Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 32 - EPISODE 32: Collision*

Chapter 32 - EPISODE 32: Collision*

With an expressionless face, Xavier Kimberlite continues to walk upstage. His passion to win can be seen in his two glaring eyes.

Boss Giovanni seems very entertained. His mind is filled with amusement, while his body shivers with zeal. Giovanni's blunt eyes continue to stare upon the battlefield, with a smile, even brighter than the moon.

"The name's Xavier Kimberlite, let's keep this match as simple as possible, shall we?

Mightyena! You're up."

Mightyena is a quadruped Pokémon that is based on a hyena. Its fur is mostly short and gray, but there is shaggy black fur on its lower legs, tail, and in two thick strips starting behind its eyes and running the length of its body. It has dark, triangular streak patterns below its eyes, which are red with yellow sclerae. Its ears are rhombus-shaped with dark insides, its nose is red, and it has gray paw pads.

Neither me nor Kirlia couldn't bear to look at the foe's aggressive eyes. Its mouth speaks nothing but contentious wrath, while its blinding claws warned defeat. With a very intimidating fighting stance, Mightyena continues to growl, trying to scare the hell out of me and my Pokemons.

Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice shame on me. This time, I am very aware that Mightyena is as dark type Pokemon, just by its stupendous looks. A Psychic-type Pokemon like Kirlia does no effect on a dark type Pokemon like Mightyena.

"Kirlia, take a break, I'll be using Lily for now," I utter with a sweet tone while giving her a little rub on the head.

"This will be a one on one Pokemon Battle, the match ends when either side no longer has any Pokemons to battle with. Petilil vs Mightyena, let the battle begin!" Arlo proclaims with a deep and exaggerated voice. Every single trainee cheered for who they think will win. Most of them cheered for Xavier, while only Charlotte cheered for me.

My confidence drastically declines, I looked like nothing but a scared Meowth, being thrown with tomatoes and crumpled pieces of paper. Xavier Kimberlite, such a respected name known throughout this organization, why would he be eager to challenge me?

"Mightyena, let's end this quick! Use Fire Fang right now."

"Lily, try dodging the attack!"

Without another second to lose, Mightyena's jaws flares hotter than the Earth's core. Its speed is so immense, that it is unable to give Lily a spare time to dodge. With very sharp fangs, Lily was bitten harshly, no mercy was spared, not even a pinch of empathy.

"Mightyena, now use Night Slash!"

"Lily, quick use Razor Leaf to distract the foe."

The razors didn't do anything to Mightyena, it didn't flinch nor did it even dare to close its eyes. Mightyena's paws grew sharper, as a black paw silhouette slashes Lily back to me.

Lily is left with nothing but scars and scratches confines its body. Her heart, however, persists to remain firm, ever glaring at the foe's eyes. Mightyena has no plans of showing mercy, truly a loyal companion of Xavier.

"Pfft! It was able to stand? Mightyena, quick finish Petilil with crunch!"

"Petilil, use Vine Whip and throw Mightyena to the sky... Um, just don't make the foe land at the boss."

Just as planned, Petilil throws Mightyena to the ceiling just before it was able to take a nibble on Lily's green body. The foe is heavy, but that won't stop Petilil's passion for winning.

"Beginner's luck! Mightyena, use Night Slash once more!"

"Petilil, use Vine Whip again!"

"Pfft! Mightyena, step back then break loose with growl!"

The irritating sound burst forth in ripples and vibrations. Lily's ear has reached its threshold, and thus has no choice but to cancel her attack. Not only that, but Petilil's attack has also drastically declined because of this.

"Continue to use Night Slash, again and again!"

"Lily, use absorb!"

Hopefully, my decisions will be of help. Based on what I've heard, absorb has the power for the user to steal some of the foe's health points. Gathering some from Mightyena will increase our chance of winning.

"Hmph! Mightyena, use Crunch now."

The foe bites Petilil fiercely. It two fangs pierce through Lily's lush body, causing her to scream with pain. I couldn't do anything but to watch her with sympathy.

"Finish this battle with one more Crunch!"

From the screaming of pain, comes a fainted soul. Petilil tries her best to remain firm, but her body could no longer resist the pain flowing through her vessels.

"Petilil is no longer able to battle. Which means to winner goes to Xavier Kimberlite and Mightyena." Arlo announces. The crowd's cheer towards Xavier strengthens. They continue to compliment him with satisfying words.

I'm left with nothing but embarrassment, while holding Lily's fainted body.

"Silence!" Giovanni shouts to the crowd. Everybody pauses for a moment, and my body continues to tremble harder than before as the boss steadily approaches me.

"Luna Evergreen, I, Boss Giovanni, promote you as a Combat Agent of Team Rocket.

You may have lost, but I've seen what I needed to see. Tomorrow, you will be assigned your very first mission. You shall work with Xavier Kimberlite, the Stealth agent, and Charlotte Emerald, the Neuro agent.

Matori shall explain the mission early in the morning." The three of us are in awe. Even after a humiliating defeat, the boss promoted me as an agent.

"B... but, me?!" Xavier Kimberlite argues.

"Are there any other Xavier Kimberlites in this room? I think not. Anyways, your first mission starts tomorrow.

I have high expectations for the three of you." With a menacing smile, he walks back to his seat. His words brought back my zeal, even after such defeat. Charlotte Emerald could be seen leaping with joy from the background, while Xavier Kimberlite wasn't looking too bright.

"Don't you dare mess up the mission tomorrow," Xavier mutters with a very frustrated tone as he walks to the center-stage, trying to choose another opponent.

If our mission must succeed, then he should cooperate and not act like the boss. Xavier's characteristics just don't match mine, our teamwork will be in a grave state if he tries to act like a boss tomorrow.