The gentle flurry of rain pattered down on the small streets of Rhinefield; a grey cloud lingered over the city as a young Percy scurried outside the rundown apartment complex with an umbrella flicking the rain away. "Come on, Dad, come on!" His Dad took serval strides down the steps staring into the distance, allowing himself to get drenched. Percy held up the umbrella which his father took without many words. They both began walking down the street as he lit a cigarette puffing away on a rainy morning. A large group of people were also walking the same place many dressed in Vanguard merchandise holding large banners and figures of the streamer.
Percy didn't have any of that. Whether it was because he wasn't allowed or simply because his parents couldn't afford it was a mystery to him. He held his father's arm tightly, watching him. "Were Mummy and you fighting again?"