A night to the trial, Melanie was sullen and quiet because she was thinking about her late daughter and how he was treated during her stay with her husband. She sat quietly as tears flowed from her eyes and was continuously hitting her chest out of the pain and anger she felt. It took both Phyllis and Denzel time to notice her mood and behaviour since they were both attending to Beryl because she had just been bathed and needed to be dressed and fed. Phyllis dressed her as Denzel also played with her. Denzel took notice of her when he wanted her to get beer for him. He tapped Phyllis and asked her to take a close look at her and she did for a while.

Denzel asked her to have a talk with her as he took Beryl for a walk in their garden. "Mel", Phyllis shouted because Melanie was lost in deep thoughts. She wiped her tears with her elbow and bent her head down because she didn't want Phyllis to see her in that state. Phyllis tapped her shoulder and handed Beryl's wipes to her so that she could wipe her face with some of them. "I know what you're going through though I haven't experienced the death of a child, I have experienced loss and it wasn't easy so I can only imagine what you're going through but can you please pull yourself together, please." You're a strong woman who has been through a lot of pain but you never allowed it to put you down. Please don't let this overwhelm you else you might lose your sanity because it's traumatic."

She hugged Melanie who couldn't control herself anymore but broke into uncontrollable tears and shivered as she cried. Phyllis held on tight to her as she cried without saying anything to her. "I have been in denial all this while about the death of my beloved daughter until now. What have I done to life? How could life be this cruel to me, Phyllis? Life took the only person who gave me happiness and reason to live and left me this shattered and broken. How would my life have been if not for you and Mr. Manford? I was so much reminded of Serwaa when Beryl broke into laughter as her father sang to her because that's how I used to entertain her. How could my brother in law rape that baby? He has taken my heart from my chest." She broke down again and this time around Phyllis sat her down and gave her water to drink as she made her relaxed and calm.

" In as much as life has been this cruel to you, it has given you a reason to live and make amends for your life. Please don't wallow in sorrow which might put you into a state of depression and take your life from you. Tomorrow and the subsequent days are going to be tough for you because of the trial but please be strong in the pursuit of justice for Serwaa and all the girls that have been molested by these beasts. This will also deter others from doing it to other helpless young girls. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what's right. You'll be fine and don't forget that you owe Serwaa a better life than this after the trial." Melanie thanked her and just when they were about to go to their rooms, Amelia and Denzel walked in with Beryl.

Denzel went to the bedroom with Beryl who had fallen asleep in his arms and left the ladies behind. Phyllis was excited to see Amelia because she needed her to talk to Melanie and even sleep with her in her room so that she would keep an eye on her. Amelia hugged Melanie and asked her how she was doing and her preparations towards the trial the next day. Melanie smiled at her because she felt warm around her. She told Amelia that she wasn't feeling well until Phyllis spoke to her. Amelia told her it was normal for her to feel that way but she shouldn't let that get the best of her. They all had a chit chat and later went to bed. Amelia joined Melanie in her room and Phyllis went to join her husband in their bedroom.

Phyllis went straight to the bathroom to take her shower before she joined her hubby. Denzel was glancing through Melanie's trial documents when he heard Phyllis whistling so he lifted his head only to see his beautiful wife in a Victoria Secret pink lingerie with coconut oil smeared on her body that made her glow and smell good. She began to twerk to "Phil Collins' Sexual Healing"after she had gotten his attention. Denzel began to get aroused due to her errotic appearance and dance moves. She began to remove her lingerie as she lied in the couch in their room and opened her legs wide as she began to open and close her vagina and pour oil into her vagina which made it too attractive for him to resist her.

Denzel rushed to the couch naked and stood over her head so that his penis and balls would hang over her head for her to be able to suck him. She lifted her head a little high so that she would suck the tip of her penis. She sucked it for a while and began to lick deep inside the hole on the tip of his penis until he began to shiver and moan out of ectasy. "What's come over her?" He asked himself because she was very intense that night. When he could no longer contain the pleasure he pulled out o his mouth and knelt to finger her until she was wet. He then penetrated her from above because they were indulging in the extra-dominant take on doggy style so that he could penetrate deeply inside her. "Awwww! Ooooh! It's hitting my stomach. You're deep. Oooooh! Awwww! Deeee, you're good." Phyllis moaned. Denzel was enjoying himself especially when he saw creampie dripping from her vagina.

Phyllis after a while, asked Denzel to lie down as she hopped on him for a wild ride. She did the back and forth movement that ensured penetration and clitoral stimulation and she could bounce up and down for the hybrid positions that allowed her to enjoy from all the angles she wanted. "Hhhhuh! Mmmmm! Go girl! Ride me faster! I am your horse! Ride me! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Baby boo! I love that! ." Denzel also moaned with pleasure. He later asked her to lie on her back as he knelt in between her thighs and spread her legs. He liked this position because he could control the angles and speed of penetration while he got to watch the whole scene while he enjoyed himself. She also loved it because it gave them the opportunity to engage in some clit play which was a great turn on for her. Just as she was about to reach orgasm, Beryl cried because she had woken up but they didn't mind her until they both came.

Denzel rushed to pick Beryl after they both came because she had cried for a while and she was getting loud. Phyllis rushed to the shower so that she could wash the oil coupled with sperm and creampie off. She took Beryl from Denzel so that she would feed her and he could shower and go to bed since the next day was going to be a hectic day for him. He kissed her and thanked her for that awesome moment and covered himself with the comforter. Amelia also talked to Melanie until she fell asleep and then also followed suit. They were all anxious for the next day.