I got up and went to meet her "magic is not a toy, but It is the energy of the universe if cultivated it will increase your lifespan and healing ability reflexes and strength. Once you learn how to cultivate, I will start teaching you spells as then we will have all the time in the world"
"ok so how do I do this?"
"sit down and get into a meditating position" I did as she instructed "now feel for the mana of the universe you won't see a colour like a persons because it will be clear, but you will get the feeling of nature" I started to reach for the mana how I did before, once I hooked onto it and was sure I had done it correctly I spoke up "done, what's next?"
"feeling it is all well and good, it's how you will be able to distinguish animals from the environment if you can't see them you will be able to feel them." She started pacing back and forth slowly as she spoke looking me directly in the eyes "next is to draw the mana inside of you, it will then start to bond with you changing colour and feeling slowly becoming your own, this is the easiest way to increase your mana storage. Continue to work hard at this and later I'll teach you how to use your mana" she sat down on a deck chair and began sunbathing, in winter with a cloudy overhead. I don't think I'll ever get this girl. I tried to absorb the world mana, but it seemed to be blocked so I pushed feeling a satisfying pop I started to take in world mana, more and more until I didn't have to focus anymore. After a few hours I didn't even need to actively siphon the world mana. My body was doing it passively. Victoria's voice woke me up from my state of wonder, grounding me in reality once again "good work, now the use of your mana actually brings more benefits than the obvious, yes it allows you to do magic, but as long as you are using your mana it will rejuvenate the body making you look younger for longer. I recommend using a passive spell the were made for mages who are already old enough to know a lot about mana, but we will skip that as I'm sure you don't want to be an old man forever, right?" she laughed and I joined her
"so, would you like extra healing? It will also give me the added bonus of getting a snack whenever I want and not have to heal you" she looked starry eyed at the prospect
"sure" I smiled at her uncharacteristically goofy behaviour
"ok so focus on making a spell that will increase your healing but at the same time not become a cancer" I focused on a way I could go about this it, I could place a magic tattoo on me that will activate only when I'm damaged and heal me then become inactive again, oh and I could when it is inactive increase my strength speed and stamina, I read somewhere once that magic was just willing something to happen so here goes. I closed my eyes, focused and willed my magic to create what I had envisioned. A searing pain on my right shoulder. I lifted the sleeve of my shoulder and right there was a pentagram. I smiled at what I had done, Victoria spoke "good now the spell you have made will constantly use mana thus making you immortal, congratulations" I felt elated, like I needed to run and laugh and just shout from the rooftops, I have always been scared of growing old. And now I don't have to, I got up and hugged Victoria "thank you for everything you have done and will do in the future" she seemed to tear up at that, before she broke the hug and ran to my room I went into the kitchen for something to eat, after making myself something I walk upstairs. I close my door and eat my sandwich. I offer my arm as I sit down, Victoria bites down. I let her drink her full and then tap her head. She stops, looks at me and opens her mouth to speak a little bit of blood dripping down her cheek "thank you, you don't have to be nice to me, but you are and I'm really grateful" we smiled at each other before I heard a knock at the door. "be there in a second" I really didn't want to look away, but I got up to my door anyway. When I opened it there stood daisy "hey sis what would you like?" giving me no answer she barged into my room and sat on my bed
"tell me everything" she said this like she was determined to get to the bottom of a mystery, but she asked, so we did. Once I told her my version of events, she seemed exited at the prospect of learning magic "Elliott, bro do you think your girlfriend would teach me?"
"Daisy she is right next to me for gods sakes ask her yourself" I rolled my eyes at her idiocy
"well veronica, can I?"
"I'm sorry daisy but I can't teach you, I can only teach your brother … I apologise" daisy looked a bit upset at this, not wanting to upset her more, I left it alone; I honestly had no idea what to even do. Daisy shuffled out of my room leaving me and veronica alone once more. Our eyes watching the door as it slowly closes. When it finally stopped veronica jumped up onto the floor standing there staring at me, she spoke "we will need to get some practice in for you, sadly I can't train you in anything other than magic." I nodded on to what she said thinking about the things I could learn when she started again it broke me from my thoughts "all magic comes with a price, the biggest of which is limitation, you must in fact chose an area of magic to specialise in. tis sad I know but you have too"
That made me wonder what she meant by this "why? and what is your specialisation then?"
"Elliott magic although fantastical cannot create something from nothing a price must be paid. After all we are not gods" This made sense I suppose "the direction I took my magic in, is black magic it mostly consists of curses." I found this all remarkably interesting, I have no idea of what 'area' of magic to direct myself towards so I decided to ask for clarification of what the different areas are "veronica what are the areas, you haven't actually told me yet" I put my hand to the back of my neck and started to rub as I asked
"Black magic, which I have already said. White magic, which is wards and defences. Battle magic, which consists of mainly attack magic and deadly invocations. Restoration magic, healing and nature. well there is psychic, of which I am sure you need no explanation. Eldritch magic, this is drawing the power of a specific dimension and using its powers to enhance or strengthen you. summoning magic, again self-explanatory. However, most mages wont chose the last three as they are not especially useful until you are able to access higher levels of magic. This is your choice though, make it wisely … oh I almost forgot any spell you have created before won't work when you chose a discipline, so just don't bother"
Well it sucks about my regeneration spell but I'm sure there is something similar I can do later. Now I had to think this was a choice that I would have to live with for the rest of my life, and if I achieve my dream of becoming immortal then I would have to live with It forever, so what do I chose I know I don't want to be a battle magic user that seems very cliché and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just chose that one. What do I chose though definitely not white or black magic, they seem to be like a set up in an aria and leave it sort of magic, I am not into that, that leaves the three veronica said that most mages don't pick. I have no idea what being a psychic is, apart from sensing things so that is a no go. It's between Eldritch and Summoning, enhancement would only be good if I know how to fight but summoning, I could summon things to fight for me and possibly do other things as well. That settles it then I think I am going to be a summoner "veronica I have chosen I am going to be a summoner ok"
"Elliott are you sure, this is a very big choice"
"yes, I am very sure"
"you need to be one hundred percent with this are you sure"
"yes, veronica I know that it is what I want"
"ok well you're a summoner now, what do you want me to teach you?" I just realized something how could veronica teach me she does not know how to use the same magic
"how can you teach me though you can only do black magic"
"I cursed myself with knowledge the curse is super high level magicy business, but it comes in the form of books I need to read, I will just grab a book as we need instruction" she then holds out her hand as a book forms in it spreading out and the pages flip to somewhere as she reads, i hope she will soon be teaching me how to make my first summon and pact.