Adrian was a huge fanactic of pokemon ,Games ,anime and he also read fanfic of pokemon
He also play alot of games of pokemon , he is 30 years old . he was unique son and his parents
Die in acident at his 25 years old , since then the onli person that is his family was his girlfriend
Danis they have 7 years as couple , he live of his father erence a taxi , in his free time watched pokemon or played poke games.
Danis has been in love wicht her boss , she was a dentis asistant ,one day adrian wanted to sorprise
his girlfriend witch a ring of compromise after her work and he see her kissing witch her boss that
desvasted adrian he drive his taxi so fast that shok witch a truck he die in alot of suffering.
Adrian:"were i am is so dark i don't see anyting ,Hello is there anyone "... of anyting appear a old man
God: "yes my son i am here and have bad news for you , you are dead" adrian remenber shoking to a truck after his heart breaking for his girlfriend danis sad adrian: " i know are you god"
God: "yes my son i am god now for you suffering i go to grant 4 wishes and rebirth in the world of your disire " Adrian become more happy now that he has nothig in his world for want to return.
Adrian:"For my firts wish,i want to reincarnate in the body of gary as a super genius"
God:"okay and why you want to be gary?"
Adrian:"because i don?t want tobe alone in a new world"
God" Granted ".
Adrian:"my second wish, i want and a sistem with could see the data of persons and pokemon,
witch a map and radar of pokemon person items food and all, and inventory"
God :"i see granted"
Adrian:"my third wish , i want the body very healty with grant potential and user aura and stamine"
God:"okay granted"
Adrian:"for my last wish , i want to know all the moves of pokemons and how to teach to the pokemon and bond easily and fast witch pokemon"
God:"and granted and to pokemon world is it"
Adrian:"yes but the anime world were the pokemon no atack without reason the people no die for the atacks of pokemon and live a lot of time "
God:"okay ,now i will reborn you"
Adrian:"wait could you do me a favor"
God"Tell me"
Adrian:"i want to remenber all just at 4 age"
God"okay there you go "
adrian vision gradually dimmed (pokemon world here i go).