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Life of Shiori


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Act Two4 years ago

Chapter 1 - Act One

Scene 1

(Futuristic, Japan. INT. Shiori's Bedroom. There is a girl's bedroom. It is decorated with posters of American superheroes. The bed cover is very vivid and has floral print on it. A girl is sleeping soundly in the bed. She brushed her eyes open. She yawns and sat upward. She glances over at her robot, Michika to see the time. Her eyes open widely and fixate on the time. Michika read aloud the time, 7:05 A.M. At this point the girl scrambles out of bed and dashed to her closet.)

SHIORI: (shouts as she puts on her clothes) I'm late! (opens the door and yells) Father, are you up? I need a ride to school!

(Her father doesn't reply. Shiori rushed downstairs fully dressed to see what her father was doing. INT. Kitchen.  The kitchen was exquisite. A man sat the bar, which was off to the right of the kitchen stove. His name tag read, Misaki, Kenji. Under his name were the words, "Dean of Shizoku Akademi. "  Kenji was busy reading the hologram newspaper.)

KENJI: (wipes his eyes and sets the hologram newspaper aside) Ah, Shiori I forgot to wake you, I'm sorry my darling. Forgive me.

SHIORI: (kissed her father on the cheek) It's okay, Father! Let's get to school, alright! (smiled and opens the refrigerator. pulls out three pre-made bentos. closed the refrigerator.)

KENJI: (smiled back at his daughter and looked at the bentos. He noticed the last bento had a heart on It. asked inquisitively) Who's the last one for? Is it for Liam?

SHIORI: (pouted and blushed at the same time stomping her foot) Father, you know who it's for!

KENJI: (frowned and shook his head.) Shiori, darling calm down. I know what day it is; I'll talk to her tonight, after school. Okay.

SHIORI: (sighed) Okay.

(The pair head outside and Michika waved bye; they waved back. EXT. Outside- The Misaki Residence. Kenji opens the garage with a click of a button on the side of his glasses. The view of the car is eschewed until Kenji pulls out of the garage. The car is shown to be top of the line and hovers on the driveway. It doesn't have any wheels. The pair got in the car and head off toward the school.)

Scene 2

(Ten minutes later. EXT. Outside- Shizoku Akademi. The building was well structured; however, it resembled more of a castle than a school. Out the front of the school, Liam and Claire were waiting. Shiori jumps out of the car and waves bye to her father.)

SHIORI: (smiled) Hello, Liam and Claire! How are you?

LIAM: (puts his arm behind his head and blushed) I'm fine, Shiori. How are-- 

CLAIRE: (interrupted and hugged Shiori) My dear ami is here! (starts to spin her around)

SHIORI: (slightly annoyed) Claire, do you have to do this, every time, I arrive?

CLAIRE: (slightly confused, asked) What do you mean, Shiori?

SHIORI: (sighs) Never mind! Let's go inside!

(As the girls turn to leave, Liam is left alone. Shiori noticed he was silent and walked up to him. She caught him staring furiously at his phone. She tapped him on the shoulder and he gazed up at her with tears streaming down his face. She glances down at Liam's phone; she sees a text in Russian from his mother.)

SHIORI: (asked, concern) Liam, what does the message say?

LIAM: (wipes the tears from his eyes and sniffles) My little sister, Zoya wrote a paper about me and made an A on it.

SHIORI: (unimpressed) Really? I thought something bad happened.

(As soon as she said that a teacher had accidentally bumped into Shiori and caused Liam to catch her. The pair gazed into each other's eyes. Claire sees in them in the awkward position, she smiled slyly.)

CLAIRE: (slyly smiling) I knew something was going on.

LIAM/SHIORI: (shout simultaneously) It's not what it looks like. (Pull apart and blush simultaneously)

CLAIRE: (sighs and breaks the fourth wall) My amis are quite strange, no?

SHIORI: (takes Claire's hand and Liam's hand) Let's go to school!

Scene 3

(INT. - Shizoku Akademi- The hallway. The trio head inside. Claire gazed at the exquisite scenery surrounding the school, in the far background she saw a shadowy figure standing next to her locker. As she gets closer, she noticed that it was Renji. He was standing next to her locker with a bouquet of roses. She walks up to him and crossed her arms.)

CLAIRE: (sighs, infuriated with her arms still folded) Renji, what are you doing here? You know you should be in bed.

RENJI: (gets slightly mad) Claire, listen! I- (voice starts to soften and started to blush) I have feelings for you. I always had feelings for you, ever since you moved here from France.

(Claire uncrossed her arms and blushed. She stood silently at her locker, taking it all in. She began to reminisce about her old life and how much her father, Jacques hated moving and how she thought it would be a wonderful adventure. It was later that she met Liam and Shiori and Renji that she began to love her new life in Japan even more. Back to Present day, Renji gazed into Claire's eyes and watched her faint. Ultimately, he caught her and three minutes later she woke up in the infirmary, Shiori and Liam were by her bedside.)

CLAIRE: (eyes opened slightly, as she lunged forward, shouting) Renji, you should've stayed in bed. -- (looks around the room, and asked Shiori) Where am I and what happened?

SHIORI: (sighed and smiled) You passed out, silly. Luckily Renji caught you.

CLAIRE: (tries to get up) Where is he? Where is Renji?

SHIORI: (chuckled nervously) He went home immediately, after you fainted.

CLAIRE: (V.O.) I hope he didn't give me a cold.

(Liam glances over at Claire and Shiori talking. He looked down at his phone and it shows a hologram message from Renji. A miniature robot read the message to Liam in Russian, "Liam, did I do something stupid, today?" Liam walked toward the door of the infirmary and holograms back.)

INTERCUT- Liam and Renji- hologramming on phones

LIAM: (replies to the tiny robot) You finally admitted your feelings for Claire and she fainted.

RENJI: Really? (looks up from his phone and sneezed)

LIAM: (replies again) Yep. You seem to make every girl faint, when you talk to them.

RENJI: (gets angry and shouts) I do NOT!

INTERCUT-Briefly interrupted: Shiori calls Liam over.

LIAM: (replies to the tiny robot) Whatever, man. Look, I gotta go. Shiori's calling me.

RENJI: Alright, later!

Intercut- Over

(Liam ends the hologram and walked over to Shiori and Claire.)

LIAM: (asked) Shiori, what is it?

SHIORI: (pulls Liam aside and asked) Could you— (blushed) Um, could I—I was wondering if –

LIAM: (replied, smiled) Shiori, just spit it out!

SHIORI: (shouted loud enough for Claire to hear) Would you like to meet my mother?

(Liam blushed madly and nodded. He knew she was gone, but he knew Shiori needed someone to be there for her.)

Scene 4

(INT. Renji's Room, camera pans around the room as Renji lied back on his bed. He puts a towel on his head and thought about how he embarrassed himself in front of the girl of his dreams. He chuckled silently and then coughed. He glazed over at his doorway and a shadowy figure carrying something came toward him. As the figure got closer, he started to see that it was his mother, Haruno.)

HARUNO: Renji, honey. I brought you some soup spray. (holds up the soup spray and smiles) It's supposed to make that cold clear right up.

(Haruno sprays Renji with the soup spray and he instantly jumped up and felt better. Haruno began to question the ingredients in the spray-able soup.)

RENJI: (hugged his mom) Mother, I'm fine, really? (grabbed his book-bag and car keys) Would you like me to pick on something from the store, Mother?

HARUNO: (worried) I don't really think you should move around after 5 seconds of being sprayed with soup, Renji.

RENJI: (reassured her) I'll be fine, Mother. I won't be like father, I promise.

HARUNO: (clenched her fist) Don't mention him, Renji! (pleaded) Please, don't!

(Haruno started to get teary-eyed and thought about Jin. Renji tried to make his mother stop crying. It was then that she wondered about why Jin left her shortly after Renji turned five. She wondered why he married her in the first place. She wondered where he was, now. Flashback to a younger Haruno and Jin. The couple was in the park at night, looking up at the midnight sky. Haruno was about nine months along.)

Young Haruno: Jin, what do you think Renji will look like?

Young Jin: He would probably be like you. (chuckled) Very stubborn and smart yet, clumsy boy who will make everyone love him.

Young Haruno: (laughed wholeheartedly and felt her stomach) I think he will be a handsome and obedient son and will love his mother very much. He will be very much like someone, I know.

(The flashback ends abruptly as Renji called out to his mother. Haruno pats her son on the shoulder.)

HARUNO: (V.O.) Renji is nothing like Jin. (smiled and V.O. continued) Nothing like him.

HARUNO: (smiled at Renji) I don't need anything from the store, Renji. Just go the school and have a great time, okay. Also, tell Liam and Shiori that I said hi.

RENJI: (hugged Haruno) Yes, Mother. I'm sorry for bringing up—(stopped and recanted quickly) I love you!

HARUNO: (wiped her tears on to her sleeve) I love you too, Renji! (Watched Renji, leave his room.)

(There in the garage was his car, it looked quite old and had streaks of blue paint across it. Renji ran his hand across the hood of his car and thought, I love this car. He jumped in the front seat and opened the garage with a garage door opener. He took off, when the garage door opened.)

(Meanwhile, Shiori, Liam and Claire were in class waiting for Renji to arrive. Five minutes earlier, Liam had received a mini hologram from Renji that he was on the way. A few seconds later, the door slides open and all the students stood up.)

STUDENTS: Good morning, Teacher!

RENJI: (replies) Good morning, class.

(The students look at Renji with shocked and embarrassing looks on their faces. Claire crossed her arms and scoffed.)

Claire: I knew it was you!

RENJI: (smiled and took his seat.)

(When the teacher came in the students didn't bother standing. The teacher began his lesson and the students paid attention. After class was over, Renji and Claire went off in the same direction, leaving Liam and Shiori on their own.)

Claire: (blushed and folded her arms) Are we going to discuss what happened earlier or not?

RENJI: (replied) huh?

Claire: (uncrossed her arms and blushed) Renji… (Paused and thought) Screw this! (kissed Renji on the cheek and walked off.)

RENJI: (just froze and thought) Did Claire just kiss me? (smiled and followed Claire.) Hey, wait up!

Scene 5

(EXT. Outside- Shizoku Akademi.  It's on the brink of sunset. Kenji was waiting by his car for Shiori and Liam. He saw them and waved for them to come over. They approached the car.)

SHIORI: (smiled cheerfully and asked) Father, can Liam accompany us to see Mother?

KENJI: (shrugged) It's your choice, honey. You don't have to ask me.

SHIORI: (gets so excited and grabs Liam's hand.) Do you want to come with us?

LIAM: (nervously blushed) Just let me, hologram my parents and see what they say okay, Shiori.

LIAM: (pulls out his phone and began to hologram his parents)

INTERCUT- Liam and STEPHAN & NADINE- Hologramming on phones

LIAM: Mama, Papa…May I go with Shiori to see her mother?

STEPHAN: (replied) I don't care what you do!

NADINE: Stephan, don't be mean to Liam! (Blows kisses at Liam) Of course, you can go, sweetie!

LIAM: (sniffles a little) Thank you, Mama and Papa. I- I- Я люблю тебя, мама и папа.

STEPHAN: (shrugs) Eh, just get home, safely.

NADINE: (glares at Stephan) We love you too, Liam.

(Stephan clicks the Hologram, off button)


(Liam walks over to Shiori and Kenji and embraced them gently.)

LIAM: (grins) Yay! I can go with you.

(Shiori and Liam climbed into the backseat of Kenji's car. They idly chit chat about their classes as Kenji listened in. He injects into the conversation a few times to inquiry about his day, which delighted and frightened the teens simultaneously. A few minutes later the trio arrives at a place called, Remembrance. The building structure was in the form of a castle.)

(Once inside the beautiful building; the trio came across a huge shrine dedicated to Shiori's late mother. There was a huge plaque on the wall, it shown a four-year-old girl affectionately hugging her mother. Shiori saw the picture and tears rolled down her cheeks as she let out a small whimper. She turned her attention to her father, who struggled to hold back the tears. She then pulled out the bento, she had made earlier from her backpack and placed it at the shrine. After that Shiori grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him slowly away from the shrine, leaving her father alone at the shrine.)

SHIORI: (stammered) L-Liam, I'm s-sorry, you had to s-see that! (tears starting to flow from her eyes.)

LIAM: (embraced her tightly, causing Shiori to blush) It's okay, Shiori. Лиам здесь, и я всегда буду здесь.

SHIORI: (thought; still blushing) I wonder what he's saying in Russian. (began to wrap her arms around Liam. Kenji walked toward them and put his hand on Liam's shoulder. He frowned and cleared his throat.)

KENJI: Shiori, are you ready to go?

SHIORI: (pulled away from Liam and nodded) Yes, Father!

(The trio made their way out of the building and headed toward Kenji's car. Kenji pushed his glasses up and the car unlocked. He got into the driver's seat and patiently waited for Shiori and Liam.)

LIAM: (grabbed Shiori's hand and smiled) Thank you for taking me to meet your mother!

SHIORI: (replied) Your welcome, Liam! (smiled back as Liam opened the door for her)

(The teens got in the backseat of Kenji's car. Along the way to Liam's house, Kenji asked about the nature of Liam's relationship with Shiori. This is so embarrassing, thought Shiori. She glanced over at Liam and watched him stare out the window. Liam glanced back at Shiori and laughed.)

LIAM: (stammered) Well, Mr. Misaki…I-I really-  (blushed as he tried to say the words)  

SHIORI: (interrupted and shook her head) Father, Liam and I are just good friends, who just happen to have a crush on each other. (as soon as she said that, her face turned beet red and Kenji slammed on the brakes.)

KENJI: (erupted in anger) WHAT?!

SHIORI: (muttered to herself) Did I say that out loud? (glanced back over at Liam, whose jaw dropped.)

END OF Act One.