Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 24 - EPISODE 24: Halls*

Chapter 24 - EPISODE 24: Halls*

The outfit for trainees matches my crimson red eyes. The R logo on the torso adds a spice of velvet, while the gloves and boots painted with the blood of silhouettes gives the outfit an aggressive touch, however, it does not correspond to the style I prefer.

I am not comfortable with the outfit I am wearing. It is as if I am being assaulted by a horde of Beedrill using Poison Needle on my physique. It doesn't have the touch of elegance, which I earnestly look for, even my Pokemons aren't in favor of Team Rocket's Trainee outfits.

Now comes the challenge I dread, finding the auditorium inside this skyscraper is like finding a needle in a haystack, especially if that skyscraper has more than a hundred floors. Left or right? Up or down? My head is perplexed with fragile information about my destination. I guess I was wrong when I said to Charlotte that I could find my way to the auditorium.

The halls transforms into a labyrinth, wherein I am the prisoner. Each step gives me the sensation of worry, am I going further? Or perhaps, going farther? There's nothing I could do but to look for hints and clues while breaking loose from this labyrinth.

From my befuddled and worn-out mentality comes a spark of hope, just like how the moon spreads her glamour during the tempestuous nights, restoring faith on a sailor's heart. Out of the blue comes Arlo, holding a nifty Ipad on his left palm. His eyes are glued to the iPad, just like a kid playing mobile games as he or she walks around the corridors of an entertaining place.

"Luna Evergreen? You're still here, I'm surprised." The sound produced by my footsteps serves as an antidote against the glue. For a moment, he tilts his head away from the iPad, questioning me about my appearance.

"I couldn't find the auditorium," I respond in a very timid way.

"I guess that means the boss has approved my request to give you one of my microchips..."

"Wait... sir, you made this microchip?!" My mind shifts from a baffled one into a mind filled with nothing but amazement triggering my whole body to flinch.

"Of course, I am the brains behind Team Rocket's grandest technologies. Without me, I'd say, Team Rocket's missions and operations would be a total flaw. I even tried to convince the boss that I can create a replica of the Master Ball, but it seems to me, he has a great obsession with the prototype found in Silph Co, therefore he took over Saffron City.

Anyhow, you can follow me instead, we're heading to the same destination after all." Arlo utters with an intoned voice as he taps on the buttons of his iPad. His words saved my time from searching for a room which is most likely impossible to find.

Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed on how Arlo walks even when using his Ipad, as if he has three eyes or something. If I was him, I would be stumbling down every inch of the floor, giving my head an unbearable pain.

"You're a timid girl, with or without Dysphemia... oh wait, let me paraphrase that a bit. You're a timid girl, even if your disorder is being controlled... so far.

The Boss hates timid members, except for you at least. I am indeed surprised to see the boss accept a timid girl like you, maybe he saw something inside, something... which could outsmart your timidity." Arlo utters with shifting tones, and as always... he continues to use his Ipad while walking.

"Something... far greater? That seems impossible because the only thing I'm good at is photography and artistry." With a lower tone than usual, I doubt his words.

"The Boss promises salvation from all problems, all we have to do is to remain fir,." Arlo utters with an inspiring voice.

"By Mewtwo? Is that even possible to achieve? Catching the strongest Pokemon in the world seems like a figment of Giovanni's imagination."

"Never underestimate Team Rocket's supremacy. We are scattered throughout the globe, bearing technologies your eyes haven't seen. Although the location of Mewtwo is still unknown, we have detected heat signatures in the Cerulean Cave."

"Who is Mewtwo? All I know about it is that it was formed by the ancient remains of Mew, plus it's the strongest Pokemon in the world." My mind blooms a curious flower, with half of myself eager to know the answer I seek for.

"Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon's body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart, leading to its escape.

It was indeed created by the ancient remains of Mew. For years, we've been searching for Mewtwo in hopes of saving the world just like Giovanni's ambition, but... it's power, it is beyond us.

I am not supposed to tell a Trainee such vital information, but I do not leave a curious mind alone, I see anyways that you have the potential to become an Elite Operative of Team Rocket."

"Me? An Elite Operative, I don't even know how to battle." Once more, I utter with a doubting voice. Arlo's expectations towards me is vast, too vast that it seems impossible to meet.

"If you don't struggle, you don't improve. Even the weakest of the weak, can become the king of the seas, just like a Magikarp, evolving into a Gyarados.

Life is full of struggles, use those struggles as an opportunity to improve. Remember, the world doubts a Magikarp, but fears a Gyarados, let the world fear you too." Arlo inspires with conviction, leaving me with slight confidence.

Arlo's inspirations reminds me of my mother back in Saffron Orphanage. Guilt struck my sanity one more time, but I push myself to forget it. A Magikarp like me, may need to struggle, for now in order to become a Gyarados, and maybe one day, my enemies will fear me.