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Evergreens Path


Evergreen is a 14-year-old girl who lives on the moon and is only there because of the war 10 years ago. When she was four years old her father abandoned her because he was scared that aliens would come and kill them. A few years later Evergreen's mother was killed searching for veggies. Ms.Green was searching for vegetables for dinner and trespassed on alien territory while searching for carrots to finish the veggie stew. In a flash, they killed her like the monsters they are. Evergreen has managed to live all by herself over the years. Today is her 10th birthday and she is out looking for a perfectly ripe apple to go on her frozen waffle because that was her favorite breakfast as a little girl when her parents were alive. When she finally found the perfect one she also ran into a mutant spider known as water catchers. Spiders there are used to catch the condensation in the air since it is the moon and there is no rain.

Evergreen met the mutant spider looking for fruit but became attached to him. The spider seems to like Evergreen so she kept him and named him kibble. Over time Evergreen got older and found out kibble likes to eat lizards. Evergreen attends crater high along with her crush Leo and they both study aquaponics which is the only thing keeping her alive in her forest because that is how the forest was made. Evergreen is as determined as ever to find her dad and ask him why did he leave her and her mom. Evergreen knows he fled to earth so now she just needs to find someone to escort her on her journey. She was in mid-thought when all of a sudden Leo pops up and asks "what are you thinking about?" she is thinking maybe Leo would want to come so she replies with "can I ask you something?" he doesn't know what he is getting himself into but he nodded and Evergreen explained everything. Leo was more than glad to come. Afterward, after school, they packed up everything they would need and then let the principal know what was going on and that they would be gone for a week or two. Evergreen would go by herself but you must be 15 years or older to drive in outer space and the best part has Leo just turned 15 three days ago and has his license. She was just about to leave until she realized that kibble might not survive the atmosphere change but he was stubborn and insisted on coming. On their journey, they had snacks and slept because they were basically in a space R.V and they still weren't going to be on earth for another two days.

They all finally arrived and at first kibble didn't have a problem so everyone continued. The first place they stopped was the huge factory taking up the space of a few hundred miles across each way. Evergreen, Leo, and Kibble were all scared because they heard as little kids that AIs were dangerous. Evergreen was scared but wasn't going to let a little fear stop her from finding her father. She bravely walked in and asked the facial recognition computer and looked for his face but it wasn't in the database. Evergreen spent hours looking for her father's face but it was not there. After all the searching they moved on to hotels. It wasn't hard to find because there were only five hotels to search for. Leo and kibble were confused, yet they managed to keep up with her. She was noticing that every hotel knew her father but didn't know where he was. Night fell, so they settled in at one of the hotels and got ready for bed. Evergreen couldn't sleep the only thing on her mind was that everyone knew her father but he was nowhere to be seen. After a while of thinking she finally fell asleep and woke up more determined than ever to find him but Leo just wanted to sleep in a little longer. Evergreen was going to go wake up and feed kibble but he didn't move when she opened the door. She thought he was just playing dead so she taunted him with a lizard rague his favorite but he still didn't move. Evergreen is now scared because he won't move. Since Leo had a degree in mutant spiders she asked him to check on kibble to see what was wrong with him. Once Leo was done with the check-up he started to silently cry and said "Kibble is gone." After a few seconds, she laughed because she thought it was a joke then looked at Leo's face and realized he wasn't joking and she started to cry even harder than Leo because they had been together until his end.

At this point Evergreen's heart was torn, her mind had blown a fuse, and on top of all that, her dad is still missing. Leo and Evergreen are all alone together, yet still in hot pursuit of her father. Ever since Evergreen got to earth she has had a weird feeling like something is wrong but she couldn't prove it so they keep going on their journey. It had been 3 days and they had no clues of where to find Mr.Green and so with that Leo explained that it might just be a wild goose chase. Evergreen was thinking about giving up until she got a lead. She had been searching in the United States but a flight attendant said she saw him on the flight to India. After hearing some good news Evergreen was off to buy the plane tickets. Evergreen was so glad that she had saved up her bitcoins which are just her online money or she wouldn't be able to afford the plane tickets. Luckily she had enough for Leo and she even had enough to take kibble if he was there. Leo could tell that Evergreen was thinking about kibble because her vibrant green jungle eyes had a flash flood and she was about to cry again. As she was crying Leo came up and comforted her as she grieved over kibbles passing. After a minute of grieving, they packed up their stuff and headed to India.

Leo knowing he was afraid of heights still agreed on going. Evergreen was excited to finally get a lead on where her father is. Once they landed in India they realized this was going to be harder than expected because it was crowded. After a while, Evergreen found a way to get through the crowded city easier. Go by the /rooftop. It was easier to go by the rooftop because it was easier to see the whole town. They traveled from hotel to hotel trying to see if they can find another clue but they can't seem to find anything. After a day or two, they finally get a clue because the hotel manager said he just left the hotel two days ago. Evergreen asked for permission to check the room for clues about where he might be now. The manager agreed and gave them the keys to the room. As soon as she walked in there was a note sticking from up under the door. It was written in this fancy writing and it read: We know that you are hiding and we will eventually find you so give up while you have the chance signed D.W. When Evergreen saw it was initiated by she began to think. Who do these initials belong to? As she is thinking Leo goes and explores the room. He walks into the bathroom to find women's clothes lying on the floor. With this, he goes back to Evergreen to report his findings, bringing up another question: who is this mysterious woman?

Together they look for more clues and find nothing, but there is a laptop so they log in luckily the password was Evergreen's birthday. While searching his history it turns out he took a flight to Paris, France. Now with the new info, they erase the history so that the people looking for him won't know where he went.

Evergreen and Leo are now two hours away from reaching Paris and since they have not had rest since the India trip they decide to take a nap. When they woke up they stopped at a bakery to get macaroons with almond filling along with some french vanilla roast, cream, and 6 sugar cubes. Then after their little breakfast break, they headed out, and surprisingly it was not as crowded as India was when they arrived so they were able to take the streets. They went to every hotel, but no one had seen him. Evergreen by now was confused but then she had an idea. What if he is not in a hotel but an apartment or house? Leo said he would find a real estate seller to see if they have sold any houses or apartments to Mr.Green at some point. Luckily Evergreen's hunch was right because they had just sold the house to him one hour ago. They asked for his address and were off to a great start and a great finish because as soon as she finds him she is going to make him confess and come home.

Leo and Evergreen arrived at the estate and it was a three-story condo with six bedrooms and four bathrooms. There was a doorbell so they both took turns ringing it. Eventually, they gave up and were going to try again in the morning, now it was 6:00 pm and time for dinner. For dinner, they had a nice medium rare steak with a baguette and some broccoli. After dinner, they had dessert and discussed how close they were to finding her father. After that they went to a nice hotel they had come across while in pursuit of Mr.Green and went to bed except Evergreen couldn't sleep. She was too busy thinking of how far they have come to not find her father. Finally, she went to bed. When morning came they woke up to breakfast in bed which to them was a surprise because they didn't order it. Their surprise breakfast came with a note though with that same odd writing on it as the last one. The letter read: Stay out of our way or someone you love might get hurt. This scared Evergreen because what if they hurt her father even worse they hurt Leo somehow? She didn't want to get anyone hurt or be the reason someone dies. With that thought, she also had in mind how close she was to find her father so with that she decided to tell Leo about the risk and see if he still wants to continue on the journey. Leo was not about to leave her on earth with these people on her tail. Evergreen wasn't exactly ecstatic about his choice if it meant his life was on the line, but she did ask so she respected his wishes.

They had already wasted enough time so they quickly got ready and headed out to her father's estate which managed to amaze her every time. Leo rang the doorbell by himself but this time someone answered and at first Evergreen analyzed him up and down until she realized this man was not her father. She was about to cry until the man at the door asked " Can I help you?" she shook her head no and was leaving until Leo asked the man about the person who was supposed to be living there. The man had no idea what Leo was talking about but told us that the previous owner decided to pass on the house because he didn't want it. Evergreen then asked whether you know where the previous owner is now. He gave us the new address of Mr.Green and then offered them a ride and they almost respectfully declined until he insisted on giving them a ride. Leo was feeling guilty about almost respectfully declining this man's offer. Evergreen just went along with this little scenario and hopped in the nice man's flying Ferrari with plasma boosters.

The man's car smelt new but she didn't feel comfortable talking to someone they just met on accident. We found out the man's name was Winchester as he dropped us off in front of a nice apartment. Since it was an apartment they had to go up a few floors to get to their destination. Once they arrived they were exhausted from climbing four flights of sixty stairs. Before they knocked on the door they took a rest because their legs hurt. After ten minutes of leg rest they knocked on the door so right then was the moment of truth. They knocked harder and the door swung open and the apartment room looked like a tornado had hit it because bookcases were tipped over and the stove was on, there were also papers everywhere. After a few minutes, they were finally out of a trance that they were put under just by the sight of the torn-up apartment room. Evergreen was once again let down by unexpected occurrences then Leo found another note that looked just like the last two notes they found. The note read: I told you someone was going to get hurt. This scared Evergreen because what if they hurt her father even worse they hurt Leo somehow? She didn't want to get anyone hurt or be the reason someone dies.

With that thought, she also had in mind how close she was to find her father so with that she decided to tell Leo about the risk and see if he still wants to continue on the journey. Leo was not about to leave her on earth with these people on her tail. Evergreen wasn't exactly ecstatic about his choice if it meant his life was on the line, but she did ask so she respected his wishes. They had already wasted enough time so they quickly got ready and headed out to her father's estate which managed to amaze her every time. Leo rang the doorbell by himself but this time someone answered and at first Evergreen analyzed him up and down until she realized this man was not her father. She was about to cry until the man at the door asked " Can I help you?" she shook her head no and was leaving until Leo asked the man about the person who was supposed to be living there. The man had no idea what Leo was talking about but told us that the previous owner decided to pass on the house because he didn't want it. Evergreen then asked whether you know where the previous owner is now. He gave us the new address of Mr.Green and then offered them a ride and they almost respectfully declined until he insisted on giving them a ride. Leo was feeling guilty about almost respectfully declining this man's offer. Evergreen just went along with this little scenario and hopped in the nice man's flying Ferrari with plasma boosters. The man's car smelt new but she didn't feel comfortable talking to someone they just met on accident. We found out the man's name was Winchester as he dropped us off in front of a nice apartment. Since it was an apartment they had to go up a few floors to get to their destination. Once they arrived they were exhausted from climbing four flights of sixty stairs.

Before they knocked on the door they took a rest because their legs hurt. After ten minutes of leg rest they knocked on the door so right then was the moment of truth. They knocked harder and the door swung open and the apartment room looked like a tornado had hit it because bookcases were tipped over and the stove was on, there were also papers everywhere. After a few minutes, they were finally out of a trance that they were put under just by the sight of the torn-up apartment room. Evergreen was once again let down by unexpected occurrences then Leo found another note that looked just like the last two notes they found. The note read: I told you someone was going to get hurt so if you want to find your father answer this riddle to find your next destination. I am filled but not hollow I look like an oreo what am I? Instantly Leo figured out the riddle. They were talking about macaroons and so with this knowledge they headed to their favorite bakery. When they got there Evergreen spotted the next riddle it read: I can fly but I always have to land. I take orders from humans and can be controlled. At first, they thought of drones but then realized there are no drones in Paris so the only thing left is the airport. Evergreen and Leo arrived and instantly someone told Leo and Evergreen to look at something in the sky. They were both confused at that point and then looked down to see they were standing on a landing strip. As quickly as they could they ducked out of the way because the pilot didn't see them or wasn't paying attention. The jet flew over them but at the same time a note fell from the sky and they both knew exactly what it was; it was the next riddle. It read: You know him and I know him. He was the first person you met and you know where he lives.

Simultaneously both said " Winchester" at first they laughed because it was funny but then remembered they had to save Mr.Green so they were off to Winchester's house for the next clue and hopefully the last. It didn't take them long to get to his house because it was basically down the street from the airport. As almost as if he were expecting them he opened the door before they even hit the doorstep. Evergreen explained that her father was abducted by these wicked men and she was following clues to find him after Winchester finished taking in all this info he let them in and said " I just received a letter in the mail from my boss but I haven't opened it yet because I was about to go to the bakery for some bread for dinner." After hearing this news they wanted to open that letter because they were positive it was another riddle so she told Winchester what it might be and how important it is to what they were doing he said they could open it and sure enough it was the last riddle. The riddle stated that if they wanted to find her father go to the place where the riddles started which in their case was her father's apartment so Winchester gave them a ride to the apartment building again for the second time that day. When they arrived at the apartment the door was open, wide open. Evergreen and Leo walked in being careful of every step. Finally, she saw her father, but there was a laser pointing at him.

Leo found the source of the laser and was able to defuse the trap and once they were reunited Evergreen cried and asked the question she was on this trip to get answered. Why did you abandon me and mom she asked then he explained that he was scared of the same aliens that killed her mother. At that answer, she forgave him for leaving and they headed home back to the moon. Once on the moon and at home the first thing she did was arrange a funeral for Kibble. At the funeral, no one said a word just cried in silence because everyone knew Kibble, who had a kind-hearted spider soul. After everything, she was just glad to be back on the moon with her father and back at school even if Kibble isn't there.

Wait but this isn't the end, only the beginning of a catastrophe that only three people can help to prevent. The same war that happened 14 years ago. Are you brave enough to continue this adventure?

After the death of Kibble, Leo and Evergreen grew closer and Leo wanted to know more about Kibble. Evergreen agreed to tell Leo everything she knew about Kibble. Kibble in Evergreen's eyes was younger than he was. Kibble was a 48-year-old mutant spider who ran into Evergreen when she was 10 years old. For Kibble, this wasn't normal he had never seen her before and he seemed to take a liking to her. Even though Kibble couldn't talk he still understood English which made living with each other a lot easier and more understandable. One thing that Evergreen has never understood though was why Kibble doesn't like baths but was produced to bathe all day to collect water for us.

Evergreen when she was little would love the way their mahogany brown fur looked when wet and she was fascinated by what they do. Time went on and he lived with Evergreen and got older. "And since he lived on the moon his lifespan is only 49 because that's when their organs fail but kibble lived to be in his fifties" explained Leo " Another thing you should know is since we buried him on the moon he will be reborn in one week but he'll wb 10 years old and once he turns 20 he'll come to look for you I promise." after hearing all that Evergreen was having a little party in her head and but on the outside, all she could do was cry.

If you are reading this you better hope that you're intact because there is no turning back from this war.

Hi, it's your author Evergreen isn't in right now but let's follow her. Evergreen has been down lately and Leo is nowhere to be seen. She hasn't been dealing with kibble's death so well but is putting on a brave face so no one pities her. She was about ready to give up if it wasn't for Leo but now she needs him and he has run off.

Evergreen has just walked home and to her surprise the door is open and Leo is sitting in your makeshift hammock in the dark. She went to go switch on the light but the lights were out confused, she started searching her bag for her flashlight. With success, she flashes the light at Leo and demands an explanation, and wants to know where her father is. Leo explains that her father isn't home because he was abducted by D.W. Evergreen remembered those initials from back in Paris. Leo also explained he had gotten a letter the same one as her father except his wasn't opened and they were instructions.

Step 1. Go 100 feet away from Ms. Evergreen for two weeks

Step 2. Come back and see if Mr. Green is home

Step 3. Figure out who I am

As evergreen thinks over his instructions she now understands why he has been very distant. Leo interrupts her thoughts to bring her the horrible news that her father isn't on the moon he has looked for an entire week. Because Evergreen hasn't been checking the mail she didn't see the note and blames no one but herself for this situation. Leo reassures her that none of it is her fault because she wasn't expecting it. On that note, they both decide to open up the letter to find that it says: Mr. Green you have already seen this coming come back to the quarters so we may discuss your punishment. Neither Evergreen nor Leo liked the sound of that and already know this means another field trip to Earth. Leo had told evergreen she should pack now since they were there so quickly she scrambled around her room grabbing everything she would need.

Next, Leo did the same thing and informed the principal and teachers of the situation and once again headed off to earth but this time they have a lead that they should head to Paris to that's what they did. When they got to Paris that everything was different everything was machinery and no one was outside. They tried stopping at different houses to try and get information on what was going on but everyone seemed to be too scared to open their doors. Since no one seemed to want to answer they head over to an old friend and decide to see if he knows what's going on and to their luck, they did it was deja vu and it sent chills up Leo's spine and down Evergreen's. It had happened after they left with my father the creator of A. I Had gotten very upset and decided to recreate the darkest day in mankind's history the night of no return world war A.I. This Is your last chance to turn around because you might not like what comes next.

I am done warning you. Prepare for war soldiers because this just became a war zone in more than one way. Evergreen didn't like the sound of her father being kidnapped but recreating the darkest dark that's worse than Leo just thought about it if they are on the moon and they take this war to the moon they will have to move to mars because it is the only other inhabitable planet in the galaxy. Evergreen and Leo don't like the idea because mars days are almost 2x the number of earth days and to go out you have to wear a space suit and it makes both of them itch.

Once they were both done reminiscing they asked if their old friend knew anything else but other than doomsday on the way he was clueless. He did mention before closing his door that everyone stays inside so be careful. Leo considered it and was always cautious but Evergreen, on the other hand, went in one ear did a loop-de-loop, and out the other ear very unaware of her surroundings. Both Leo and Evergreen are a good pair up, they even out. Evergreen was just about to hit the corner of the street when Leo pointed out a heavily guarded man.

Next to that man was Mr. Green and he had happened to spot them just in time to tell them to hide because not seconds after a car pulled up on both sides of the street and was loaded up with bodyguards, their boss, and their cargo. As soon as the car pulled away Evergreen shouted " DADDY NO!!!" the car screeched to a stop and started reversing. Leo grabbed Evergreen and started bolting for the first alleyway they saw and luckily there was one only one or two blocks away. As they came up to the alleyway the car stopped and tall dark-skinned men in white suits started bolting after them so they ducked into the alleyway to their surprise, someone was waiting for them and quickly and smoothly hide them away. In Evergreen's mind, she is wondering who is their swift savior with red hair, freckles, and pale blue eyes.

Leo was listening to the men as they asked the hero which way they went then footsteps quickly retreated and then there was a loud bang. They hopped out of the hiding place and followed their stylish hero up a ladder through two windows and down a hallway into a studio apartment. Evergreen checked out the place and as soon as she saw the kitchen tile she thought to herself "this tile is crusty". Leo happened to notice the look on her face and said " Nice place it is perfect for someone who has lots of creativity. Looking around a little more she noticed how talented she is with all the murals and paintings everywhere. Finally, they got down to business and their new friend was named Tayann. She explained that Evergreen's mom and her mom had been the best of friends. Her mom's name was Akenya and Evergreen's mom's first name was Vicky. She also shared that Mr. Green (whose first name is Albert) asked Tayann to look after them. They both demanded answers and all she said was those are questions for the next morning and not tonight so Leo slept on the floor and Evergreen slept on the couch or did she?

Evergreen never stayed on the couch last night. while everyone else was asleep she snuck out the way they came and hid behind the dumpster waiting for any evidence of where her father might be now. She waited until the crack of dawn then went back up to the comfy couch with no evidence. Evergreen lay there crying herself to sleep quietly so she didn't wake up Leo. When it was time to get up and move Leo was still half asleep and Evergreen didn't move she was still tired but 10 minutes later she got up with a lot of extra energy. Tayanna knew what had happened to her but didn't say anything. they carefully went back down the steps and around the corner to see if the henchmen were on patrol. The streets were empty so walked down the street and turned into a bakery for breakfast.

Leo had a sesame seed bagel with black coffee and 2 sugar packets, Tayanna had 2 glazed doughnuts and a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, and Evergreen had a cake pop with a double chocolate chip mocha Frappuccino. After their delicious breakfast, they brainstormed on what to do and how to get Mr. Green out of the hands of the enemy. So far Tayanna came up with an idea what if one of them gets captured and comes up with an escape route that way? Evergreen was against the idea at first but then was ok with it. So the question is who is turning themselves in.

At first, Leo said he would do it but then they decide that evergreen does it because she has a lot of computer experience and because she had the agility and speed of a cheetah and with help could come up with the perfect strategy. With that question answered they still had to figure out the strategy and after about 3 hours they came up with the strategy.

step 1. Evergreen was going to act like she "accidentally" bumped into the goons then she was going to slightly resist so it didn't seem suspicious and call out to someone for help (she ended up calling for Leo so that it seems like an accident then slip away with them.

step 2. Once inside she was going to find a way to get away from the goons and find her father and once he was found she was going to go look for the control room to cut off the power so no one would be able to see them slip past.

Finally. Evergreen was going to find the program they were using to launch the new war and destroy it.

Evergreen almost succeeded but she couldn't find the program so they left but before the reached the door they were stopped by goons with some type of mask on and then she knew they were about to gas them so evergreen grabbed her father and ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction and found a what looked to be a back door and ran through it to find a trap. Once trapped 3 goons escorted them to a small room with 4 security cams one in every corner. After Leo lost connection with evergreen he went to look for her. Tayanna had found a way in that wasn't guarded and went through the window. As she entered the building something familiar hit her literally someone had hit her on the head with a tennis racket and was dragged away. On the other hand, Leo had found Evergreen's whereabouts and was able to get into her room without being noticed and slowly untied the knots on her wrist and ankles.

On the way out Leo tried to get a hold of Tayanna but she didn't answer out of the corner of her eye evergreen saw someone dragging a body and decided to follow. Leo had managed to follow as she was stealth jogging. Before she hit the corner she threw her shoe and suddenly the person who was dragging the body came around the corner at the same time about to throw a punch when suddenly hit with a shoe. Unconscious on the floor lay the body of her dead mother and without time to think evergreen picks up her mom's body Leo grabs Tayanna's body and they dart out through the exit Tayanna had originally come through.

Since they didn't have time to stop the war program they head back towards the moon to warn and evacuate the moon and move to planet Gaia which was recently discovered.

When they arrived home they did a broadcast across all of the planet's moon and in less than 10 minutes everyone was evacuated. Well almost everyone I wanna know are you ready to evacuate with us but hurry because the last spaceship takes off in 5 seconds


Kibble is a 45-year-old spider who understands English. When he met evergreen he was blowing off steam after a big fight he had with his girlfriend. After running into evergreen he was intrigued by her age when they met. When kibble passed away he was in his fifties and was already dying of old age because on the moon the average age span is 48 because when they turn 49 their organs fail. Don't worry there is more to come because once they die if you barre them on the moon the are reborn at the age of 10.


Leo as a little boy was rich and didn't have many friends to hang with. He had a servant to do his laundry and comb his silky brown hair in the morning. While on Earth Leo went to a private all-boys school and wasn't allowed to hang with girls. Evergreen was the first girl he has ever talked to because of how rich he was no one wanted to hang with him but as we know evergreen has had a crush on Leo for a while now and Leo has currently developed feelings for evergreen. One question remains are they brave enough to confess their feelings?


Tayanna was born on earth and never really left when A. I was taking over because she just didn't feel right about it. When she was little her mom died while giving birth and her father was an alcoholic but not abusive which benefited Tayanna for a little while until her dad died 6 years later due to drowning in a lake during a trip they were having. Ever since Tayanna has lived on her own in hopes to find people like Leo and Evergreen who share the same beliefs as her.