Chereads / Summoners Paradise / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 The Doctor Will See You Know

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 The Doctor Will See You Know

Chen Fei walked out of the Holy Fossil Consortium's Water Moon City Branch with a strange look on his face. The warning the high-tier Human Knight gave him caused several flags to appear within Chen Fei's mind and a conflicted expression could be seen on his face.

"I see. Accepting the requests do to with Cultivation Methods are okay, however I must always remember not to go too overboard when cultivating several different methods at a time. Spontaneous combustion is definitely not how I plan on going out.....".

Chen Fei looked down at the Holy Library on his wrist. In it came the generalized Cultivation Method that all Three Big Ones possess and is suitable for both Human Knights and Fossil Knights to cultivate.

Spiritual Power Refinement Method. A pretty bland name considering it only did what it was called however every potential Human Knight and Fossil Knight were given this completely free of charge. It was widely circulated even amongst the general populus.

An academic looking to research Cultivation Methods for a thesis could pick this up easily so long as they contacted the Holy Fossil Consortium and proved their credentials. If one was a skilled enough hacker, they could probably fake it and still get away with it.

Glancing over the Spiritual Power Refinement Method, Chen Fei sighed before turning off his Holy Library.

"Eugene said that this cultivation method was subpar in comparison to pretty much all the other cultivation methods out there. Comparing this to literally anything else is akin to comparing a firefly to the sun. Outclassed in every single way, shape or form.....".

The huge burly Human Knight that was guarding the entrance to the supercomputer was Eugene. He was in his late thirties and was a Silver Human Knight. Pretty impressive for someone with no background, and would probably make Golden Human Knight in his lifetime.

Anything higher than that was unlikely but still he was hopeful.

Making friends or at the very least acquaintances was something that Chen Fei was very good at. Getting into peoples good books and benefitting from said relationships was the first and last rule his father taught him before he died on the front lines.

"The influence of the many outweigh the power of the few..... I'm sure this saying was invented before Knights were born".

Chen Fei let out a deep breath before heading towards a building several hundred metres from the entrance to Water Moon City's Holy Fossil Consortium. Water Moon City was a medium-sized city within the boundaries of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom. Said Kingdom got its name from the seemingly endless rainfall that came all year around, causing massive floodings and flash floods to appear throughout the region.

It was once said that the Heavenly Rain Kingdom used to be apart of the ocean but rose up when an active volcano caused the land to rise up. People didn't believe this and only thought this to be some sort of tourist attraction to get people to visit the Kingdom but many aquatic fossils were found within its borders, which is why the Holy Fossil Consortium set up a Branch in a relatively small Kingdom like this.

"Many Knights from this Kingdom possess a Water Attribute as well. Over half the Human Knights do if I am to believe the rumors..... I wonder what my Attribute will be?".

Chen Fei unconsciously smiled at the thought of commanding massive tidal waves while riding on the back of his massive Spinosaurus. Considering the Spinosaurus Spine Fossil was both a Water and Earth Attribute, it seemed ironic for him to receive a Water Attributed Fossil, while living in a nation that was named after water.

He shrugged.

"If I could get a cultivation method related to water, or even something related to steam or ice that would be perfect. I already contacted the jobs that were Rank 2 in difficulty however the first one already found a quota for their Human Knights. The second one, the job specifically requesting Fossil Knights hadn't been accepted yet. I suppose they were quite excited when a brand new Fossil Knight candidate is found within a small city like this.....".

Chen Fei didn't accept the job relating to the unknown cultivation method. He knew full well that it paid hugely, a negotiable amount sitting currently at $50,000. Since he had the potential to become a Fossil Knight he knew full well he could jack up the price a few tens of thousands. Perhaps even double it and get over a $100,000 if he succeeded.

But he didn't want to take the risks. If he did something wrong and cultivated in an abnormal way he might damage his potential or even harm his physical body. If that were the case then his dreams of world domination may be gone with all his talents and potential along with it.

"Play it safe for now. Gather up some strength and information, then start playing for real. I don't want to bet if the only thing I can bet is my life".

Chen Fei stopped walking and glanced down at the Holy Library on his wrist. The location for the Second Job should be around here somewhere, he thought.

Standing directly in front of a university entrance Chen Fei frowned before looking down at the details of the Second Job. It stated that someone would be at the entrance of the buildling located at 43 Francis Road only several hundred metres from the Holy Fossil Consortium.

There were a whole bunch of young men and women hanging about at the entrance to his university, most giving Chen Fei a glance before walking away noting his age knowing full well he isn't a student.

In this day and age, the average human intelligence increased by roughly 30-50 points. That didn't just make the average human smarter than they were before spiritual essence, but also raised the standards to which universities accept or reject students.

Getting into a university was harder than before demonic beasts and mutated monsters. Of course a university at the end of the day was still a business, and that had a quota to make every year in terms of money and all that other stuff. Some snuck in through money, others were accepted however their scores were never released.

When this happened a rather in-depth examination into the students character would be performed usually contacting the high school they attended, to get a better grasp on their work ethic and personality.

Chen Fei smirked before walking inside the grounds. If he didn't become a Fossil Knight, or even a Human Knight, he might've had to come here to learn how to take over the world.

"Um, excuse me?".

Chen Fei heard someone shout out from behind him, causing him to turn around and look towards the origin of said voice.

Chen Fei turned around and noticed a group of people coming towards him, roughly 8 or 9 in number with a young man and a young woman leading them towards him. The first thing Chen Fei noticed about all of them, were the distinct black and white armbands around their arms.

"Can I help you?", said Chen Fei.

The young woman leading them smiled before shaking her head.

"Actually, we were the ones who were seeing if you needed help. Are you looking for someone? A relative or perhaps a teacher or something? I haven't seen you around before so I don't think you're a student here".

Chen Fei nodded before glancing down at his wrist. The name of the person who requested the job elluded him for a second but he remembered it the moment it flashed up in front of him.

"I'm looking for a Mr Kim? I think his full name is Kim Baek Hyeon? I hope I'm pronouncing that right. But he requested someone to help out his research and I accepted said request. The job only said to come to Rainfall University but other than that I don't know-".

"Wait a second! You're a Fossil Knight!?".

The young man leading the group unconsciously let out a loud voice, causing the majority of people hanging around the open area to turn and look towards Chen Fei and the others.

Chen Fei wanted to let out a sigh but just nodded at the young man's words.

"I have the potential to become a Fossil Knight. Perhaps with Mr Kim's help I will become one. So, does this impy that you know where he is?".

The young man nodded before gesturing for Chen Fei to follow him. Everyone seemed to look at Chen Fei a lot more differently when they knew he was a Fossil Knight, some warily, but others with awe and jealousy that they didn't have the potential to come a Fossil Knight.

It was a common dream for both young girls and boys to become warriors or heroes that could battle against the demonic beasts and mutated monsters for their country or for glory or even for self benefit.

However most didn't have the potential to awaken this power.

Most people were happy with Fossil Knights and Human Knights fighting and bleeding for the general populus, completely unaware of the harsh and bloody battles they had to face in order to keep the masses safe.

However, that didn't stop people from preaching the inequalities between the two groups. Radicals and extremists would exist no matter what age people lived in, thought Chen Fei.

The young man guided Chen Fei into a rather large building, opening the door for him with a smile on his face and a look of appreciation marring his expression.

When they came to a rather bulky looking door, not unlike the one Chen Fei saw at the Holy Fossil Consortium, and eyebrow was raised slightly and kept on raising as the massive metal doors slowly opened in front of him.

The young woman beside him spoke.

"The Doctor will see you now".