"Urgh... my stomach."
Suzan grunts in her sleep. Holding her stomach with one hand, she opened her eyes groggily before sitting up at her bedside. Crouching in pain, she groaned again.
Suzan walks in a half crouching position towards the bathroom, with a half-opened eyes. She was holding the doorknob when the door was suddenly opened from inside.
When the door was opened, Suzan startled so much, that her eyes almost popped out from the socket.
Suzan screams while covering her eyes with both of her palms quickly.
"Wai Ming, what are you doing?! where is your damn towel?! Ah, my eyes!!"
Running quickly back to her bedroom, Suzan was feeling so embarrassed.
'How dare that Wai Ming to walks around naked?!
'Wait, he got a really nice body though...Hmm, did he have a six or eight pack?'
"Fuck, what am I thinking?" Suzan slapped her mouth repeatedly. Her face blushed when she remembers Wai Ming's naked body. She draws in a deep breath repeatedly to calm her perverted mind.
'Calm down Sue. A metrosexual guy like him, of course, he would have a nice body. Gym sessions every day, controlled diet, and what not...'
Sitting back on her bed with a still blushed face, Suzan finally remembers that she needs to go to the toilet. She crouched on the side of the bed, holding in her urge to use the toilet.
"Wai Ming, are you done yet? I don't want to go to the toilet and see your 'thing' again!" Suzan shouted from her room to Wai Ming.
'Thing? what thing?'
Wai Ming was puzzled when he heard Suzan shouts. He scrunched up his forehead in thinking.
'Did she.., did she, thinks that I was naked just now??'
Walking hurriedly to Suzan's room, Wai Ming knocked on the door loudly with his knuckles.
"Bang, bang, bang!"
Wai Ming leaned on the still-closed door of Suzan's, before and he speaks up half shouting.
"Oi, woman! What thing ha?? You think, I am so stupid to walk around naked??! Next time, look carefully. It's a BOXER ok. I am wearing a damn boxer!"
Huffing his breath, Wai Ming walked back to his room, and closed his door with a bang.
"Stupid woman!" Wai Ming was cursing Suzan again after he got into his room.
With his hands on his hip, he sits on his bedside. His leg was restless as he keeps shaking his legs.
"What is she talking about? she doesn't want to see my 'thing'? Hah, she doesn't want to ha? Someday, you are going to beg me to see it! I am going to make sure you do!' Smirking at his thought, Wai Ming closed his eyes.
Standing facing the window this time, Wai Ming flexed his muscles against the mirror. Patting his abs, he nodded in agreement. Probably he is a bit bloated from all the sodium he ate just now, and his abs are not as prominent as the other day. That's why that woman thinks I am not attractive enough.
Getting down in a push-up position, Wai Ming grumbles to himself again. He should do another 50 push-ups before he sleeps again. He hopes that this push-up tonight can help to reduce the bloatedness.
"With this figure, it should be a lady killer if I went shirtless. Ah, that woman, she doesn't know what she is missing in life. How come she did not show any appreciation on these muscles."
Wai Ming continues to grumbles by himself as he does his push-ups alone.
What he did not know, is that Suzan was listening on the other side of the door. Suzan heard clearly every word that Wai Ming said about himself.
Clenching her fist tightly, Suzan forgoes her urge to knock on Wai Ming's door. She was planning to say her thank you to Wai Ming for taking care of her just now.
With a sneer on her face, Suzan enters the bathroom.
Sitting on the toilet bowl, Suzan laughs alone.
'Oh, forget it. Let me relieve myself first.'
'Ah, Wai Ming is training hard in the middle of the night, because I said that I did not want to see his thing? Childish!'
While still laughing, Suzan went out of the bathroom. Stopping in front of Wai Ming's room, Suzan shouted: "Wai Ming ah, you can stop now. Your body.., it's cute."
Suzan giggled and she left quickly from Wai Ming's door.
"Cute?!!" Wai Ming roared from inside of his bedroom.
Wai Ming was so mad at Suzan, that he stopped doing his push-ups, and quickly walked out of his bedroom. Seeing Suzan was pausing her track just to stuck out her tongue towards him, Wai Ming ran to catch up to her.
"Oi, woman! you say all this is cute?!" Wai Ming could not take it anymore. He walked hurriedly, in
an almost jogging manner, towards Suzan.
Suzan who have just run, after she intimidated Wai Ming, slammed the door hard right before Wai Ming's face, before he could catch up to her.
"Hahahaha... you are so cute, you know that?" Suzan's laughter was heard from inside the room.
Wai Ming was furious when he heard Suzan mentioned about the cute thingy again. He clenched his fist and banged it on Suzan's door. Twisting the doorknob furiously, Wai Ming discovered that Suzan has locked the door.
Wai Ming pounded on the door like he is going to break them. "F*ck!"
"Haa.. so you locked your door. What, are you scared? Let me show you my body again. See if you can call it cute at my face again!"
"Come on, unlock your door! Don't be a chicken..."
Wai Ming waited for a few more minutes, but Suzan still did not open up her door. 'This damn woman! Just you wait.'
Wai Ming stopped his pounding on the door and walked to the kitchen to drink some water.
Inside the room, Suzan continued laughing. She laughs with her hand on her stomach, and her eyes watered. 'Oh god, this is too hilarious.' Feeling that her stomach was about to cramp up from the laughter she finally stopped.
'Eh, give up already?' Wai Ming has stopped pounding on the door.
Feeling like she did not tease Wai Ming enough, Suzan walked out of her bedroom, she looked around the house for Wai Ming.
Seeing Wai Ming in the kitchen drinking water, with only his boxers, Suzan laughed.
"Hahahaha... see, I told you, that you are cute... hehe." Suzan laughed slowly died down when Wai Ming turned around to face her. Gulping her saliva hard, she spoke.
"Wha-what are you trying to do?" Wai Ming has actually grabbed Suzan's hand and slammed her on the refrigerator.
"Look, carefully." Sliding Suzan's hand on his sweaty abs, he smirked. "Does this still look cute to you?"
'Ha, there is no one could resist my charm. Even if there is one woman who could do resist in, I will make sure that woman, is not Suzan Lee!'
"Wai, Wai Ming... what are you doing? Fine, fine I am sorry. Its-its gorgeous. I-I did not look carefully. Let go of my hand." Suzan's face was blushing super red in embarrassment. She did not expect that Wai Ming could be this impulsive when provoked.
"Wai Ming, sorry okay. I-I have looked enough, you can let go of my hand now." Suzan was struggling to free her hands from Wai Ming's grip. He had actually forced Suzan's hand to stay on his abs all this while.
'Oh my god, it's sweaty, and it is hot! Oh shit, my perverted mind is going on again!'
Pushing with all her might to free herself from Wai Ming, finally Wai Ming's body shifted slightly, giving some space for her to escape.
"Suzan, do you like it?" Wai Ming was feeling weird all of a sudden. Gulping hard, he looks at Suzan.
Suzan stopped, and she glanced at Wai Ming again. Wai Ming's skin was flushed red, his abs are amazing, she used to only see it, but now, Wai Ming actually has made her touched it! The bulge, yes, she saw the bulge from Wai Ming's boxer too.
'Oh, God! No, I must get away from the kitchen. This teasing has trapped me instead!' Ignoring Wai Ming's question, Suzan made a run to her bedroom.
"Baam!" Suzan closed her door loudly.
Back in the kitchen, Wai Ming was stunned silly. Wai Ming remembers the sensation he received when Suzan's hand touched his abs. It actually feels... nice.
It also gives him some weird feeling down there. Wai Ming feels that the skin on Suzan's hand is so smooth, and soft. He wanted Suzan to hold him more.
Gulping hard, Wai Ming finally got out of his trance.
'Shit, I just wanted to scare her, but now... it is all messed up! Damned you, woman!' Feeling flustered, Wai Ming walked quickly feeling embarrassed.
With Wai Ming back to his bedroom, and Suzan have locked her door again, they both fell asleep with a lingering feeling on them.