" I am the leader of this group ". A sweet and elegant voice came from punched Sallet visor. 

Haru said to me in my ears " it's a girl". 

I nodded my head. 

( she is almost as the same height as me) 

Honorable Knight, as I bow my head and said, it's okay for us to, let you stay here. But we don't want to cause problem between us. 

Can you gives us your words " you and your army won't attack any one in the village" 

(Black goat guy said some thing in her ear!) 

After a few minutes, I princess Ellen from the Avion kingdom, give you a promise, that we will not hurt anyone in the village during our stay. 

Princess!!....suddenly Haru, Nina, Owen started to bow their head. As seeing this I also bowed my head. 

Kamuy, pulled my selves, I looked and asked what is it? In a silent voice. 

Ichigo it's the Princess, one who always kidnapped by the monster right. 

What?.... Dillan said in a slight angry voice! 

Hah... Hah... It's nothing, it just a story I said to sleep the children. 

Ichigo do you think " we have to protect this princess from monsters." 

(the situation became serious) 

As started to laugh again, my friends also started to do the same, 

Ha.. Ha.. Ha... 

Princess Ellen came to her closer and said, I trained myself to protect from kidnapping monsters, so don't worry.

Ha...ha...ha... as slightly clapped my hands and laughed. I turn my head, blink my right eye, now haru, Nina and other also laughed! 

"Can we have the permission to stay", Ellen asked. 

Yes, princess. 

(she raised her hand, the army which is standing started to move)

She entered through the first aramis wall, when she looked around, sharp iron object are placed in arrange manner, spears, hammers and many other thing's. 

Duke, what do you think, Ellen asked? 

Black goat guy - it's looks like they are preparing for war. Princess "I think it may be trap". 

If they became a threat, take out their leader head first!

Yes, Princess. 

(Now the porthos wall opened) 

Whole army stopped, it's some thing they have never seen before. 

Ellen removed her helmet, now she saw it's looks like a small town. 

One side, market and other side agricultural, it's like busy area like her home town.

Princess, we have to pass through the agricultural land, Ichigo said. 

After crossing the agricultural land , big land which is filled with grass and few trees. 

Princess, I think this area will be comfortable for you and your companions, Ichigo said. 

Thanks you, Ellen replied. 

(Ichigo left them saying we will provide dinner for you tonight) 

As we left, Kamuy standing there, looking at the Princess. 

Huh... " As Ellen started to speak " 

Do you want visit the village? 

Huh.... What? 

I am a good tourist, 

(With her smiling face, Ellen slightly confused whether she actually genies act like idoit or she really a idiot, because no one ever treat her like that)

Duke nodded his head saying "no". 

I am sorry, I'll come with you tomorrow. 

OK..... ( as her faced looked like boring) 

After making tent for everyone, Ellen called for a emergency meeting. 

Ten person came for meeting, soldiers of Avion Kingdom, we are now in situation 

Tell us princess, "what can we do for you". One of the person asked, 

Scout the area, observe any suspicious person, remember to aware of that Ichigo guy. we are going to give our soldiers good sleep today. 

Yes, princesses. ( as they left the camp) 

After a few hours, they came to princess room to report:

Say your report : Ellen asked them

One person, I heard this village name daijon and who named it was Ichigo. Another one, they train marital arts every morning. All the people who are living here are abandoned or left from their home town. They used to hunt monsters before, now they started to cultivation the land for agriculture. They trade with three Kingdom, "Avion, clustion, xander"

The whole village design and construction made by Ichigo. 

I heard few days ago they fought with goblins. 


Yes princess, as per the information I collected goblins are going to attack them again. 

What about the that girl with horns? 

She is sister of Ichigo! As Duke said... And become silent

Ellen looked duke, other also stared Duke, as he was wearing cloth which closes his faces, nobody able to find, what kind of face expression does he have!! 


What is it princess? 

About the girl? 

That all, princess. 

From outside of the tent, princess dinner is prepared, 

OK, bring to me. 

Princess I am sorry to say this,

What is it? 

Every one in village says, they only eat dinner outside, so they asked as to eat outside with them. 

What outside, with them, unknown low life creatures, as Dillan said angry

Princess, I bring the food to you, Dillan said to princess. 

(Ellen started to think, after a few minutes) 

It's his plan. 

Princess, what are u saying? As everyone was in confused state 

Ellen - He want to test me. huh...I'll show him! 

What are you saying princess? As everyone asked this with a confusion. 

It's one or other, one he may trying to become close to us, or He is going to slaughter us. We already become tried, now with hunger. It' the best opportunity for him. He planned every thing. 

Princess "do we strike now" . 

If you think slightly suspicious, take out his head. we may lose, but we should take their enemy leader head before we fall. 

As she opens the curtain, she was surprise and shocked, what is this?

All her army are started to eat , but they are eating with the village folks, taking, signing, dancing with happily. 

As Ellen starts to shout at them... 

Suddenly,..... huh... Why you are talking too time much for dinner, I am waiting for you huury! 

As she looked her left side, kamuy is standing with a face like pure innocent and also with no fear. 

Well.... (Ellen) 

Hurry up, ... (kamuy) 

Wait, I think.... (Ellen) 

First is first, let's eat then speak! (kamuy) 

(as kamuy hold the Ellen left hand, I show the way to dinner) 

Ellen moved her right hand and said to Duke " careful " in a sign. 

As kamuy brought Ellen to the banquet, kamuy taken a plate and started put food on it, 

As Ellen seeing this, kamuy you have put too much for me to eat.

Huh.... It's for me, 

You should take a plate for you. 

As Ellen slightly became angry, but it's a cute angry. 

She taken a plate and placed some food and sat alone , watching her army. 

As Ellen eating the food, Ichigo came close to her. 

Princess "would you like to eat with me" . 


(as Ichigo sat with princess) 

Don't beat around the Bush, say it directly! 

(As Ellen said in a little angry)

Princess "I need you and your army to fight goblins with us."