Month Five and Six
The things I have learned of these two months I wrote in my journal.
Fatigue may return, as I am now carrying extra weight and also my heart is pumping more blood. And some other stuff for month Five that isn't very important for me cause it don't affect me at all right now. But then on the Sixth month the doctor confirms that the baby is indeed a girl.
I learn that my baby girl is about 10 inches long and weighs over a pound! And I am also aware of my baby girls movements as she stretches and hiccups. Her eyes now open and close, vocal cords are functioning, and "finishing touches" like eyebrows have formed. She'll be a beautiful baby girl and I know it because I am beautiful myself and her father is handsome as well so she'll be like him also.
We are watching a video slash movie on how to take care of a baby at home and Carlos puts his hand over my stomach as it goes to a part where the couple are talking about adoption but he sees that it's their baby of their own blood and flesh so why give him to so why give him to a complete stranger? They change his diaper and give him a small bath in a baby tub. As they are about to go to sleep the baby boy starts to cry and they take turns being mom or dad. My baby girl kicks and Carlos smiles.
"I'm gonna make some smoothies" he jumps up off of the couch and goes to make those smoothies while I watch how the mother rocks the baby and how she holds the baby. One arm is under the babies bottom and the other hand is across his back like a makeshift cradle.
Carlos comes back with two smoothies that are strawberry smoothies. I am half asleep after I finish mine and he has to literally carry me even with my dead weight up the stairs.