Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 263 - EPISODE 43: Bar!* (Newest Version)

Chapter 263 - EPISODE 43: Bar!* (Newest Version)

[If you have read the previous version, that has been deleted. Please read this version since I did a major change, like a very major change that will create a chain reaction to the future volumes. From this chapter onward, I will be using past tense.]

Moonlight shines above a city of Hoenn. In a dark alley with only one lamp post serving as the source of light, garbage bins scattered everywhere, with bikes parked outside lies a bar. On the center stage, the musicians come to play their instruments of rhythm. Jazz music shrouded the place, turning all the blues into lightness.

From the doors comes a woman. Her face was covered with a cloak to hide her identity. As she enters, she pondered upon the looks of the people, dancing to the rhythm of the music. Through her eye contact with the people, she was able to make enemies that glared back.

She sits at the chair beside the counter, looking gloomy as ever while staring at the varnish of the brown counter. Though eighteen, the woman rejected the offer of the waiter. She is not fond of drinking, she only came to attend a special meeting with someone.

A tall and slender woman with fair skin, green eyes, and long blonde hair walks to the woman in the counter and sits beside her. She wears a long white coat, a red blouse, a black pencil skirt, gray tights, and matching black high heels. For accessories, she wears a black choker, hoop earrings, and a bracelet. She also has red lipstick as well as red-painted fingernails.

"So, do you have it?" queried, the lady.

"I have the money." replied, Jenny.

"Alright then. Give me the money in exchange for your order."

"The serums first. Only then shall I give it."

The lady in a lab coat extends her hand to the officer's pocket, placing inside her order. In exchange, Jenny reveals a black pouch in which she gave to the woman in a lab coat. In the end, the two smirked at each other as Jenny left the bar.

Excited about the money, the woman in a lab coat opens the pouch only to see a galore of marbles. It made her furious knowing she has been scammed by an officer named Jenny. Due to her rage, she attached a bud to her ear and said, "Capture her."

Outside the bar, Jenny leaped with joy as she took a look at her order. She was filled with ecstasy to scam another person only for the sake of solving the case of her family. What could she order but a sample of the brainwashing serum that was delivered to her from the Galar Region. She believes the serum is somehow co-related to the incident with her family, particularly her sister.

Although that joy only lasted for a minute or two when suddenly a pack of bikers block her path to the main road. They made their motorcycles growl like lions and tigers, scaring Jenny to near death. It is at that moment when she knew her scam was unable to work.

"Little miss, we've heard you've stolen something from us without paying?" One of the bikers said with a feisty scowl.

"I stole nothing." responded, Jenny, acting all innocent in front of the bikers.

"That serum in your pocket, it belongs to us, Macro Cosmos. Hand over the payment properly and we will let you go." bargained, the other biker as he taunted at Jenny.

"Want the money? Come and get it, boys!" Jenny taunted back, leaping to her motorcycle and dashing forth unto them as if she was a bowling ball about to hit ten pins. Shocked, the bikers moved their bike away accidentally, giving Jenny the perfect opportunity to escape and enter the main road.

Though they have been outsmarted, the bikers did not give up so easily. Jenny has only made herself enter a wild goose change.

Weaving dangerously in and out of traffic, half-blinded by the glare of headlights, the onslaught of bullet sized raindrops thundering onto the windshield of her motorcycle, she pushed the engine to the limit, over 100 km/ph through red lights, exhilarating indeed, nerve-wracking and adrenaline pumping, indeed it is risk-taking, as she hears the wail of ambulance sirens.

Behind her was the bikers, racing against her. Jenny is no professional racer but in times like this, she is fond of improvising. She reached an intersection and despite the traffic light is on red, she zoomed into full power, not seeing a truck was about to hit her. She quickly tilts her bike, crashing it purposely to the ground an inch away from the truck which nearly killed her.

She fell to the ground and the engine of her motorcycle is all worn-out. As for the other bikers, they glared and wait for the traffic light to turn green once in for all. She heard a high pitched sound inside her ear as she pushed herself up. Another car headed directly towards her and she couldn't move. She flinched, staring unto its headlight as the rain fell down to her face.

The car driver tried with its might to halt the vehicle. As luck would have it, it stopped an inch away from Jenny but at the same time brought hysteria to the car behind. It was unable to stop right away thus it hit the car in front and because of this, Jenny was pushed over.

The other officers arrived a minute later to quench the chaos formed by this goose chase. Not wanting to get themselves involved, the bikers left and returned to the bar. Jenny's consciousness faded into blackness, blood all over the body.