Eli found himself outside, the sky illuminated by the light of the moon.
A burst of flames stood where the dragon had been standing. He uncurled his fist and put his arm to a resting position once again as he waited.
The flames slowly grew in intensity and slowly started to mould themsleves into something. What were they moulding themselves into you ask? Well it was the very shape of the dragon's physical body that was meant to be there, taking its place. Standing infront of Eli was not the dragon's physical body but a manifestation of it.
It was a swirling body of flames that formed the dragon's body, though everything about the dragon was covered in flames, his large disc eyes still identified him as Dalzrenth as they were unchanged.
Eli walked over to the manifestation of the dragon, he slowly approached it as it continuously kept him under watch. When he got close enough it bowed its head to lower itself to the same level as Eli. Though the dragon was a swirling mass of flames, its flames didn't project any heat, when he got closer Eli could see the very flames that formed this manifestation were like water, a substance slowly coursing around never staying still.
Eli reached out and placed his hand on the dragon's face, contrary to the appearance the flames's were harmless. "Accept my mark..." Eli paused to think of a name as it was a requirement to complete the pact, "Adallion."
The dragon no longer went by the name 'Dalzrenth', he now had a new name 'Adallion' and with it a new purpose.
Once a binding pact was initiated, to fully complete one you just needed a name for your companion, once the animal accepted it, then it would be considered a successful bind. Names hold power, since after all they are your identity.
The manifestation of the dragon started faltering as it was being sucked into the binding ring, like a vaccum the ring sucked the flames into it, till there was nothing left. When the spectacle was done he found himself back in familiar surroundings, with a dragon staring straight at him.
"Adallion? I like this name." The dragon spoke, but it's mouth didn't move, his voice no longer projecting out of his mouth but directly to Eli, piercing Eli's mind. The dragon no longer needed to communicate externally due to the pact that was made between the two, Eli would be able to call on him wherever he was, this was just one of the benefits.
"Had to think about that one, glad you found it up to your tastes." Eli looked at the binding ring that essentially was a part of the dragon himself now. It no longer held a rustic aesthetic but glistened in a silver coating, ontop was now a miniature figure, small, resembling the head of a dragon. Eli turned to look at the altar to see if he had overlooked anything on it, satisfied he turned back to Adallion.
"So we exiting through the front door or is there some other alternative?"
As if on cue, Sigmund seeing the completition of the task, blinked himself to the floating orb. The sole reason why such a cave existed, for years it had gathered and collected mana, for years it had kept such a place intact, waiting for this very moment.
Sigmund placed his hand onto the orb, the light in the room started to fade as the orb's brightness faded. Sigmund had started the process of kicking out his own child.
"You know about this?" As the whole room started rumbling.
"I was never told of this, so am as clueless as you are about this situation." was Adallion's response to his question as he moved to Eli to cover him from any falling debri. They could not escape the same way they had entered because the entrance was closed to them, the doors shutting off their only means of escape.
The situation was not looking great and Eli was tapped out of juice not fully recovered yet.
"Can you get us out of here." Eli quickly asked as parts of the room started falling in.
"I haven't recovered yet from our conflict. I am sorry that I could not be of help." Adallion couldn't believe he was of no use, he felt as though he was a burden. He tried hard to think back, maybe he had missed something that he was told, but alas to no avail.
"You didn't foresee this don't worry I don't fault you for this unexpected turn of events." Eli found he couldn't actually get them out of the situation they were in.
Sigmund wasn't going to intentionally kill them, he was going to teleport them out of the dungeon.
Sigmund broke the integrity of the orb as he made it grow the brightest it had ever glowed, in that particular moment it was as bright as a star. A blinding light filled the room, encasing everything in light.
Eli found himself outside back in the same area he had entered the cave in. He was puzzled how they had managed to escape the place.
He looked at the face of the rock from which he had entered, looking for the familiar door that was meant to be there. However the door that was meant to be there on the face of the rock was no longer there. The rock showed no evidence of the door's existence.
In the end Eli brushed it aside though. He looked around and saw it to be morning realising he had spent a day, maybe more than a day in that place but he had accomplished what he had wanted.