Ken tapped his temple and said, "Kylie, don't be dumb. It wasn't who you expected, but didn't you recognize who was there? Aren't you at least a little bit curious as to why Khloe and Matthew were porking in the back room of some random café?"
"I don't understand what is going on," Kylie admitted. "Explain it to me, please."
"Khloe is the one who drew you here. At the time, she'd been scheming with Dora to drop your reputation down a few notches. Coming here was supposed to trigger a trap. They set up a camera in the backroom and had intended to lure you back there so that they could get a picture of you back there with Matthew. After that, they were going to use it to blackmail you into leaving Ethan. They wanted you to leave that man because Dora loved Ethan,"