Chereads / Devil's Rise / Chapter 61 - The Grandsons

Chapter 61 - The Grandsons

"James, my boy, You've caused so much blood and death… And that fire, I like it!" said X'var as he watched from the side.

"I think we've given them enough of a show for now Wanfang. Now bow to your young lord!" I said.

I couldn't have Wanfang defeating me in front of these noble devils! This young lord had a reputation to maintain.

"Yes, young lord!" all the 'bandits' said in unison.

"No, it can't be! Why do these bandits address you as young lord?" said Jaffil.

"Fool, you hired my organization to humiliate me. Only you would be so foolish to concoct such a hair-brained scheme," I said.

"Libra immediately tie up Jaffil and Kangin, they must pay for attempting to sully this young lord's dignity once again."

"As you wish, young lord!" the six members of [Libra] said in unison.

Jaffil and Kalgin were tied up struggling.

"James, my boy, you even have started an organization at such a young age. Much better than those two useless things. Come we must drink, you would be a fine addition to my council."

"No, he can't join the council… That position was for me! He's trash delving in Soul Dao!" said Jaffil as he fought to get out of his restraints.

"Jaffil, only a Marquess descendant like you would be that dumb as to define someone by the Dao they practice. James, my boy has excellent leadership qualities and experience with Fire Dao," said Prince X'var.

"Any devil that can't write good contracts isn't worth his weight in gold. You were stupid enough to contract an organization to attack the organization's head. Obviously, that contract could not be executed," said Prince X'var as he shook his head.

Jaffil's face was turning various shades of blue, green, and purple. He was in the middle of being furious and also embarrassed.

Today was the day he was supposed to finally carry out his revenge against James. However, James had bested him yet again!

"Jaffil and Kalgin I need compensation for you two for sullying my dignity once again! Trying to ambush me with my foot soldiers? Do better than that if you want to best this young lord!"

"You!!!" x2

"I hope this isn't the last time we cross paths. You two have been generous to my pockets. Just remember, I am and always will be your better," I said as I collected their fel shards.


"Vile trash!"

They could do nothing but spew vulgarities. They had lost today to their own ineptitude.

"James, my boy, untie those two and let's go find a place to sit down and chat," said Prince X'var

"We can go to my 'Young Noble Lounge' X'var. It is quite the spot in Hudson City," I said.

"Excellent, my boy, James," said Prince X'var.

The members of Libra untied the two defeated grandsons and followed behind James as they headed to the Young Noble Lounge. The Young Noble Lounge was truly a sight to see now. Kyle had turned it into a hip location.

Now that Kyle had the constant stream of supplies coming from the Tutan World, it was easy to establish a bustling business. Kyle even bought surrounding properties to setup a general store. The volume of trade was large, so he had to set up an independent site to sell all the materials.

Kyle had the original tavern remodeled. It was no longer an old dingy tavern. It was now a thriving hip spot where all the Esquires and Knights liked to hang out. Young Noble Lounge now offered many strains of felweed. There was something for everyone.

"Marvelous James, my boy, this is some wonderful stuff," said X'var as he smoked on a hookah surrounded by many beauties.

Now that we were back in Hudson City, everyone had their entourages. X'var's was definitely the most lascivious. He had many female and male scantily clad slaves that followed him around waiting on him hand and foot.

"I hope you enjoy my fine establishment, X'var. What did you wish to discuss now that we are in a more comfortable setting?" I said.

"Good eye James, my boy, I wish you to join my Deadly Sin Council! Every Rez'gal prince creates a faction in the Rez'gal empire. My faction is just starting. I am impressed by what you have been able to build in this place."

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. What type of benefits would this young lord get for joining this Deadly Sin Council," I said?

"James, my boy, the Deadly Sin Council will be the top reigning faction in this whole Rez'gal Empire one day. We will have a military and trade alliance," said Prince X'var.

"You will gain much from having your felweed strains available on an Empire-wide scale. Your followers could also have access to other members' training grounds."

"This sounds too good to be true, get to the bottom line X'var what's the catch. I'm not foolish enough to believe you to be nice enough to offer me so much for little in return," I said.

"James, my boy, that's the thing. I am just starting the Deadly Sin Council. You will be one of the founding members. Since your Libra organization is an organization in the Rez'gal Empire, we can funnel all of its taxes into the Deadly Sin Council."

"You have little to lose and much to gain, my boy, James."

"So you want a cut of my thriving business?" I said.

"James, my boy, you pay taxes, regardless. This way at least you know the face behind where your taxes are going!" said Prince X'var.

X'var had a point. As a citizen of the Rez'gal Empire, my organization had to pay a hefty tax to the Rez'gal Empire for all profits we made. By joining this Sin Council I would officially proclaim myself a member of X'var's faction and X'var could keep my tax money.

The bad part was other Rez'gal factions may no longer treat my organization kindly.

"Who are your enemies in the Rez'gal Empire, X'var? I don't want to join your pirate ship and not even know how I died," I said.

"Hehe James, my boy, you are too smart for your own good. Much smarter than those two fools, Jaffil and Kalgin," said Prince X'var.

"All prince factions compete for their share of resources in the Rez'gal Empire. Every Rez'gal prince is chosen from the most promising young devil of every generation in the Rez'gal Empire."

"As the newest prince, I am exempt from this competition. However, when I reach the Viscount realm, my faction will be suppressed. All prince factions compete savagely with each other to win a crowned prince seat every thousand years."

"A crowned prince is a permanent posting, it garners much respect around the entire Xertzul Abyss. Unlike a generational prince who can only boast around the Rez'gal Empire. I wish to enjoy everything the Xertzul Abyss has to offer, join me and we can enjoy it together."

I was tempted. Should I board Prince X'var's pirate ship?