Back at the battlefield, two sets of eyes blazed at each other as if they were staring into each other's soul. There was snarling and shivering as if a dog fight was to begin. She unfurled her hood and popped her knuckle. Flying above her is her Crobat who carefully stares at my Bagon.
"Charlotte, I don't want to do this," I warned her, cautiously moving back.
"The name's Axis, have you not learned?! You filthy Team Rocket scum, I'll show you the true potential of Team Magma! Once we're done with this battle, you'll see how worthless you are." She spoke, uttering words shaped as a knife slowly heading to me and piercing my body.
"You're not in yourself. If you think I will spare mercy because I know who you truly are then you're wrong. Let's settle this, Bagon give em a headbutt!"
"A Headbutt on a flying Pokemon? What none-sense! Crobat, mind lifting the Pokemon up for me please?"
It was a pain in the back for her to land. I expected that from a woman like "Axis" in the first place. The best of ourselves is usually unleashed during the hardest trials.
"Stand firm Bagon! I trust you!" as it is my duty, I encouraged Bagon to stand. She cries painfully with her body scratched and worn-out.
"See? Out of all the dragon Pokemon out there you chose a Bagon. It has no wings, tiny arms, and what else?"
"All dragons start with no wings. I don't look at what lies in the beginning, it is the end that matters. I know Bagon will be strong one day, perhaps when it evolves. Why do think I chose her over my other five which can kill you in an instant? Heh, I'm not fighting for nothing, I fight to gain something.
Come on! You can do this Bagon! Show that crappy bat how powerful you are."
"You can try as hard as you want! Crobat another round and finish Bagon!"
"Great work Bagon! That was Dragon Rage!" I appraised with joy as the two of us leaped with ecstasy.
"Why the? Humph! You won't get away with this!" despite her Crobat being able to battle, she sent it back to her Pokeball, and like a coward she goes, leaving the scene.
"Whoa, where do you think you're going little miss Axis?" I teased and tossed out Gardevoir. With her psychic move, she lifted her to the sky and brought Axis back to me.
"You're not going anywhere! I'll bring you back to Team Rocket and make sure you'll be back to who you really are!"
"Son of a gun," Axis swore me.
instantaneously, I was hit behind with a small rock. Atop the fountain was Courtney who jumped down. She was the very same person who threw to the rock at my face. Luckily it was not strong enough to cause a scar like the one on my left eye though it was able to make my cheeks bleed.
Shocked, Gardevoir accidentally canceled her move and thus she dropped "Axis". Infuriated, Bagon used Dragon Rage on Courtney's face.
"Ooh, such passion... such passion... your Bagon's move, it makes my heart twirl." Courtney smiles with bliss.
"Leave my Bagon alone! Gardevoir lift the t-" I was surprised. Suddenly everyone was silenced. They were glaring at the main gates of the institute as a man and woman cast their shadow to the soil. Courtney and Axis were both aghast.
It was Archie and Matori. They entered the scene as a friend of Team Rocket for now. He walked confidently down the aisle while the great Maxie walked towards him. Both were expressionless, especially Matori who functioned more like a robot. Though she may be made out of robotic equipment, I think it would be a sign of respect to refer her as "she" and "who" rather than "it" and "which"
"Oh? What's this? You've got quite a fierce expression on you for such a wee little thing. The name's Archie. I'm the leader of Team Aqua, a group that's working to return the world to a pristine state."
"Why... do I care?" Maxie talked back with seriousness.
Back at the control room, the battle between Tabitha and Matt had only worsened but it the good side, Caspian and Symphony was finally set free thanks to the help of Admin Shelly.
"I've acquired what is needed, thus there is no longer a need for you two to become prisoners of ours," Shelly said to Caspian and Symphony. From the ground in which she was kneeling, she finally stood up and decided to help Matt. She throws her Pokemon from its Pokeball, a sight to behold. It was also a Sharpedo but a shiny one.
Instead of blue, pink was the superior color. Both sharks attacked Mightyena, making it faint with one crunch and one surf attack at once. Water rose from the ground and flooded Tabitha and his Pokemon outside, for a pinch of pain Matt's Sharpedo followed it up with crunch which bit the hell of out Mightyena.
"If you are willing to fight then so be it," Maxie uttered while clenching his Pokeball tightly.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ya'll Team Magma bastards never learn do ya? We'll pass the gamble. I came as a diversion!" Archie laughed hysterically as Shelly and Matt walked out of the institute compound with the hard drive. Though successful, Shelly seemed less confident because of what she had seen inside the file.
"Leader Maxie! They were able to claim it!" Tabitha reported through his headphones as he tried to stand from the ground. His injured and fainted Pokemon, he returned it to its Pokeball and rushed downstairs immediately.
"Good grief!" Maxie facepalmed himself.
"Bwahaha! Team Aqua, let's leave!"
"Aye Archie!" The grunts saluted and left in a jiffy with their leader. They rode on their vehicles and ran past through the grunts of Team Magma and our organization. Most were trucks that can be converted to boats. They did not even dare to say thank you after the truce.
"A-holes!" A grunt from Team Magma insulted Team Aqua.
Maxie was left infuriated. Blood boiled intensely through his veins and vessels as he watched Archie and his organization leave. No grunt dared to consult him for they knew terrible anger was to be brought to them if they dared interrupt their leader. Even the confident Tabitha and the childish Courtney was scared.
"Ooh, Team Aqua. You've angered me many times. I- I will have the last laugh." Maxie lifted his arm and clenched it towards the moon. In one word, "Vamos!" Team Magma left through their helicopters and underground drillers.
Archie had ruffled Maxie's feathers, making him not pay attention to Team Rocket. After all, true rivalry rests upon those two organizations. As for Charlotte she left again and seeing her leave made me flustered and worried.
At the end? Oh, what to do? We had no choice but to retreat as well. This will be reported to the three leaders of our organization and they will be the ones responsible for thinking of the next move. It is either we'll renovate the place or abandon it for good.
"Luna?! Are you hurt?!" Zeal went to me and questioned with concern. A responded by nodding my head. There, I returned to the helicopter, gloomy of what has happened. I do wish Charlotte never came.