Chereads / The New Universes / Chapter 4 - Set and The Rule of The Gods

Chapter 4 - Set and The Rule of The Gods

After Khastran's death. The creator had become aware of the mystic realm and tried to dismantle it. Unfortunately however his attempts to do so backfired literally and wounded him to such an extent, that he was unable to hold off the destroyer who returned to our omniverse properly. The creators dark twin decimated thousands of universes and visited untold horrors upon others.

Set, who belonged to one of the most powerful races of gods, was among those who attempted to provide aid to one of the realities that the destroyer had devastated. What Set saw however drove him mad. He became convinced that the creator was completely evil, because the destroyer had come from him. Sadly however in time this led Set to believe that all life in the omniverse was evil as it was the creation of the creator when he and the destroyer were one.

Meanwhile the creator was able to finally banish the destroyer from his reality once he had recovered and end the war at least for many hundreds of thousands of years. Even in his weakened condition, the creator devised another realm disconnected from ours, that he was able to throw the destroyer into and seal. Ironically using the same means as the force field the destroyer placed around the monsters realm.

The creator however was also forced to sacrifice himself in the process, as he had to remain trapped within this realm in order to hold the destroyer there whilst his followers placed the force field around it.

For the next several hundred thousand years, the creator and the destroyer remained trapped in this realm together, constantly at each others throats. Our omniverse was safe from both and seemingly anything else in the void, as just before his departure the creator also had the goblins place another force field around the entire omniverse to prevent any other great power from infiltrating it. This force field however would prove to be more unstable, as it was largely the invention of the goblins themselves rather than the creator. At least one group of the destroyers monsters was able to enter our omniverse, who have since spread out across many realms and have remained. Due to being able to multiply their forces with magic it's doubtful we will ever be rid of these monsters. One such device designed to multiply monsters that was created on our earth was stone henge, though its power to create new members of their kind was ultimately undone, ironically by the benevolent monster, Claudia McGrath. 

Still for the most part the forcefield did its job, but sadly that did not mean that we were safe. Set became convinced that he had to destroy all of the creators children, before finding and destroying both the creator and the destroyer to protect all other life forms in the void from them.

The renegade god found a way to absorb the life essence from other gods which over time granted him virtually limitless strength. Indeed not since Khastran himself had one of the creators children been so powerful. Set ravaged thousands of realities in the godly realm, before the combined might of the gods drove him from it. Still he continued his war against other realms, until eventually Set stumbled upon our world.

Confused by the power source he could sense from our world, in reality the mystic realm. Set like Khastran before him decided to investigate our planet rather than simply destroy it. His experiments completely unravelled the natural order of the earth however. Set knew that he couldn't find this strange power, whatever it was, by simply ripping the earth apart. Instead he would have to dig deeper and try and tear through the natural realm itself to find the portal. Whilst the overall structure of the planet earth remained intact, its creatures for the most part were twisted into monsters and abominations, the dead rose, people went insane and killed their loved ones, the lands became inherently hostile places where people's worst nightmares became a reality etc thanks to Set's experiments.

Still Set's fascination with our planet ultimately brought about his downfall. The gods, angels, demons, and most powerful and advanced creatures from numerous different realms who had all united against him were given time by his experiments on earth to create a weapon that could harm him. Unfortunately however none of them were able to get close enough to use it, but one of the surviving dragons on the earth, who Set had dismissed as a simple beast. Slipped by the insane god and was given the weapon by the allied creatures.

Even the dragon however knew that if it got near Set on earth he would simply vaporise it. Instead the dragon needed to find a creature that Set truly would regard as nothing more than an insect that he didn't need to swat, and so it chose a powerful human warrior, who struck Set when he wasn't even looking. The weapon took the form of a sword for the human to wield it.

The human in question we would come to know as Leontine one day. She was a vampire killer who back in the Lost Years had managed to steal the book of Khastran from the vampires. She gave it to a witch who hoped to use the book to destroy the vampire horde for good. Sadly that was not possible, but she did harness the energy in the book to create several creatures and warriors to fight the vampires.

The most successful of these were arguably the kresniks. They were humans who had the power to kill vampires using any weapon regardless of their weaknesses, as well as the ability to detect any vampire regardless of whether it was in its human form or not. Finally they also possessed shapeshifting abilities.

Other than these powers however the kresniks were still completely human, and they could only create other members of their kind through mating with humans.

Leontine meanwhile became the witches greatest individual warrior. The book of Khastran granted Leonine great healing abilities and immortality, though her body could still die if the wounds were too severe, such as decapitation. Still Leontine's soul would then be transplanted into another body instantly. One that had recently died and whose soul had moved on. Said body would then be revived and restored for Leontine's spirit to inhabit and granted her healing powers and immortality. Though the bodies appearance did not change to match Leontine. The vampire killers memories, personality and consciousness, all of which come from the soul, were completely unaffected or unchanged from body to body. Per her wishes Leontine would only be granted eternal rest when the vampires were gone from the earth. She hated the vampire race quite unlike anyone else and genuinely did not want to rest until they were wiped out. Sadly most of the details of Leontine's life remain shrouded in mystery including her real name.

Leontine was simply an alias she assumed sometime in the 17th century. It is believed to have come from her latest host body, and she evidently liked it enough to make that her permanent name. It's not known how many bodies she has had, but it is likely in the thousands. Still whilst much of her life may elude us, it is safe to say that no individual has done more to protect us from the threat of the vampires than Leontine, though even with her countless battles against the undead, her defeat of Set was arguably her greatest achievement. When she wounded Set with the sword, he instantly vaporised her too, but once again only her latest body was destroyed and she was instantly revived.

Set's wound finally made him vulnerable enough for the combined forces of the gods, angels and demons to destroy the insane god.

Following Set's death, some of the surviving gods came to settle on the earth. They did so first because they wanted to help our planet that was still twisted after Set's rampage. Whilst not all of the gods were kind and benevolent, the state of the earth was so horrific and desolate that even the most callous god took pity on us. In addition to this however, many of these gods home planets had been destroyed by Set too. Finally several of the gods also wanted to see what it was about this planet that made it stand out for Set and indeed Khastran as well. Khastran had never revealed why he was on the earth of course, but the gods always wondered what had lured him out?

The gods who rebuilt the earth, who came from multiple planets, grouped together into different pantheons and settled in different locations around the restored earth. Among these included the Olympians who settled in Greece, the last inhabitants of the planet Valhalla who settled in Norway, and the last of Set's own people, the osirans who settled in Egypt.

As these gods had essentially rebuilt the earth. The humans believed that they were the creators of our world. A lie which the gods were only too happy to perpetuate.

To be fair to the gods however their reign over our earth, whilst having its own difficulties, would nevertheless aid humanity greatly. Even beyond simply saving us from Set's attack.

According to Leontine, just before Set's invasion the vampires were winning their war, not so much through their ingenuity, but through the fact that even the iron will of humanity wasn't able to stand against so many obstacles. From hundreds of demon species, a depleted population and a dying planet. Ironically had Set not shown up, then the vampires would have most likely killed us off.

Thanks to the gods however humanity in its rebuilt earth flourished and prospered, with our population exploding like never before. Whilst the gods did limit humanity in terms of their magics and even technology so that we would not out grow them. Overall it's fair to say that without the gods we would not be here. Not only did they save us, but the worship of these creatures laid the very foundations for our earliest societies.

Sadly however some of the gods did become corrupted by the power they had over these mere mortals, and there would also be two huge global wars fought during the gods rule over the earth.

The first was between the gods and the dragons. Though key allies in the fight against Set, and both had even helped in the rebuilding of the earth. (With the dragons role often being overlooked.) They had two very different ideas on how to guide humanity. The dragons favoured teaching humanity magic and allowing them to become strong enough to defend themselves from any future threat. The gods however argued that hadn't worked before and that humanity may very well destroy itself in its current state if given that kind of power.

The dragons meanwhile believed that the gods simply did not want humanity to ever not be dependent on them, which led to the clash. The gods ultimately prevailed in Europe and the west, whilst in mainland China and the east the dragons triumphed and came to rule. During the course of their war, the dragons brought many more species of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures back with magic, to transform into other members of their kind and allies. These prehistoric creatures were placed in small, isolated valleys, and islands around the world which were protected and shielded by magic. There the dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures could breed in sustainable numbers to supply the dragons with a constant supply of soldiers.

Wyverns were the magical counterparts to pterosaurs, the flying reptiles who lived during the age of the dinosaurs. Drakes were the magical counterparts to synapsids. Wyrms meanwhile were the magical counterparts to titanaboa's and finally Amphitere's were the magical counterpart to prehistoric birds.

The gods and the dragons did eventually call a truce, agreeing to stay out of each others territories. In spite of this however, conflicts continued right the way through the gods and the dragons rule over the earth. Many renegade dragons also fled to Europe as well, which coupled with the gods propaganda. Led to dragons being seen as evil, corrupt and greedy creatures in the west, whilst in the east they were worshipped and revered as much as our gods were.

In China many great magical kingdoms were created by the dragons, including most notably the land of Shambhala, where the great hero that we would know as Professor Fang was born.

Professor Fang arguably became the universes greatest hero, with his actions in the war for creation alone ensuring our very existence. If nothing else through the birth of Professor Fang alone, the dragons left behind a huge legacy on this earth, though we will be exploring the life or unlife of this vampire in a later chapter.

The second war meanwhile was with Ares, the son of Zeus who sought to turn humanity into a warrior race he could conquer the galaxy with. Ares argued that it was the only way for humanity to protect itself, but in truth he felt it was a better way of protecting himself.

The war with Ares eventually led to an event known as the Great Flood that was caused by a botched attempt from one of Ares minions to kill Posiedon. In the end the gods were able to drive Ares from the planet, but afterwards they and the dragons finally agreed to leave the earth.

Both parties felt they had caused more harm than good in the long run, with humanity having become completely dependent on them both. The dragons attempts to build a perfect magical civilisation that covered their entire territory meanwhile had also been met with failure every single time, with each society either collapsing or isolating itself. The dragons conceded that the gods were right that humanity simply wasn't ready for this kind of power, whilst the gods admitted that the dragons were right that they wanted humanity not to advance and remain dependent on them.

Both species during the course of their rule had also discovered the secret of the mystic realm which had very nearly led to another clash simply over what to do with it. Some radical gods even argued destroying the portal and the earth with it to protect the rest of creation. Thankfully for us however, both species leaders ultimately agreed not to harness it, feeling that kind of power would corrupt anyone.

Now that both were leaving however, the dragons and gods decided to place agents and warning systems on the earth in case the mystic realm was ever breached. Sadly however over the centuries, most, but not all of the gods agents died, and the gods and dragons themselves would eventually split up, be killed in other conflicts etc. Leaving our planet once again vulnerable. Still at the same time the gods and dragons had created a fail safe in case their soldiers were ever disposed of, just before they left the earth. Using all of their resources, the dragons and the gods created multiple copies of our solar system in every single universe in the natural realm.

Contrary to popular belief, no universe within the natural realm is a copy of another. Every single universe's history is completely unique. As a result of this the gods and dragons created copies of our world in order to confuse any other life forms who may be drawn to the mystic realms power. Whilst the mystic realm could not be accessed from any of these other earth's, they were still linked to it in such a way that it could be confusing to most creatures.

Most of the other earths histories, followed on from the point just after the gods left, though some of their histories started from an earlier period of earth's life, with subsequent events turning out differently if so. One earth even went back to the age of the dinosaurs, whilst others muddled periods of earth's history up due to the unstable nature of the magics used to create them. For instance one earth's history began with humans and Dinosaurs living together.

No gods were duplicated on these other worlds, and also no creatures such as Khastran could be duplicated either. Still vampires did exist on many of them, but as there were not created directly by Khastran, then even if they overran their versions of the earth, it would not revive him. Similarly some left over magics and weapons from the gods were also duplicated too.

At some point after the gods and the dragons left our planet, our official recorded history begins. The worship of the gods and dragons meanwhile did still continue for many thousands of years even after they left, with some believing that they could still hear our prayers from across the omniverse.

In the next article we will explore our recorded history from the early days of the Roman Empire and its dealings with the paranormal.