"I find it so amusing. You Anti-Humans never cease to surprise me. Truly each and every time." Alice woke to that voice one from which she recognised so dearly yet couldn't make out in the slightest. A tall, slender man in an old magician's outfit sat idly next to her. Flicking his long silver hair, he chuckled. "It's almost like looking into a mirror. You look almost identical to her it's unreal. My dearly departed sister Eve."
"You're… Adam Berry."
"Why yes, I most certainly am. I don't go by that name much anymore. Address me as Bargaining if you may."
"Where am I?" Alice questioned, looking around an old worn-down park with each of the swings and slides rusted, falling apart. "An old memory. One growing up in the Garden the day before we broke through the seal and escaped. That's when everything changed. Do you remember?"
Alice held her head uncomfortable. "The memory sounds familiar, although I cannot see any clear picture."