I might have certainly at this very moment of the flowing time has already come to the end of the realization that I guess I had already made a very , tragic bonding with regreats, Cause I had come to the realization that some dreams are just to great and tragidic and even beautiful that it is glorious even just to fall harder than ever, cause I had come to know that you have to be right just for ones while aiming for the moon and be sure of the tragidic lost of not being able to hit the moon because even lost is inevitable but let the Tragidy be so mysterious and tragidic that let the lost aim if might missed the moon but hit the greater mystery of a bigger star . I had come to a realization that things can be changed at just a snap of blinking of the second . Happiness can never be a material wealth but just a state of mind.
Just because I have experience regretting something good for something much better and regretting the lost of pain after achieving happiness . Regretting the lost of darkness over light and nothing over something'. Is this the bonding that I really share with regreats . With no worries and nothing to define myself . I am just the mystery of the Tragidy.