pulse.

They were brought to the center of the now dry lake. There were drillers everywhere, though they are not yet booted on. There were also cages, large ones as tall as a one-story house. In these cages were the officers who tried to stop them and soon, my team will be mingling with them.

"Commander Jupiter, Team Rocket grunts," Pluto reported. Busy preparing operations, Jupiter stopped using her Ipad for a moment as she paid attention to the seven prisoners. There, she gave them a laughter in a mocking and insulting manner.

"Now look at this, we've captured our enemies. How's it feel to lose now? See this? See this whole lake? This is our magnificent creation, our Master will soon be living in his dream and it is all thanks to us, Team Galactic! You know, I'm delivering you to Master Cyrus once this is finished, perhaps you would like to taste the same faith your Luna gave to Commander Charon?"

Charlotte spat saliva at Jupiter.

"How, how insolent. Bring them to the cage. They'll be part of the audience." Commander Jupiter instructed while wiping the saliva with a tissue off her arm.

"You heard her! Go!" Pluto supported the command.

"Yes sir!" the grunts saluted and threw all seven of them to the cage. They were locked there for the time being as preparations for their scheme continued. I guess we'll have to move the date of our ultimate scheme.

"Come on! Seriously?! You can run faster the lightning!" Zeal looked at Oliver. Oliver responded with a shrug.

"Forget it, all we can do now is to wait for Luna. She's our only hope." Faith uttered. She was scared and frightened. Her muscles moved because of the shiver succumbing to her.

"For Pete's sake, why won't you talk?!" Zeal said sarcastically.

"Words are unnecessary." Oliver, once in a blue moon made the decision to utter three words then that's it. He concealed his mouth again from talking.