Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 165 - EPISODE 55: International Police!*

Chapter 165 - EPISODE 55: International Police!*

"Come in." The detective says, after hearing a knock from his door. He stops his tying in his laptop for a moment, paying attention to Jenny who has just entered the detective's look.

"I tried," Jenny says in a delicate and soft voice, almost wanting to sob in front of the detective.

"So you met Luna again? She said no didn't she?" The detective continues his typing while talking to Jenny.

"I tried to persuade her the best I could, but when she said no, I thought of doing the right thing and that is to apprehend her for good, however, just like before, she escaped again. Team Rocket is planning something big, I'm just sure of it. She wouldn't be in the burial tower without any purpose now wouldn't she?"

"Hmm, Team Rocket. Those goons never stop. Sigh, if only I wasn't busy, I could focus on apprehending Team Rocket for good. However, as a Detective of the Pokemon International Police, I'm afraid I have a lot of business to attend do. Why not you?"

"What do you mean me?"

"Why not you stop Team Rocket? You know, I'll make you in charge of the Johto Branch of the Pokemon International Police. In this way, my troubles would be eased, and... I will have lesser things to focus on. Jenny, I want you to find their secret hideout and put an end to that criminal organization for good.

I also want you to be in charge of finding Giovanni." Detective Looker promotes Jenny. However, even after hearing such pleasant and proud words, Jenny still remained with a frown on her face.

"Giovanni? I thought that plan was cut off for good?" Jenny recalls.

"Yes, but the other chiefs have decided to bring it back. They really want to interrogate with the mad man. There are even some reports of his sightings in the Johto Region."

"Strange... I'd expect him to be dead by now. I never knew Giovanni was an expert in hide and seek." Jenny chuckles, saying her words sarcastically.

"Hehe, men like Giovanni. They don't hide, they rest. The next thing you'll know, he'll be rising with a new organization in the palm of his hands. That is why we need to stop him right away."

"Another thing, detective. While I confronted the agent yesterday, she told something about Giovanni."

"What did she tell you? A clue to his location?"

"No. She told me she didn't have faith in him anymore. However, despite this, she still wants to be with Team Rocket."

"Such a pity. Anyways, just do what you must to take down Team Rocket for good. I will be heading back to Sinnoh in order to investigate an uprising organization." The detective sighs again.

"An uprising organization in the Sinnoh Region?!"

"I don't know what to call them. Atheists, religious people wearing space outfits, heh, according to some reports, there is a criminal group who wants to summon the devilish Giratina for some reason. Although I still need more proof in order to believe in these reports, that is why I will be heading to the Sinnoh Region later. Who knows? Perhaps these blue-haired goons want to control the galaxy, haha. Anyways, that was just an assumption.

You're dismissed for now."

Hearing his words, Jenny feels happy, knowing the detective has given her some extra free time. Through a bus, she makes her way back to the Kanto Region, specifically our homeland, Saffron City. She enters the orphanage, cannot wait but to sleep in her comfy bed.

"Jenny? You're early today." Magnolia greets her upon her arrival. The remaining Master Four has been freed from our prison after the raid in Viridian City.

"Detective Looker dismissed me. He... He also promoted me to lead the operations in Johto, in hopes to end Team Rocket... for... for good." She replies solemnly.

"Why do you seem... worried? Is Luna's image bothering your mind again?" Magnolia chuckles.

"I don't even want to hear her name anymore. It's like I don't know her. Anyways, Master Magnolia, I will be heading to my room. I've had a rough day dealing with some water scarcity back in Azalea town." She utters, letting off a heavy yawn afterward.

"Before you do that, I've prepared you a meal. You must be starving after all that hard work. Why not have a break? I've cooked you some curry, they're your favorite right?"

"They're also Luna's favorite. I wonder if she misses such a meal too. Thanks, master, I will just dress up and will proceed right away to the dining hall." Jenny smiles for once, and after uttering her words, her smile becomes a gloomy frown as she walks through the halls, carrying her lethargic body.

"If only the headmaster was here, she'd be proud of you." Magnolia smiles, mumbling softly and watching the worn-out Jenny walk. With her in-charge of the safety of Johto, who knows what may arise as next? Perhaps me and her will meet again, another meeting of ferocious rivalry.