I stretched my arms. I hated sleeping on the rocky ground. Sadly, I have no choice. It's was really bright, the sun burned my eyes. I look around, blinking trying to get the pain to stop. I notice there is nothing in sight besides the trees and the path; oh ya, and that thorn bush. Maybe if I hurry I can get to him. I walked down the path as quick as I could. "Aaa!" I yell falling again face first. I get back up and keep running to the home. There I see two people, one is male the other female. I guess their his parents, but then I see it. Tears rolling down their cheeks. A small puddle forming underneath them as if a small lake was forming and they were giants. I walk towards them. They stare at me, then quickly look away as if they were hiding something, and didn't want to give it away.
I stare back in confusion. Did I do something wrong? "What's wrong?" I asked worried, I was positive something was wrong. They moved a few steps, there sat his body, blood spewed out of his body. I was in shock; I didn't know what to do. Then I heard the sound of a police car. I bulleted away, I didn't want to get in trouble bye them again. Then I stop a few yards away, and realize I was wrong. It was ambulance, but I still didn't move. I wanted to help, but I was clueless on how to help. This world is truthfully cold.
Maybe I could go to the hospital and be emotional help. Luckily the hospital was only a few miles away. I ran as fast as I could there, jumping over people, falling a few times, but I eventually got there. I stopped to breath, my chest ached, but I was eager to see him. I walked in, a nurse started at me, probably confused; I didn't care though. "What so you need?" She asked cheerfully. "Did a boy just get rushed in here? He has hearing aids," I asked hoping everything was fine. "You mean Kody?" The nurse asked. "I believe so," I said. "Ya, he's here, just very "sick" She said. "I saw him, how dumb to you think I am?" I ask. "Um, well, you see," She said embarrassed. "I see what?" I ask. "He's just really hurt, and we have no idea what caused it," She said. "You don't know what caused it?" I echo. "Ya," She answered. I didn't know what to say, "Is he going to die?" "We aren't sure," She said. "Can I help in any way?" I ask hopefully. "I'm sorry, the best you can do is wait," She says. I frown, and walk to the chairs. This is going to be a long wait.
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