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When the Moon is the only light you see

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Chapter 1 - Into the Woods I Go

I stepped out into the backyard the grass felt wet and cold on my feet as I moved forward to where my yard meet the dark forest. I didn't really know what I was doing out there at 2:00am it was like I was dreaming or in a haze. Stopping by the rocks that divided my two worlds. I couldn't help but to feel as though I've done this a million times, the feeling of familiar curiosity and excitement creeping up my body with a shudder . As I looked up at a light that came up from beyond the trees I noticed more specs of light growing throughout the forest, glimmering colors of pink, purple, and green. What was this? what was I doing? It was late and I wasn't thinking clearly. I felt as though something or someone was calling to me to come into this place of uncertainty. Like a insect drawn to light I put one foot forward to step over the rock barrier. I felt the pine needles and dead wet leaves beneath my feet. The smell of rotting earth filled my senses in a way that calmed me and made me feel at home. I felt something come to life in me that I didn't know existed. It felt so familiar or like a memory that didn't belong to me but did belong to me at the same time. I took another step forward into this once dark but now seemingly bright and magical forest to investigate more. As I look around to find a path to take , I all of a sudden became light headed , breathing became harder and I had to prop myself up against the closest tree to lean on. I could feel everything, every smell, sound, light and shadow. What was happening to me? I herd a breaking branch and whipped my head around to see what the sound was but couldn't find anything. Hoping it was just a rabbit or some other small critter , I tried to gather myself so I could walk. Pushing off the tree with my hand I had been using to hold my self up I started to move again when I seen him or what looked like a him from the corner of my eye. I jumped ,startled but he didn't seem to move . I stood frozen hand still on the tree. As o stood there a moment the tree felt as if it was shifting. It suddenly felt warm and smooth. I am pretty sure I have final lost my damn mind, but I no longer felt the wet bark under my hand but skin, like smooth but strong. I could feel my hand move up and down like it feels when I rest my hand on my own stomach breathing. I slowly looked up and seen him. This is not a tree! I fell backward as I moved my hand to quickly , my head spinning and spinning as if I was a child again sping around in circles. I looked up at this seemingly tall man. The moon was full and brighter then I have ever seen it before out lining his silhouette, He was standing over me. I couldn't see his face but he was tall and lean. I wanted to ask where his shirt was but I didn'tthink that would be the best question to ask in this type of situation. Pieces of his silvery hair clung to his neck as he looked down at me as if he was sweating alot. He had weird tattoos that covered half his upper torso and went up to his shoulder and down his arm. As bent down closer to me as if to get a better look I noticed his eyes, glimmering in the darkness. They were as bright as the full moon in the sky , bright and pale white with swirls of silver that seemed to cut threw me like warm butter. I felt a rush of calmness and excitement as he gazed into my eyes. Even though i couldn't really make out his face in the darkness i could tell he was a beautiful man. He stood over me for what felt like hours and just as I was about to say something we herd sounds off into the distance. I turned my head to look around to see where they were coming from but couldn't see anything. I could hear the branches breaking and rustling in the leaves and voices that I didn't recognize . When I looked back up the beautiful long haired man was even closer to me, this time I could see his bright wide eyes had changed from white to black. His lips were plump and smooth, his cheek bones were sharp and rosy and his ears seemed to point up sticking out from his hair . Is this guy even human? What or who is he? Why is he so close to me? What is his name? Why is he in my backyard woods this late at night? and most importantly , why is it I can barely see him but am attracted to him? Before I could even open my mouth to say anything he slid his arms around my waist and picked me up as if I weighed nothing at all. He held me in his arms for a moment and I could have sworn I seen the silver start to swirl back into black eyes again before the sounds got closer to us breaking our gaze. He gave me a half smirk and moved his head close to my hair and took a deep breath. Really? did he just sniff me? I must have turned 20 shades of red and he must have noticed because his smirk became a little wider. His mouth so close to my face I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he whispered in my ear, I've been waited long for you. before I could say anything or protest against him he was gone.

I jumped up at the sound of my alarm radio playing People Are Strange by the Doors. I was in my bedroom. Groggy and confused I sat up . Was that a dream? My head felt dizzy still. rubbing my eyes as if to help me see more clear I looked around, the sun was up and shinning. It was 8:00am and I could smell the fresh pot of coffee brewing from downstairs. What happened last night? I grabbed the corner of my fluffy black comforter and pulled it off me. As I climbed out of bed I slowly made my way to my private bathroom. I was grateful to have a little privacy in a small house full of people. I had moved to Small Valley Massachusetts only a month ago to live with my Aunt and Uncle. This town lived up to it's name as it was indeed "small" I wasn't happy about moving here, there was nothing to do in this small town but I had no other choice, three months before I moved here my parent's disappeared and they wouldn't let me stay in our cozy little apartment in the city. I have spoken with the police Investigators so many times I've lost count. No new leads or information regarding there disappearance. It was not like them to not come home and I felt something was off that whole day in school. The hallow feeling in my stomach, my insides twisting and turning like a piece of cloth being rung out. I got up and ran out of class to call them but no one answered the phone. I called the police immediately after I got home to report them missing but not enough time had passed for them to take it seriously and now three months later here I am. I had no other family besides my Aunt Sarah and Uncle Tim and my tree cousins Steph , Michael and Norman. Then there was me Kore just turn seventeen and I had everything going for me till now. I could here everyone moving around down stairs in my bathroom. The house was old and rustic the walls were thin and you could most likely hear a mouse fart . Living in the middle of no where there were plenty of mice and other wild life around here. I didn't mind it much, but I did not appreciate when that raccoon crawled into my bedroom window the other night eating the food my Aunt Sarah had brought up to me because I couldn't bring my self to eat dinner with them. I didn't want to be around people much. I didn't want to talk and I didn't want to eat. I just wanted to be alone and work on my own investigation to find my parents. I let out a big sigh and moved to the mirror above the sink. My short dark brown hair all messy. I had straightened it the day before but as soon as my hair is exposed to any moisture it's back to being curly spirals but I couldn'trecall it being humid and it didn'train at all the past week or so. My face was a mess too, black eyeliner smudged down my face. I can't recall washing my make-up off the night before. Seems I have lost my mind, I can't remember theblittlest of things. As I stared into the mirror at my hazel eyes I couldn't get the image of my dream guy out of my head or how real it all felt, his breath on my face the warmth of his body, his strange but beautiful eyes. I put some face cleanser in my hands and began to wash my face. When I felt I was shiny and new again I reached for a towel to dry my face when I stepped on something sharp and screeched. Hoping no one herd me swearing like a sailor I looked down to see what the hell it was I noticed dried mud all over my feet. little pieces of dead leaves mixed with pine needles trailing across the bathroom tile to my bedroom carpet , as I opened the door the trail cam from where my bed was . Baffled i ripped off my comforter and there were my feet reach the bottom of my bed was a mixture of grass, mud and leaves . It was all real?! How? Why? Somewhere out there in the woods was a man waiting for me. I needed answers. and I needed them now.

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