Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 312 - EPISODE 92: The Beginning of the End!*

Chapter 312 - EPISODE 92: The Beginning of the End!*

In the desert, group one is busy handling Regirock. Fortree, the twins withdrew because of fear, leaving the match up to Wallace. Back in Dewford, Winona and Melody faced a harder problem. As for Copper, he came alongside the elite four, the champion, and the four trainers.

According to the champion, he had to receive extra backup so they decided to head to wherever that station is before idiotically going to a suicide mission to stop Kyogre and Groudon. Because of the awakening of the titans, the spikes continued to emerge according to respective elements either from rock, steel, or ice.

It could be possible for the whole region to be shrouded with these three forms of spikes. Soon, Hoenn is more of a graveyard and the once happy region might be no more. There is one way to stop it, and that is with the efforts of the trainers and conference.

As of now, Team Rocket is completely disabled from operation. There is no absolute way our admins will be sending navies and helicopters out during a harsh storm like this. Losing a life for something we did not start seemed unworthy and we've learned from that in Johto when half our men were captured despite helping out.

Location: The Hoenn Desert

"Raichu! Electro-Ball!" instructed Jenny. Raichu did follow the command, sending a sphere of electricity to the titan but rarely did any damage at all.

"Rock is strong against electric types!" Vizion alerted.

"Well look at Wattson, he's using his Electrode and they seem to be doing fine. Raichu, switch to Iron Tail!"

Raichu gave a smirk and nodded her head as she spun her tail rapidly and pinpointed Regirock's head. The titan countered, grabbing the tail and twirling Raichu in the air. It then smacks it like the ones baker use to flatten up some dough.

"Slaking! Recharge time is over, use hyper beam once more!"

"Probopass, support it with Flash Cannon!"

"Time to turn up the heat, Camerupt, Fire Blast right now!"

"Blastoise, Hydro cannon!"

In order, Norman, Roxanne, Flannery, and Vizion commanded their Pokemon. Each move headed straight for the head but once it settled, Regirock was able to withstand it. Their self-esteem has decreased because of this, losing confidence in themselves.

Regirock gave a loud shout, making it rain shards of stones aside from water. The stones were as sharp as knives and the only thing they could do was to hide from it momentarily. Once it stopped raining stones, Brawly and his Makuhita tried using Force Palm, yet again, it barely caused a scratch.


Location: Dewford Town

Regice emerged from the cave, stampeding through houses and shelters, stepping on innocent Pokemon and people. Winona and Melody had failed miserably, and now they have no choice but to take the battle to land.

"Hey, Regice! Keep the battle between us, leave the people out of this!" shouted, Winona.

"That's right! Team Rocket won't lose to you. Now come and fight us you ice head freak!" Melody taunted, showing no signs of terror towards it. She was brave enough to shout at a monster that could freeze her within seconds.

Location: Fortree City

The same had happened to Fortree City and the poor tree-houses were wrecked my Registeel and the spikes of metal emerging from the ground. The spikes were able to uproot trees in which the innocent houses of people rest upon.

"Tate, Wallace can't handle this alone." alerted, Liza while pouring sympathy to Wallice who was trying to protect both them and the citizens of the city. Sadly, some of those citizens perished due to their houses being destroyed and them coming along with it.

"You're right. Wallace is having a hard time dealing with this all by himself." Tate concurred.

"So? Should we help him or not?"

"Of course we should! Why fear if we possess the powers of psychokinesis, we can do this!" Tate beamed with enthusiasm and sent out her Pokemon. Liza followed from behind.

In one voice, synchronized, they shouted, "We are the mystic combination!"

"Lunatone use Moonblast!" Tate instructed.

"Solrock, Moonblast too!" Liza instructed.

Both the sun and moon attacked Registeel and Wallace was surprised to see them help. Seeing the twins finally coping up with fear and helping out with the task made Wallace smile. Though, a part of him was frightened for helping out means risking their lives.


The fight between the deity of the land and seas has only intensified. They had activated their own abilities in accord with their forms. Groudon's ability is known as Desolate Land. On the other hand, Kyogre's ability is known as Primordial Sea. These abilities help them out to prove who is stronger than the other.

The two deities roared at each other. Kyogre sent a water-sprout to the opposing Groudon. Groudon was able to withstand it because of its ability. Groudon tried using precipice blade and it did not do anything to Kyogre.

Their match was even and even their signature moves couldn't do much. Their childish fight of proving whose stronger only affected this region and is only getting worse by the second. It reminds me of a movie in which a lizard fought some sort of whale.

Groudon thought it was about to blow the hell out of Kyogre, so it charged up its fiery power inside its mouth. Before sending it out, Groudon's left eye was suddenly attacked by a missile.

It gathered both Groudon and Kyogre's attention as both looked to left. Fighter jets were surrounding them alongside helicopters. In one of these helicopters is the champion, the trainers, the elites, and Copper. They circled the two fighting giants as another round of missiles is set straight to the both of them.

"Alpha One, Groudon has stumbled."

"Copy that, Omega Six, we'll do another round and attack and head for Kyogre next."

The pilots were communicating with one another. This was the squadron sent by no other than Detective Looker who were hiding in the darkest shadows all this time and thanks to the champion who knew about the detective's plans since the detective told him before my arrival in this region, he was able to acquire some assistance.

"If we can't put the devil to sleep then we'll just kill it." teased, one of the pilot of a jet fighter as he unleashed three more missiles towards Kyogre.

"Metagross, you ready? Flash Cannon!"

"Absol it's time to get gnarly, yee hah! Use Snarl!" Sidney commanded.

"Banette, be a dear and attack Kyogre with shadow ball!" Phoebe commanded.

"Oh, give a little brain freeze to Kyogre, won't you darling? Sealeo, use Ice Beam!" Glacia commanded.

and finally, "Flygon, Dragon Pulse!" Drake commanded.

All of them commanded their Pokemon from the helicopter in which the doors were wide open.

On the other helicopter, the trainers helped out as well:

"Sceptile, leaf storm!"

"Blaziken, Flamethrower!"

"Swampert, Mud Bomb!"

"Right! Gallade, hit it with Pysbeam!"

As for Groudon who stumbled down, it caused a disruption in the current of the water, making it flow westwards. Luckily, Pacifidlog and our headquarters are far from the epicenter of the fight so by then, the ten feet tsunami would've probably settled.

Groudon stood up once more and attacked three fighter jets, making them crash to the belly of the storm.

"Alpha Three, Delta Two, and Omega Four are out!" reported, a personnel from the Pokemon International Police's hidden station. The personnel can see which jets are online and which jets had just suffered a terrible loss.

Kyogre did the same and wrecked three more jets with the power of its wind. The brutal wind made the jets swirl, causing them to bump into each other.

"Good grief! Alpha eight, nine, and ten are out, leaving six more jets in the Alpha Squad." the next personnel reported.

From the seas, emerged two submarines in which two men made a debut to the fight.

"I had enough of this crap! Submarine Explorer Dock 1, fire missiles directly at Kyogre!" the big boss, Archie of Team Aqua commanded.

"Yes sir." Shelly, responsible for the attack mechanism, took charge and obliged by the orders of her boss.

"I guess my world will only be a figment of my imagination. Tabitha, shoot the missiles towards Groudon." on the other submarine, Maxie made a redemption and changed in his attitude, now what is left for the two organizations that once fought is to partner up and stop the madness they have created.

"Leave it to me, Leader Maxie!" Tabitha gladly obeyed Maxie's orders.

Fed up with Team Magma and Team Aqua's irritating appearance, both Kyogre and Groudon faced them. The eyes of the two deities stared into their soul, both leaders flinched for they knew not of what is to come.

Both deities, with the power they bear, screeched at the submarines, making large waves to hit them. From here on out, the submarines sank to the bottom because of the merciless waves. The fate of the two leaders was sealed as the pressure of the water broke through the small circular glasses of their respective submarines.

Maxie and Archie are no more but drowned bodies, and now they drift with the bodies of their crew. Though they tried to revert the actions they had done, karma struck back and ended them for good. Now, Team Aqua and Team Magma are gone, only to be remembered in books.