Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 206 - EPISODE 96: Boss!***

Chapter 206 - EPISODE 96: Boss!***

We arrive at Mount Gold, unaware of what is happening in the city. There is no signal therefore Professor Olive cannot report the things affecting the major cities of Johto. Primarily, Ecruteak, Goldenrod, and Azalea Town. These are the places that are just beside each other thus it falls under the Rebirth Society's weaponry radius.

Despite the cold and harsh snow, we persist to conquer the mountain. Our perseverance is what strengthens our endurance out here in the Mountain of Gold. When the tough gets going the going gets tough! The mountain is only a hurdle, and what is above is the prize, Boss Giovanni.

At exactly one in the afternoon, I and Virgo reach the summit wherein the only thing we found is a small hollow cave. Somehow similar to the trees with hollow openings that serve as shelters for Pokemon. To our surprise, Giovanni is nowhere to be found. Although despite this, there is evidence of his stay in this cave.

Radios, food, they're all scattered in the ground. There are even lanterns hanging on the ceilings. Some of his clothing is hanged upon hangers while pieces of paper could be seen on the floor. It was obvious that my former boss was plotting an evil scheme.

Me and Virgo act like analysts, examining the place thoroughly. According to the papers, Giovanni was plotting something big. It has something to do with creatures from another universe. According to the note, these creatures are known as Ultra Beasts and I'm quite not familiar with the term.

Some of his papers show us a diagram of portals flying randomly in the sky. I couldn't comprehend all of these nor did I understand what's up with Giovanni's sanity. He seems like a child to me, believing in the so-called parallel universes. On some of his notes are contact numbers which seem to belong from people living in a region known as Alola.

Suddenly from behind, we hear unusual footsteps. We look behind, seeing a man with a black leather jacket, hair covered with a fedora, walking closer to us. A smile was not present in his face. He looks worn-out, tired from all the stress. Our former boss has also become pale throughout these months of hiding.

"Giovanni," I mumble my words viciously, glaring unto his eyes.

"Well if it isn't Luna Evergreen. It's nice to see you again." Giovanni greets sarcastically.

"So this is where you've been hiding all along?! You're a liar! I thought you would return. I came not to convince but for you taste your own medicine. I believed in you once." I yell aggressively.

"Luna, calm down." Virgo whispers, clinging to my shoulder.

"I was going to return but with something big. A better Team Rocket, an army created by me. For months I have been researching a new type of Pokemon species known as Ultra Beasts. I believe through it, we can summon doorways to an alternate universe, thus combining all Team Rocket organizations.

Join me Luna, and we will rule a universe."

"Rule a universe?! I thought you wanted to bring redemption to the whole world? I knew it, you're nothing but lies and I plan to finish you for good. Absol, come out!"

Absol growls maliciously.

"You remember her? I obtained Absol from a laboratory in Viridian City. Now, I will use it against you. I believe you are no longer my boss."

"If you are eager to kill me, then do it. I've been waiting for this moment to arrive. Strike me down Luna Evergreen. Do it." Giovanni pleads, shocking me and Virgo because of his decision.

"Have this, the final piece to the puzzle you and the executives ought to look for." From his jacket, he takes out a jagged plate and tosses it to the floor. Still, even if he was of help I will not tolerate to spare him. If this is his decision, then I shall abide.

While the commotion between me and Giovanni intensifies, Virgo looks around, observing some of his paperwork. Her face enters both a worried and shocked expression after reading one of his papers.

"M-Multiple?!" She says softly, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Giovanni is doing this in purpose because..." She mumbles and looks to me. She then instructs, "Luna! Do not do this."

I respond with ignorance and focused on Giovanni. Two words, that is all it takes for him to end. I utter them, "Shadow Claw" In a blink of an eye, Absol jolts like a lightning bolt and pushes Giovanni down the cliff. Before falling, he smiles sarcastically.

The great Giovanni is dead and I have no regret. I look down the mountain and saw his dead body. His blood oozed out, forming a puddle. his skin became pale and his lips turn violet. "You get what you deserve," I say softly as I return Absol to her Pokeball.

"Luna?! Giovanni planned this intentionally. Look, he was meant to kill himself." Virgo says worriedly, showing me a valuable piece of paper.

"Giovanni is dead, and that is that," I mumble back to her, tearing the paper into fragments and tossing them off the mountain. After killing my former boss, I felt pleased and delighted knowing I won't be hearing his lies again. As for his other schemes I chose to ignore due to the fact it seems impossible for that to happen.

"Luna?! What did you do?"

"I tore his plans apart."

"You tore the solution to his plans! Giovanni will return, and now without that paper, I'm afraid that is bound to happen. Maybe not know, but soon he will."

"A dead cannot rise back to life."

"Unless that dead is alive in another universe."

"Listen Virgo! There is no such thing as parallel universes, alternate dimensions, and a Pokemon shaped like the sun and moon. All of these papers seem like fantasies of a child. Lunala? Solgaleo? In what Pokedex is their information stated on?!" I enrage, pulling her shirt as if I was going to hit her.

I then realize these actions of mine and slowly released her shirt. I then utter, "Forgive my rant. I'm just tired of hearing Giovanni."

"It's fine. But, I've warned you, Luna..."