Irosleral came to every one of my classes to pick me up with the other four and after school I texted my dad and told him I was going out with some friends so I would be home late he was happy to know I had friends from the first day but I didn't know if I fully trust them yet they don't know about me bring non-binary yet but I will tell them of they are real friends they all had moter bikes I have one its just at my house and Irosleral dosent have his either so one of the others gave me a helmet and said " hi I am valor what's your name" I replied with " I am Kai" and I looked around and there was only three bikes and one of the other guys got on with the other one I don't know and Irosleral got on the back of one of them to so I got on with Valor and then Valor asked " Witch direction is your house you obviously aren't confty in those clothes Kai so I will take you to your house and then we will catch up with them that and Iros or as you know him Irosleral needs to get his bike to so" Valor smiled a calming soft smile that could make you smile if you saw it I smiled back at him I trusted him so I pointed to the direction of my house and gave him my address so he could drive there and I got on the back of his bike and he asks "are you ready Kai" "yha" I say and Valor lifts the brake and we go to the direction of my house and the others go in a completely different direction Irosleral and the other one with him go the way the bus came befor school so he followed us for a little and then when we pulled up to my house they keep going and turned down a road I had never been down be for so I don't know what they are doing or going to be honest but me and Valor got to my house and o got off his bike and he got off and came inside with me and I got changed and he was talking to my dad I put my chest binder on and I looked normal I felt normal other then my hair it was the one thing that was wrong but I came out of the bathroom in my bedroom and I grabbed a necklace a locket to be exact it had a picture of me and my mom and my dad inside one of the happiest moments in my life but now it's just a memory that every time I think about it makes me cry and I love that memory I was 5 and I won a talent show at the town that I always have lived at my parents grew up there I thought I would grow up there bit we moved and its what ever now I put the necklace on and left my room and Valor looked at me " you ready to Kai" Valor asked " yup lets go Valor" I said after kissing my dads cheek and Hi being giving him a hug and we left I got on to my bike and followed him to a place an abandon building it was like a house but it had concrete walls and had no windows or doors and it was covered in grafeaty on the out side and on the inside it was clean for the most part other then one wall that had a few things that had been spray painted on to it there was a blank spot on that wall to.