Mirsha saw the miracle performed right in front of her without any illusion. The gaping hole closed, and when she turned to the little daemon that cured her husband, Mirsha was blinded.
A light came directly from Lilith's body. The daemon's tiny frame overpowered the light of the moon and then shot up to the skies.
It was night, but through her figure, it was as though day had finally arrived for the survivors.
Mirsha was almost blown away by a massive gust of wind. She was being blinded, but as she held on to her ground, she stared dumbfounded at the Apostle's brilliance, "Wha—what is happening?"
Mirsha wanted to know, "Is it another Miracle?"
"I do not know; this has never happened before, but if it is the Boss, then it can be only good," Dhampy answered as she hid from the light with her cloak. She was not weak to light, but she was sensitive to it; even then, the she chose to stay, for she wishes to see the glory of her Boss.