Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 241 - EPISODE 21: Trench Bombardment!*

Chapter 241 - EPISODE 21: Trench Bombardment!*

With her X-ray glasses, she was able to identify the heat signatures of every personnel aboard the submarine. Through this, we have also located the core system containing the price, the Aqua Archives. If we are to bomb the submarine, then we will be striking from the tail since it is the furthest point from the core system which is located inside the Control Center/Captain's room of the submarine.

"So, is bombing the submarine the final plan?" I query, still having double-thoughts about her proposal.

"Yes. Of course, we're not just going to randomly blow the ship without thinking. We need a bit of cleverness. So, the submarine is currently laying flat. Bomb the tail, and it will force the ship to tilt, the steeper the tilt, the faster for it takes for the water to reach the control center.

So, I- am I sounding too-"

"No, just continue. I'm listening."

"Oh, okay then. Each of us must play a significant role. I will damage the tail, you damage the body. I believe by damaging the body it won't affect the control center since the door is usually sealed with one of those spinning gears thingies. Once the explosion is finished, you have to enter immediately and shut the door separating section three(tail) and section two(body) but enter section one first before shutting the door.

Once the door is sealed, then the water will stop flowing through section one which is next to section zero(control room). As for me, I will shamelessly watch the grunts struggle for help. Hehe."

"Wait what? English please."

"Sigh, I will bomb the tail, you bomb the body. Enter section one and press the button to shut down the door and cut the flow of water from entering your section. Once you're inside section one, you'll see a big obvious metallic door. Bust that down and you're inside the control center. Is everything clarified?"

"Yes, I think. Also, I believe vents are easier don't you think?"

"Vents are for beginners. Here, I'll give you some plates. Attach them to the submarine and you will have thirty seconds to run as far as you can. Once it explodes, the mission begins."

"Understood!" I beam with determination, saluting to how brilliant Zeal's mind is. I feel like I'm talking to a chess player with high-intelligence when it comes to strategies and skills. Zeal has taken Team Rocket missions on a whole new level.

I was given a plate or basically a flat bomb. According to her all I need to do is to attach it to the body and it will automatically activate. For a minute, we separated to attach the bomb and reunited once more to see the fireworks under the ocean. It will be a thrill, or so I thought.

My heart is pounding loudly to watch the entire event but when the clock ticked to zero all it did was to emit a puff of black smoke. I was expecting fire and chaos but that kind of physics does not work underwater or I am just not good at that kind of field. Still, it was able to make an opening for water to enter.

"That's it? A tiny gap about the size of a door?"

"What the? Were you expecting a grenade or nuclear explosion? That would cause havoc."

"Right. I'm going inside."

No opportunity to waste, I paddle my little flippers like how a fish squirms its fins. The water is entering at a rapid pace and slowly, the submarine is starting to tilt. I must do Zeal's instructions before it reaches the steep and dangerous angle. Though underwater, it is still far from the seafloor (about eight feet up), and crashing down will still do a lot of impact.

Inside the submarine, I can hear the panicking voices of the struggling grunts. Such an irony for an organization whose theme is "hydrosphere" is about to meet its fate by drowning. As I rummage in while the water is still at the knee level, I tried to fight off some grunts who spotted me while entering their submarine.

Escape pods shoot out a minute later, heading to Zeal's direction. This is where Zeal takes part in the action.

"Hee hee! Sharpedo, ready for action!"

The Pokemon is tossed out of its Pokeball.

"Do what you must, let none escape!"

Sharpedo jolts to the escape pods, destroying them one by one with its razor-sharp teeth. The speed of the pods is not matched for Sharpedo's swiftness. It is true what the Pokedex says, it may travel faster than a torpedo shot out of an airplane.

Meanwhile, my task reaches fifty-percent. I was able to fight off some grunts and shut the door and locked myself inside portion one wherein the water reaches my waste. I can feel the submarine inclining to a steep angle. I cannot stand firm amidst water so I clung unto one of the pipes instead.

"Liligant! Petal Blizzard!"

With her attack, it hits the door in front of me, the control room. I only have a few seconds to make a quick approach to the core system and steal all the archives before the water-filled in this portion completely ruins everything. With the door busted down, I let go of the pipe and entered the room.

Inside, I was greeted by the panicking captain whom I've knocked out with my fist. As for Liligant, I returned her to her Pokeball for safety. Upon doing all of these, the timer in my head starts to tick. Exactly forty seconds before this room turns into a pool. Not a big deal for me since I have an oxygen tank but a big deal for the core system.

[Microchip Inserted. Gathering Data... Gathering Data... Gathering Data...]

"Come on, come on... thirty-four, thirty-three, thirty-two..." softly, I mutter, watching the whole process take place as the water continues to fill every inch of the room. Suddenly, I stumble due to the tilt of the submarine. My heart throbs as the submarine descends to the seafloor.

"Ah, complete!" I was in seventh heaven. The process is finally over and now all I have to think of is a way to escape. Zeal never told me how too which bothers my sanity as I fear to die with the age of seventeen, completely forgetting I have an oxygen tank with me. Whenever I panic, I tend to forget things. Bad luck arrives, and because of the weight of the water, the door collapses (portion 1), letting in a chunk of water from portion two and three. No matter how carefully planned things are, unexpected scenarios are always around the corner.

From my left, Sharpedo bangs through, creating a gap for me to escape with the microchip completely protected inside my zipper pocket. Perhaps Zeal also had alternatives plans in case an unexpected scenario commences out of nowhere. I grab its fin, and in a jiffy, it immediately jolts back to Zeal. I was shocked by its speed, nearly releasing my grip from its fin.

With everything complete, we ascend back ashore, sighing with relief and satisfaction while lying on the sand. I miss the beautiful array of the sun's heat. It gives me warmth after the dreadful cold water.