Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 365 - EPISODE 35: Time for a Raid!*

Chapter 365 - EPISODE 35: Time for a Raid!*

Maylene was teleported somewhere in the city, an alley where she wasn't quite familiar with, filled with the rotten garbage bins and vandalized walls but she could see the Pokemon Center right by the other side of the road. She took a glance at her injured Lucario, quickly sending it back to its Pokeball as she rushed to the other side, nearly hurting herself from an incoming carriage.

"Nurse Joy! I need your help!" the gym leader entered, wearing an anxious expression. The other people in the Pokemon Center were gossiping about her, saying, "Isn't she the gym leader of Veilstone City?" "What's Maylene doing here?"

"M-Maylene? Such an unexpected visit during this kind of hour." even Nurse Joy herself was shocked.

"Please take my Lucario, it was knocked out." Maylene implored, placing the Pokeball atop the counter.

"I see. Leave the rest to me." Nurse Joy responded with a delighted smile as she and her Chansey proceeded to the emergency room to aid Lucario. Meanwhile, Maylene took a seat on one of the benches. She thought deeply about Candice who would've been in Snowpoint City right now if it wasn't for her plan to raid the base in the first place.

Disrupting her moment of thinking was the woman beside her who kept on chuckling while reading something in her Rotom-Phone. Her laugh only intensified as she read further, making Maylene both agitated and furious at the same time. She looked to the woman beside her, and that was when a brilliant idea sparked on her mind.

"Hey! You're the detective's assistant right?" asked, Maylene.

"Hi there, my name is Emma. You are correct, I am the detective's assistant. If you're looking for Detective Looker, he went to Iron Island with the champion. I was tasked to wait here."

"But still, you technically control the Pokemon International Police right?"

"Well um, yes but I do it with the permission of the detective of course."

"No need, I need your help right away. You see, I and Candice raided a Team Galactic base somewhere in this city and it turned out to be a total flaw. I need your help, please. I need the help of the Pokemon International Police. There's like five stations in this city alone right?"

"B-but, with all due respect, the detective might get angry at me if I use a squadron of police officers without his permission."

"He won't since we're doing it for a right cause. Please, Emma, my friend is in danger and I regret thinking about such a plan in the first place. If there is anybody the detective needs to scold, it's me." Maylene knelt, only to get Emma's approval. Emma was doubting at first, but with enough persuasion, she finally said yes.

Once Lucario has been aided by Nurse Joy, Emma and Maylene visited the five police branches of the city. They gathered a total of more than fifty active personnel, half were policemen the other half were armored officers. In their vehicles, both the typical and the armored, they rushed to the base in which Maylene led the way.

"I'm having doubts about this, I don't want the detective to scold me. He hasn't scolded me yet but by the way, he scolds his officers is just frightening." Emma shivered.

"Don't worry Emma," Maylene held her shoulder. She continued, "The detective will be proud of you and I'm sure of it." At that moment, the two of them smiled together, as they went down the vehicle. All of Emma's doubts were gone as she became the temporary detective.

"Alright, listen up! A gym leader is in trouble and it is up to us to save her!" yelled, Emma with full determination as her officers saluted.

"Alright! Arcanine, melt down the wall with Fire Blast!" one of the armored police took the first lead, knocking down the secret bricked wall with his Pokemon. Once that finished, a tunnel was revealed in which the officers spent no time waiting. They rummaged in like a horde of zombies and from the inside, the grunts could hear their footsteps because of the heavy armor most of them bear.

"Commander Saturn! The Pokemon International Police is coming!" alerted, of the female grunts who entered a room in which Saturn was confronting Candice who was tied up in a chair. Candice glared at Saturn, but she couldn't speak because of the tape in her mouth. Her hands and limbs are restrained tightly by ropes.

"Sigh, prepare my helicopter, leave the rest of our grunts. Those who lose against that detective deserved to be kicked out of Team Galactic in the first place. What other way of getting rid of them by abandoning our weak grunts?" Saturn responded with hysterical laughter as he left the room, locking Candice inside.

"Right away, Commander Saturn!" the female grunt saluted. She is Venus, an Elite Operative of Team Galactic. She is one of the greatest and strongest agents that had ever been employed in the organization. Legends even say that no one has defeated her. Her hair is orange, to signify herself from the rest of the "herd."

She and Saturn walked to the sector five, a hall that connects the base to the other exit. Outside that exit will lead them to a tall building and atop that building is a helicopter pad. At the end of the halls, guarding the doors of the exit, an entrance to the building was a man with dark blue hair like Saturn. He wears shades, painted deeply with black.

"So? Commander Saturn? The Pokemon International Police had bothered our plans again."

"I know that. That is why I'm here in the first place. Come on, Elite Operative Pluto, you're coming with me." responded, Saturn.

"About the rest of our grunts?"

"They're weak, they deserve to be captured," Venus responded for Saturn.

"Well, if that is his decision, then Vamos!" Pluto, an Elite Operative, was said to be next after Venus. Legends also say that he had never failed a mission, making him one of the best Elite Operatives and the most recognizable out of all.

After hearing the commandment, he quickly saluted, opening the door for Saturn and coming right by his side. Meanwhile, Maylene and Lucario are fueled up again, throwing punches and kicks towards their opponents and their Pokemon while the armored policemen attacked with their bats. The regular officers on the other hand, simply attacked with their Pokemon.

"Espurr, Psychic, let's go!" Emma instructed to her Espurr. A cat that has wide eyeballs. It lifted the grunts up unto the ceilings and delivering them to the officers. From there, the officers' duty was to arrest them.

"You're a fighter?" Maylene teased.

"Detective Looker thought me a thing or two about Pokemon battling."

"Brilliant, come with me." Maylene grabbed Emma's hand, separating themselves from where the epicenter of the fight was ongoing. Behind were their Pokemon, following them.

"W-wait! We must help the officers!" Emma halted Maylene for a while.

"We must find Candice first, once that's done, then we can help out," Maylene uttered as she grabbed her hand once more pulling Emma with her. They yelled Candice's name but no one seemed to respond. Little do the two of them know, Candice had heard their cry and is struggling to speak because of the tape attached to her mouth.

After hearing no responses, Emma and Maylene decided to look for Candice room by room. They sought for her, scouring every inch until they reached the right one. Upon reaching the right room, cold and dark for the lights were off but the air-conditioners were on, Maylene rushed to Candice to untangle her from the ropes.

"!" Candice kept yelling but Maylene couldn't understand the context. Candice kept on rolling her eyes to the left but Maylene still couldn't understand the context.

She ripped off the tape covering her mouth, and that is when Candice yelled loudly, "Beside you!" It was too late, a Drapion was charging towards her as an Elite Operative leaned over the walls in the shadows.

This Elite Operative was tall, muscular, somewhat had the looks of Matt. He is no other than Titus, not known throughout but a qualified Elite Operative.

"Bwuahahaha! Crush her bones Drapion!" Titus commanded.

Drapion went straight for Maylene who flinched, luckily Emma had the guts to push her to the side, but in return, she sacrificed herself.

"Emma, are you alright?" Maylene was anxious as Emma twinkled her eyes.

"Y-yeah." Emma stuttered, scratching her head as she lifted her upper torso from the ground.

Both Pokemon attacked Drapion while Maylene aided Emma's left leg. She applied a bandage on her knee for it was bleeding after that one of Drapion's pincers pierced it.

Lucario instructed as a long bone emerged from the palm of its hand. Lucario was about to use Bone Rush.

Espurr responded with a creepy but cute voice. It swiveled around Drapion first and went to the left of it, gathering all of Drapion's attention as its pincers tried to pierce Espurr. While that happens, Lucario struck from the right, literally cutting one of Drapion's piercers. Because of this, Drapion was shouting and yelling with pain, screaming all of its energy out.

"Argh! I'll handle this myself!" Titus clenched his fists and grumpily walked to Lucario, preparing to punch it. Lucario saw the fist coming, it was too fast when suddenly someone chops Titus's neck, putting him into an unconscious state. Titus dropped on the floor, and there, everyone inside the room was gobsmacked.

"D-detective?!" Emma stuttered again after seeing Looker and the champion. Garchomp sided with Lucario and Espurr to take down Drapion. Meanwhile, behind Detective Looker, armored officers arrived at the scene, apprehending the unconscious Titus.

"Detective, Saturn might still be-"

"Gone. I saw his helicopter." Looker intervened Emma's words. By the way, he interrupted and spoke, Emma was certain he would be scolded after this mission so she kept her mouth shut and decided to help Maylene untangle Candice instead. Her mind was frightened of what is to come.

"Maylene? Candice? Have I not told you before-"

"We're sorry, Ms. Cynthia." the two young gym leaders interrupted Cynthia's words to apologize. Both were guilty of their actions and lucky for Candice Saturn did not bring her Pokemon with him.

"Look at the troubles you've caused. The Pokemon International Police was completely disturbed, luckily one of the officers contacted us."

"It's my fault, Ms. Cynthia, I was the one who thought of the plan in the first place. Candice is innocent, as so as Emma. Detective Looker, please do not get mad at her, I only asked for her help. If there is anyone to scold, that would be me." Maylene admitted with a low and guilty tone.

"Thank you for your honesty," Looker responded back.

Once the mission was over, Candice and Maylene parted ways with the detective and the champion so they could return to their city to sleep. Before leaving, Maylene deeply apologized for the troubles she caused, she also personally apologized to Emma by whispering at her ears.

Outside the "crime scene" in the alley, while the other officers were still investigating, red and blue sirens flashing everywhere, Looker addressed his assistant, "Emma! Have I not told you to use a squadron for important matters only with my permission. You are still young to handle a brigandage of your own. I am completely disappointed, but, you did the right thing.

Though I may be disappointed with your lack of obedience, it was music to my ears to know I have an assistant of integrity. You just wanted to help, I understand that and by the way things seem, no officers were injured. Great work, you have my praise. Most of the grunts were arrested, especially a major one, an Elite Operative who goes by the name of Titus. Sadly, Saturn was able to escape."

"Thank you, Detective Looker." Emma smiled, suddenly she accidentally fell to the detective's shoulders.

"Is your knee alright?" the champion chuckled and asked her directly.

"Yes, Ms. Cynthia, it was only a blunder." Emma chuckled back.

From that moment onward, the city was in serene calmness, like how it should be in the first place. Meanwhile, though disappointed, the two gym leaders were happy to have each other's backs, even stopping over for some dessert in the middle of their way home!