Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 226 - EPISODE 6: Coming!*

Chapter 226 - EPISODE 6: Coming!*

The clock reaches three in the afternoon and finally after a long journey inside the helicopter, having nothing to do but stare unto the fancy marble Virgo gave me, we have arrived in our headquarters which is in the east of Hoenn. It rests beside a group of islands where the famous "Battle Frontier" is held. By the way, I understand it, it is a series or chain of Pokemon Tournament wherein the goal is to claim these so-called flutes.

My first reaction when seeing my new headquarters is surprising but not as surprising as last time, wherein I saw a tower. In Hoenn, it's more like a large warehouse with many small buildings surrounding it. Just like before, we remain hidden from the public, laying somewhere in the vast islands of Hoenn.

Aside from the main warehouse, there was this building, not as tall as a tower which immediately caught my attention. According to Professor Olive, the building is where the rooms of each and every grunt can be found. The room size and quality vary from the rank and I' 'm glad that I've become an Elite Operative.

"Come on Luna, I'll bring you to your room." says, Professor Olive with her usual pleasant smile. I smirk back, following her footsteps while carrying my luggage.

And just like every Team Rocket headquarters, our grunts wear black uniforms with the obvious red Team Rocket symbol in front. From the way they look at me as I pass through the halls filled with checkered flooring of black and white, I can say, they seem friendly.

The fresh scent coming from the pot of plants adds that eloquent touch which every headquarters have. I wonder if this was proposed by Giovanni since he loves things to be organized and that includes the scent. No wonder why people would call him a perfectionist at times. Seeing a pot of plant slightly tilted can make Giovanni ferocious.

"This was established two years ago. Here, we are more focused on science and technology which means you'll be able to use impressive gadgets." The professor throws some facts as I marvel unto the walls purely coated with white marbles.

"Science and technology?"

"Yes. This headquarters plays a major role for Team Rocket. Most gadgets are invented here. It is also said this is where the infamous Pillar Arlo makes his machinery." After hearing the name, I immediately pouted. My past with Arlo is not yet over and it continues until this very day.

"I've heard the news about Arlo. He-"

"He's a murderer. A wolf in a sheep's clothing." I interrupt right away, my voice, furious as ever. Even if he has died already, it still makes me angry to know he is responsible for the murder of my friend, Xavier. I still promise to avenge him even until this day by doing what I must, giving glory to Team Rocket. I won't leave that's if, I don't get tired of it.

"Anyway... Let's not talk about that anymore. Here's your room." Professor Olive switches topics, pointing her finger to the wooden door in front of us. [341] That is my room number.

"Do I have any roommates?"

"No. In this branch, we're fond of being alone and don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"I'll get used to being alone?"

"Probably. Hehe." says, the professor in an embarrassed look. She then leaves me to talk with the leader whom I have not met yet.

"Oh and afterward, please proceed to the warehouse. It's the big obvious black building that stands out from the rest." Professor Olive bids before turning left from the intersection of halls. I gladly respond by nodding my head.

Entering my room, I am greeted by the cold wind. I open the light and I was shocked not to see a bunk bed. It's like my bed back in the orphanage except for the fact that the blanket is black with an R logo on the center. I feel like cloaking myself with our organization's flag every night.

There is one light hanging above us, a small bathroom, and a small dining table. That's pretty much it. Nothing to complain about since I have an excellent view of the sea every time I look out from the window of my room. After a long trip, I jump right to my bed, hugging the black blanket.

Suddenly, all of my Pokemon went out and we had a great cuddle party together. Sounds childish, but hey? I rarely have cuddle parties with my Pokemon. I've also missed my Lily's fragrance especially when it's been a long time since I've last trained with her. She has not gotten enough exposure back in my days in Johto.

"Alright, the five of you! We have a new goal and that is to help this branch on whatever they're goal is."

After hearing my words all of them cry with exuberance, leaping unto me and tickling my stomach. In defense of this response, I tickle them back too. I am strict when it comes to people ruining my Pokemon's fur but I'll make mine an exception since they did their best in stopping an apocalypse from perishing all of Johto's population.

I have no plans on becoming a heroine. I saved Johto since Team Rocket would perish alongside if nothing stops the Rebirth Society. After tickling each other for many minutes, I remember the professor's words.

"Stop. Sto-Stop." I instruct but they persist to tickle me. We were riding in the crest of the waves!

"Alright. That's enough. Your furs are all on me and now I have to clean up. We still have important business to attend to."

And there, they gave up and let me go. I've only led myself to further trouble and now I had to take a shower only to shew all their fur off my body. In the shower, I deeply wonder why their fur would scatter around me all of a sudden. I think it's time to change my Pokemon shampoo.

With everything prepared, I step out, lock my door, and exhaled heavily. With full determination, I said to my mind, "Blast Off!"