Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 270 - EPISODE 50: A Reunion Like No Other!*

Chapter 270 - EPISODE 50: A Reunion Like No Other!*

We headed north, a bit further from the city's proper. In a place where trees shroud the soil with only large pebbles serving as pathways, we hunted for the grunt wherein according to some witnesses she headed to the direction we are currently at.

"Won't the detective scold you once he knows you're working behind his back?" I wondered.

"He won't know about this since I was for a mission alone. He also sent a squadron to investigate but I do not know where they are." Jenny answered as we continued our walk. Raichu served as our knife for with its tail it cuts down the tall grass. Seeing Raichu makes blush by how cute it looks like.

"Are you going to stick with a single Pokemon?"

"Raichu? Of course. Too much is a pain in the back especially when you have to take care of them such as the food, water, and other necessities. I know I can afford them but, I'm sticking to my good ol pal." Jenny said while patting the head of her Pokemon. Her pats made Raichu's cheek glow red by a lot.

"The more the merrier."

"Pfft, if you weren't aggressive I bet you'll be at the lowest of the lowest rankings in your organization." she teased.

"Excuse me?! I train with my Pokemon every day, mastering every move as possible."

"Pokemon can only learn four moves and as an officer, my Pokemon is required to have the best move set as possible." countered, Jenny.

Amidst the hot rays of the sun, our strut through tall grass and thick timbers continued forth. The sun brought thirst to my throat and all I long for is water. Tiredness was more like lethargy wherein walking is stepping unto a thorns and needles.

The grunt whom the witnessed told us about was nowhere to be found but despite this, we persevered to go a bit further. Since we were far from the city, I decided to remove my jacket that served as my casual attire, revealing my Team Rocket apparel.

On our left we heard noises, so me and Jenny decided to check things out. We discovered a woman wearing a red jacket training with her Pokemon. She sweated heavily and her eyes glared unto a thick limber. Her fists were clenched tightly as the Camerupt beside her looked very tired.

"Leader Maxie lacks faith in me, impossible." murmured, Courtney. Sitting on the ground beside her is what seems to be a white paper bag containing sachets of coffee.

"Years of working for the sake of the world Leader Maxie promises, all I ever wanted was to make his dream a reality, why would he not let me? Is it because of my illness?" she decided to sit unto a log as she queried to herself softly while staring at the grass. She then sent back her Pokemon to its Pokeball.

"Illness... illness... illness... illness..." those words echoed unto Jenny's mind as we eavesdropped her while hiding behind a bush. She was completely stagnant after hearing those words.

"No matter what, Groudon shall be ours for the taking." She cackled hysterically, quite abnormal to me since no one laughs that loud in the middle of the forest. This was my first time to meet Courtney personally and the way she talks freaks me.

She talks to herself in a manner no one else thus. I wonder whether to classify it as unique or weird. She speaks like a robot, sometimes a child. When she said the word illness it was at that moment when I knew it must've been related to her mentality.

She continued to cackle and laugh, spooking me even more. She does not seem to stop as if the words she told herself was absolutely funny. As for Jenny, she remained stagnant, eyes wide awake as those words kept on recalling in her mind. A faded memory is unleashed from its chamber and into Jenny's sanity.

"We- we can return now," she whispered to my ear.

"What? This is our opportunity to find more about your family! Don't you want that? I'm not giving up so quickly just because you're scared of how she talks." I whispered back.

"G-go fight her. I'm heading back to the city," whispered Jenny again as she crawled further from me.

I quickly grabbed her hand and whispered back to her ear, "We had a truce, and don't tell me we went this far for nothing."

"Oh? What is this? I can hear someone lurking in the grass." Courtney stood up all of a sudden after hearing a rustle in the grass because of me and Jenny's movements.

"Come out! Come out! Wherever you are... I want to play a game." she searched the nearby area, chuckling and uttering her words like a child tormentor.

"Don't be scared... I don't bite." everything turned to a horror movie and I imagine her as some psycho holding a knife while looking for us. She is acting more like a killer clown.

"Come on Jenny!" I persuaded.

"I can't!"

"Why are you traumatized?!"

"Because she is my sister!"

"..." I was left speechless.