Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 199 - EPISODE 89: Ember!***

Chapter 199 - EPISODE 89: Ember!***

Mount Ember, a dormant volcano on the first island of the Sevii archipelago. It is said the mirage of fire is located at the summit of the mountain, resting and slumbering like how Zapdos and Articuno once slept. Today, this is Team Rocket's opportunity to claim the said Pokemon, the final mirage out of all three. We have been equipped with special attire that has the ability to withstand the harsh heated surface of the volcano despite being dormant.

Upon arrival at the Volcano's feet, we are greeted by the oozing mud, spewing like geysers. The heat is immense, it could melt any bone into ashes in a matter of seconds. This is more intense than the volcano that lies underneath the surface of Cinnabar Island.

Although equipped with the right attire, me and Virgo can still feel the heat boiling our blood and vessels. The rocks are not the common black and brown but rather red because of such heat. Its redness matches the color of lava and a single touch of it can burn your hand.

There is no need to hike all the way up. According to our genuine Professor Olive, we can pass through a cave that will soon lead us to the summit. All we have to do is to make sure we're heading the right way.

Upon arriving at the cave, the first thing we are greeted by is the steams that circulate throughout the cave. As an asthmatic woman, I prepared for the scenario and thus wore a match after noticing these steams. Even Virgo wore a mask despite not being an asthmatic person.

The irritating ash can also trigger my asthma and bring various diseases and lung conditions such as difficulty in breathing. Boiling lava is also present inside the volcano. It is our source of light, the only luminous liquid inside. Our Pokemon are out of our Pokeballs in order for safety purposes.

Team Rocket is in desperate need of coping up against the enemy and I do not want to lose again. I for one know that the Rebirth Society has plotted to do the same thing I and Virgo are doing. They will probably send Ebony and Emily again to face us.

We made it halfway through the cave and so far so good. There are no unusual grunt sightings and it seems rather peaceful in here. The wild Pokemon are friendly and there was this cute one known as Magby. I wanted to catch it but I forgot to bring a stack of Pokeballs.

After walking for more than an hour, me and Virgo has made the decision to stop for a moment and rest. Our Pokemon are looking weary and tired. They need to rest too from time to time. Far from a pool of lava, in the corner of the cave, we set up camp.

"This is my first time being in a volcano," Virgo says, resting her legs while staring into the pool of lava.

"Same. One push to the lava and you're dead. Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to end those twins."

"You're still mad at them? Quite surprising. Charlotte's death was about a month ago and I never knew she was still on your mind."

"Of course. Why shouldn't she be? She is my friend too and the doers of her death must be punished. I cannot let Charlotte's death be nothing to me. Something must be done."

"About Jenny? I've heard she has a high reputation for being a skilled officer."

"We used to be best friends. That's until we separated after one terrible night because of a glass of milk. I'd rather not talk about it anymore. Although we may fight, a part of me is still kind to her. Still at least. Who knows? Maybe one day that can change."

From our conversation, something interrupts when the whole cave shakes violently, causing me and Virgo to stand cautiously. So many, since the first day I became a member of the Johto Branch of Team Rocket, so many quakes took place. This quake is less violent than the ones I've experienced before so it is handleable.

"What did you do?!"

"Seriously Luna? Me?! I don't control nature."

The teeth of the cave crash toward us and dodging are quite difficult especially when you're watching both what is above and below you. I'd rather be safe from drowning in a pool of lava and being crushed by stalactites.

"We have no choice! Everybody return to your Pokeball!" I instruct hurriedly.

"Slowking, Bayleef, and Ursaring! Enter your Pokeball immediately!" Virgo instructs afterward.

Once that is done, we ran as fast as we can, not knowing where we are even heading to. The important thing to us is safety. Up, down, left, and right, our eyes are nauseous from looking at different directions. Mercifully, we were able to escape the cave before the whole of it collapses.

"That was a close one." Virgo sighs with relief. She takes two steps back, accidentally falling off an edge of a cliff. I respond right away, full velocity. I grab her hand the moment she made a grave mistake to move backward.

"We're in the summit." I murmur softly after rescuing Virgo from near death. I stare down, seeing the whole island below my feet. The quake was an ally. Without it, we would never escape the dreadful cave of lava and lahar.

Facing the cliff, I and Virgo look at what is behind us. There, we find a staircase to the very top. On the top is no other than the mirage of fire sleeping inside its fiery chamber. The moment is now, Moltres will be ours. Carefully, we make our way up through the staircase.

Beside us are boulders, still painted in red. On the floor are cracks where steam can pass through anytime. Beneath us is the bubbling sound of the crimson fluid and above is the gleaming disk of the sun cloaked with the white array of feathery clouds. It is as if we're approaching a Japanese tower above a mountain.